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Wanted: Sleepers Or Similar For Raised Beds


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You can only get new ones now, purpose made for that sort of thing. The old ones, which the MER/Steam railway used to sell are creosote treated and that is now a no no carcinogenic risk, even after they have been down 100 years, apparently, so they have to burn them and cannot sell in case you catch something and sue

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Railway sleepers will make for a terrible nights sleep. May i suggest you pop down to Bed Co on Bucks Road, they have a good selection of divans which may suit you better.

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The old ones, which the MER/Steam railway used to sell are creosote treated and that is now a no no carcinogenic risk, even after they have been down 100 years, apparently, so they have to burn them and cannot sell in case you catch something and sue


If this is the case why does Onchan Park have many new beds built with recycled MER sleepers?

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I don't know why Onchan Park has what you say, maybe they are tannalised rather than creosoted. The EU regulation provides what can and cannot be sold and where they can be used.


See below my emphasis added


Directive 2001/90/EC.

'The prohibition . . . on placing on the market, does not apply where wood so treated is placed on the second hand market for re-use (so second hand ones can be sold for re use as sleepers ).


Uses for which wood referred to . . . may not be used: - inside buildings, whatever their purpose - in toys - in playgrounds - in parks, gardens, and outdoor recreational leisure facilities where there is a risk of frequent skin contact - in the manufacture of garden furniture such as picnic tables, - for the manufacture and use and any re-treatment of containers intended for growing purposes, (query raised beds)packaging that may come into contact with raw materials, intermediate or finished products destined for human and/or animal consumption - other materials which may contaminate the products mentioned above

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Mine are creosoted, they reak of it on a sunny day when the coaltar oozes out. Got them last year and pretty sure I saw a stack of them in Quiggins recently. These are UK imports so much bigger than iom ones.


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Mine are creosoted, they reak of it on a sunny day when the coaltar oozes out. Got them last year and pretty sure I saw a stack of them in Quiggins recently. These are UK imports so much bigger than iom ones.


OMG you have come-over railway sleepers!

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