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Lethal Olympics


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PS I've just realised that Amadeus sounds like 'I'm a deus' which in latin is 'I'm a god' - Oh shit! It's all true! Amadeus is one of 'them'! The Illuminati are coming to get us! Run to the hills, buy gold, tins of beans ammo...


For the last time, stop wasting your money on beans and gold! Getting those things is what the ammo is for. At best collect a load of bottle caps, just in case.


With the kind of poor planning for the apocalypse I'm seeing, getting that much coveted throne of human skulls I've had my heart set on is going to be a doddle.

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Who made that video? Lxxx? Pauld? It was quite entertaining, in a Dan Brown sort of way, but for me lost all credibility when it mentioned David Icke, former goalkeeper and self proclaimed 'godhead', who is a very well known loon.


9/10 for production, 0/10 for conclusion - to summarise, there is a secret society who control everything who are planning to blow up the Olympics, but have given so many clues away as to their intent, in comic books, BBC drama programmes and Daily Mail articles, that if enough people see the video and learn of their plans they may not indeed carry them out. Brilliant!


Worth watching - thanks for posting Amadeus


PS I've just realised that Amadeus sounds like 'I'm a deus' which in latin is 'I'm a god' - Oh shit! It's all true! Amadeus is one of 'them'! The Illuminati are coming to get us! Run to the hills, buy gold, tins of beans ammo...


I don't subscribe to this comic book 'illuminati' rubbish, I'm more concerned with the encroaching police state, loss of civil liberties, things that are real and happening all around us.

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I don't subscribe to this comic book 'illuminati' rubbish, I'm more concerned with the encroaching police state, loss of civil liberties, things that are real and happening all around us.


Why are those things happening then? What's the agenda?

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I must say, I mentioned to someone a while back I had a bad feeling about this Olympics too. It is a massive target given the UK involvement as the USA's poodle puppy over the last 10 years. Let's hope all goes well and security is up to the mark.

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I don't subscribe to this comic book 'illuminati' rubbish, I'm more concerned with the encroaching police state, loss of civil liberties, things that are real and happening all around us.


Why are those things happening then? What's the agenda?


The 'agenda' is quite clearly tighter control on everything; capital, freedom of speech, liberties. The evidence of it is all around us. If certain things happen to expedite the process then all the better. We're seeing a deteriorating global economy and the unrest it is causing when the money stops flowing to the people at the bottom, for example in Greece and Spain.... and to head these things off there needs to be a system in place to combat that before it gets here. When you have an economic system that has reached it's endgame you need to make sure that in the potential unrest/anarchy that ensues control is maintained so that the grip on power by governments is similarly maintained. These are the building blocks we are seeing in the UK at the minute.


Whether some people believe that is all being orchestrated by some power elite at the top so they can collapse the world economy and replace it with their 'New World Order' with centralised government and monetary system is irrelevant, the fact is what is happening is happening, it's not a conspiracy it's simple global economics.

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The 'agenda' is quite clearly tighter control on everything; capital, freedom of speech, liberties. The evidence of it is all around us. If certain things happen to expedite the process then all the better. We're seeing a deteriorating global economy and the unrest it is causing when the money stops flowing to the people at the bottom, for example in Greece and Spain.... and to head these things off there needs to be a system in place to combat that before it gets here. When you have an economic system that has reached it's endgame you need to make sure that in the potential unrest/anarchy that ensues control is maintained so that the grip on power by governments is similarly maintained. These are the building blocks we are seeing in the UK at the minute.


Whether some people believe that is all being orchestrated by some power elite at the top so they can collapse the world economy and replace it with their 'New World Order' with centralised government and monetary system is irrelevant, the fact is what is happening is happening, it's not a conspiracy it's simple global economics.


I'd agree with that, the evidence is clearly all around for everyone to see.


Global governance though is not a conspiracy theory, it has been openly talked about in the media for many years now.




I hope the Olympics pass without incident, but what with the G4S shambles, and the border control problems / strikes you could certainly argue that the stage has been set for something to happen.

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The 'agenda' is quite clearly tighter control on everything; capital, freedom of speech, liberties. The evidence of it is all around us. If certain things happen to expedite the process then all the better. We're seeing a deteriorating global economy and the unrest it is causing when the money stops flowing to the people at the bottom, for example in Greece and Spain.... and to head these things off there needs to be a system in place to combat that before it gets here. When you have an economic system that has reached it's endgame you need to make sure that in the potential unrest/anarchy that ensues control is maintained so that the grip on power by governments is similarly maintained. These are the building blocks we are seeing in the UK at the minute.


Whether some people believe that is all being orchestrated by some power elite at the top so they can collapse the world economy and replace it with their 'New World Order' with centralised government and monetary system is irrelevant, the fact is what is happening is happening, it's not a conspiracy it's simple global economics.


I'd agree with that, the evidence is clearly all around for everyone to see.


Global governance though is not a conspiracy theory, it has been openly talked about in the media for many years now.




I hope the Olympics pass without incident, but what with the G4S shambles, and the border control problems / strikes you could certainly argue that the stage has been set for something to happen.


I agree. Quotes from David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, George Bush and the like have clearly outlined this in the past, it's no secret. One might say that the current financial/economic system is so bankrupt, both morally and financially, that it should be allowed to crash and burn and if so then you need to have a new system in reserve to replace it.


But, back on topic, I won't be anywhere near London for the duration of the games. I'll be in my bedroom with the curtains shut on manxforums all day.

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PS I've just realised that Amadeus sounds like 'I'm a deus' which in latin is 'I'm a god' - Oh shit! It's all true! Amadeus is one of 'them'! The Illuminati are coming to get us! Run to the hills, buy gold, tins of beans ammo...


For the last time, stop wasting your money on beans and gold! Getting those things is what the ammo is for. At best collect a load of bottle caps, just in case.


With the kind of poor planning for the apocalypse I'm seeing, getting that much coveted throne of human skulls I've had my heart set on is going to be a doddle.


And here was I, thinking a Throne of Human Skulls, was a unique item on my Bucket List, bugger.

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I will be sleeping near the hidden armoury in Peel for the duration of the games. If it all kicks off, I will grab me some weapons and hide out in little London. Password will be manxforums for identification friend or foe challenges.


Dont waste your time trying to hide there, Little London is/was a huge let-down, it has a farmyard that spans the main road and not much else, ie nowhere to hide.


I was hoping for a smaller version of the London Eye when I visited, something like the ferris wheel on Liverpool Docks but no, nothing like that at all like that, just a small stream, that by no stretch of the imagination could even be compared to the Thames, poor show.


Oh and no Boris Johnson, not even an Um-pa Lum-pa version of him, which you would expect given the attractions name, it was the main reason I went. No wonder we have no tourists with these kind of false promises.

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