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The estate agents give values that are too high in my view. What choice does a poor punter have but to go along with the expert advice.


I hope that someone burns GD4ELI's house down if he does move over here, the gloating cunt


P:	  Em, well, you know, you could be a gloater.
LF:	 I beg pardon.
P:	  You know, a gloater, eh, come to gloat over the condemned man. I mean
we're up to our ears is gloaters here. "Can I come in for a gloat?" they
shout and we shout back "Oh you heartless gloaters".
LF:	 (cries)
P:	  All right, all right, I tell you what. I'll believe you're not a
gloater if you tell me which arm he hasn't got.
lf:	 His left of course! Now let me see my husband!
P:	  Right! it's the left. Good luck!
BA:	 Gloaters, you really are a pratt aren't you Percy ?
Right, don't forget in two minutes you interrupt me all right ?
And no more than two minutes otherwise I'm in real trouble, and don't
forget because..?

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Take a look at how many houses are on the market and have a chat to an estate agent. Very little is moving. Working on the basis that a house, or anything, is only worth what someone is prepared to pay for it we can see that house prices are still being kept artifically high with no basis for it.

We may not see a one-off crash, more likely a series of 'corrections' until we get to where the market should be.


And look at how much is sold per EA. With Chrystals holding ~50% of the market it can't be long before there's a casualty amoungst the EA fraternity.


There's always hope

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True, but there are so many factors converging right now that it's tighten your belts and hold on tight time.


Make sure you have a good supply of distress flares (not a fashion statement) and know semaphore.

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True, but there are so many factors converging right now that it's tighten your belts and hold on tight time.


Make sure you have a good supply of distress flares (not a fashion statement) and know semaphore.



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  • 3 weeks later...

As they are becoming more accesible to buy, get a 3-D Printer.



Get ready. It's now possible to print weapons at home. Working assault rifle made with 3d printer.


I saw it yesterday on this site,with a few extra photos.



Home 3D printers are getting very advanced these days.

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Plastic wont hold together over 60,000 PSI though. You still need a steel barrel, steel barrel extension, and steel bolt-head to stand a chance with that idea. Very impressive all the same though.


Metal 3D printers are already available, maybe not up to standing that pressure yet, I dont know but 3D printing is the future, the end of road/rail/aircraft haulage and like a Star Trek replicator, the business! See this link for details, good enough for F1 anyway.




Who knows in a few years I could print my own MiniGun?, you know the one in Predator that cuts down trees? More fun for gardening than a strimmer I'd say......

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I think you should consider the operational costs of such a tool for gardening, the M134 mini-gun is capable of 6000rds per minute, current 7.62x51 Norinco military surplus ammunition prices stand at around 0.32p per rd. So your looking at spending say £1920, to accomplish just 1 minute of tree pruning, or £32 per second, or £115,200 per hour. If you wanted to feed it a more premium round then you could be looking at £540,000 per hour, £9000 per minute, or £150 per second .


During these difficult financial times, I believe a shotgun although slightly less productive, would prove to be a much more cost effective alternative however,



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