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That Theory Of Evolution


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There is something seriously odd going on within right-wing politics in the US. The culture wars have moved into the Class room big time with huge political battles over text books and curriculums.


In Texas the Republicans have come out with this little gem:


Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.


See p12 of the actual document on p 20 of this PDF.


A political party which is against critical thinking because it challenges the student's fixed beliefs and undermines parental authority!!!! Erm what do they think learning and growing up are all about!


Sure there are loads of political trigger words and dog whistles in that language, but the overall message is terrible for creating a population which can independently reason and function in the complex modern world. Share croppin, bible study and church - well if that's all your interested in you can get by with parental authority and fixed beliefs!

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Creationist groups win Michael Gove's approval to open free schools


God bless the English Tories.


Grindon Hall Christian school in Sunderland, a private school due to reopen in September with state funding, says on its website that it will present creationism as science and affirm the position that Christians believe God's creation of the world is "not just a theory but a fact".


Ministers have also approved a free school in Sevenoaks, Kent, which declares on its website that it will teach in RE classes that "God made the world", while a third free school in Nottinghamshire is a fresh proposal from a group initially turned down over creationism.

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If Darwin was American - I bet things would be different.


Yeah... he wouldn't have been smart enough to work it out.


US county named 'area of outstanding natural stupidity'


We recently promised to name Washington's Kitsap County 'an area of outstanding natural stupidity' (AOONS) if it could reach a critical mass of firearms-related idiocy. More: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/07/13/kitsap_honour/

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The next thing you know some country will not bother registering firearms, allow people to keep assault rifles and the like at home and then they'll wonder why their crime rate is so low but their suicide rate by firearms is so high!

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wonder why their crime rate is so low but their suicide rate by firearms is so high


You think that people choose to end their own lives because of guns ?


It's surely a lot better than messing it up some other way.

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Creationist groups win Michael Gove's approval to open free schools


God bless the English Tories.


Grindon Hall Christian school in Sunderland, a private school due to reopen in September with state funding, says on its website that it will present creationism as science and affirm the position that Christians believe God's creation of the world is "not just a theory but a fact".


Ministers have also approved a free school in Sevenoaks, Kent, which declares on its website that it will teach in RE classes that "God made the world", while a third free school in Nottinghamshire is a fresh proposal from a group initially turned down over creationism.


Reading the link to the Guardian's article it seems that the creationist beliefs will only be taught to pupils in RE classes.


Is that any different to what we have here on the island? Seeing the rubbish taught to my children in RE classes, I dont think there is much difference.

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Quite agree. I asked my kids whether their RE teacher at Balla ever emphasised that the whole religion thing may also be a human invention and a complete nonsense. Their answer didn't surprise me.

I brought them up to be atheists and to be proud of it.

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