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Turing Birth Centenary 23 June 2012

John Wright

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may not have committed suicide but been victim of judicial cover up and poor police investigation http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-18561092 note how he was treated and persecuted, how things have changed.


He was instrumental in decoding Nazi Enigma code machines in WW2 and played a pivotal role in inventing computers http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-18440557

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Also unsung is Tommy Flowers, the GPO engineer who invented Colossus, the computer which did all the heavyweight number-crunching of Turing's brilliant mathematics. It was so good and so clever that he was never allowed to mention it, never mind take credit, and when the Americans "invented" the computer in 1950, Flowers was still not allowed to claim credit for his work, because so many governments still used versions of the 'unbreakable' Enigma, and GCHQ was happily reading their secret traffic more or less at will.

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