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Lethal Olympics


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I see that an addition to siting missiles on top of blocks of flats, the UK government are now authorising the use of lethal force against any aircraft, including passenger jets, which violate London airspace during the Olympic Games. I wonder where they think any aircraft intercepted in this way are going to crash - harmlessly (though not to the occupants) at sea perhaps? http://www.rt.com/ne...o-fly-zone-175/

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Won't the 'target aircraft' plunge to the ground after they have 'taken it out'?

I hear they're planning on using anti gravity missiles to shoot down any suspect aircraft, any debris will stay suspended in the air until they get round to collecting it with a fleet of hot air balloons.whatever.gif

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It's all fearmongering, it's what governments do best to keep us all in line. Don't be surprised if we see the troops on the streets and tightened security a lot more after the Olympics 'just in case', we may even see some fabricated near misses in the media too, to reinforce it. All in anticipation of the social unrest they fear is coming once austerity measures really start to hit home and people take to the streets to protest. They need to show us who is the boss, look at the riots in Greece and Spain, coming soon to the UK mainland.

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It's all fearmongering, it's what governments do best to keep us all in line. Don't be surprised if we see the troops on the streets and tightened security a lot more after the Olympics 'just in case', we may even see some fabricated near misses in the media too, to reinforce it. All in anticipation of the social unrest they fear is coming once austerity measures really start to hit home and people take to the streets to protest. They need to show us who is the boss, look at the riots in Greece and Spain, coming soon to the UK mainland.


You're right. I'm going to invest in gold, tins of beans and ammo, and head for the hills rolleyes.gif

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It's all fearmongering, it's what governments do best to keep us all in line. Don't be surprised if we see the troops on the streets and tightened security a lot more after the Olympics 'just in case', we may even see some fabricated near misses in the media too, to reinforce it. All in anticipation of the social unrest they fear is coming once austerity measures really start to hit home and people take to the streets to protest. They need to show us who is the boss, look at the riots in Greece and Spain, coming soon to the UK mainland.


You're right. I'm going to invest in gold, tins of beans and ammo, and head for the hills rolleyes.gif

If I invest in wheelbarrows, tin openers and guns, we could form the first partnership of the brave new world!

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It's all fearmongering, it's what governments do best to keep us all in line. Don't be surprised if we see the troops on the streets and tightened security a lot more after the Olympics 'just in case', we may even see some fabricated near misses in the media too, to reinforce it. All in anticipation of the social unrest they fear is coming once austerity measures really start to hit home and people take to the streets to protest. They need to show us who is the boss, look at the riots in Greece and Spain, coming soon to the UK mainland.


You're right. I'm going to invest in gold, tins of beans and ammo, and head for the hills rolleyes.gif


Good idea sunshine. You're a smart cookie.

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Every time there is a big event the doom merchants come out and predict mass chaos and murder.


I predict the games will pass with no incident


I'm not convinced. To be honest I don't want to be right as that would be awful but I'm really not convinced that some group will not have a try at something. Lets face it our G4S traffic controllers are a bunch of muppets, so I'm sure its only the same calibre of people policing the important areas of the Olympic stadiums.

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Who made that video? Lxxx? Pauld? It was quite entertaining, in a Dan Brown sort of way, but for me lost all credibility when it mentioned David Icke, former goalkeeper and self proclaimed 'godhead', who is a very well known loon.


9/10 for production, 0/10 for conclusion - to summarise, there is a secret society who control everything who are planning to blow up the Olympics, but have given so many clues away as to their intent, in comic books, BBC drama programmes and Daily Mail articles, that if enough people see the video and learn of their plans they may not indeed carry them out. Brilliant!


Worth watching - thanks for posting Amadeus


PS I've just realised that Amadeus sounds like 'I'm a deus' which in latin is 'I'm a god' - Oh shit! It's all true! Amadeus is one of 'them'! The Illuminati are coming to get us! Run to the hills, buy gold, tins of beans ammo...

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