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Shooting In Denver - 14 Confirmed Dead, 50 Injured


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In a way you can understand the US - there have been so many weapons in criminal hands for so long that it would be absolutely impossible to sequester them all. So, the law-abiding need to be able to have guns to protect themselves.


But has it ever worked as a defence in a situation like this? With all the panic and confusion of a shooting like this one all I could see an extra gun doing is causing more deaths. If someone sees the citizen who stands up with a gun to return fire on the criminal, but doesn't see the criminal, they'll end up drawing their own gun on the citizen, someone then sees that, etc etc..


You never hear about it because most of the press only want to portray a single sensationalist image of gun ownership (I'm sure I don’t need to explain what it is).


Even 14yr old kids can protect themselves and their siblings when left alone at home,




A would-be Virginia tech,




No shots even fired,




Interesting story,




Etc, etc.









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Strange how, because they share the same language, we take more notice of and get more upset, about these type of events in the USA. Far greater atrocities go on nearly every day all over the world but they only get a couple of lines in the press.


I really dont know why we are like this about the USA because, although they share a language with us, I think we have far more in common with our European neighbors.


I dont really "get" America/ Americans, or wish to either, life is too short. It is one of the few country's in the world that I have no desire to visit, especially now with their mental entry requirements.

Well said Blade,I was thinking along the same lines.

That doesn't mean I am unsympathetic to those personally affected by this incident,but on a news worthy basis I feel the American nation show scant regard for the suffering and loss of life that they cause around the world in the name of greed.

Agree with you,it is a very hypocritical and fooked up nation indeed.

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God only knows what you're trying to reference....


Errrr - actually I'm pretty sure you're not God.


Nor did I claim to be. It's a saying that implies I have no idea what you're talking about.


You did claim to be God, because I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about i.e. I don't believe anyone could be that thick.


Did you know that pathetic playground insults say more about you than cash ever can?


Liquid lunch PK ?


No such luck I'm afraid. Sobriety rules atm as my partner has had a recent operation on her knee and can't drive for at least 6 months. Major bummer. However here is a little clue - known as a cluette. I once came very close to killing a dog that attacked my very young daughter. After posting the incident up guess which hypocrite thought a response like that would be "ill-advised" shall we say?


If you can't work out the difference between a dog's ability to understand morality and a human's then you have problems which can't be addressed in a forum discussion.

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If you can't work out the difference between a dog's ability to understand morality and a human's then you have problems which can't be addressed in a forum discussion.


So you can understand a dog's ability to understand morality then. I mean, you must do if you can make the above distinction. So go ahead, explain how it works and how you managed to gain such a depth of knowledge on the canine psyche.


Incidentally, nice hole, did you dig it yourself? Maybe there's a bone a bit further down. You never know...

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If you can't work out the difference between a dog's ability to understand morality and a human's then you have problems which can't be addressed in a forum discussion.


So you can understand a dog's ability to understand morality then. I mean, you must do if you can make the above distinction. So go ahead, explain how it works and how you managed to gain such a depth of knowledge on the canine psyche.


Incidentally, nice hole, did you dig it yourself? Maybe there's a bone a bit further down. You never know...

I take it back. Your petty attempts to turn a thread about a tragedy into insipid point scoring just because you're upset that I once disagreed with you clearly shows that at least some humans lack the capacity to act morally.

This is not the thread for your dull attempts at being a keyboard warrior.

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WHat hasn't helped this situation is the location of the attack, being only 20 miles from Columbine (or so I just read).


The state has no limit on the number of firearms that can be bought in a month. Also in alot of states, fully automatic firearms (such as the AR15 used in this shooting) are illegal, but not in this state, as the law which prohibited them (brought in after Columbine) ended in 2004.


The guy was a NeuroScience PhD, yet he was tooled up for a fire fight.


I wonder how long it is before violent films, violent video games, heavy metal/rock music, etc get blamed and that Jack Thompson fella appear out of the woodwork.

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Roger Ebert:

That James Holmes is insane, few may doubt. Our gun laws are also insane, but many refuse to make the connection. The United States is one of few developed nations that accepts the notion of firearms in public hands. In theory, the citizenry needs to defend itself. Not a single person at the Aurora, Colo., theater shot back, but the theory will still be defended.

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Let's disarm the people just before the economy drops off a cliff. We don't want disgruntled citizens all tooled up when we're trying to round them up do we?


Do you need access to more personal firearms than the average soldiers fighting in Afghanistan right now?



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Let's disarm the people just before the economy drops off a cliff. We don't want disgruntled citizens all tooled up when we're trying to round them up do we?


Do you need access to more personal firearms than the average soldiers fighting in Afghanistan right now?


Assuming you meant more powerful?, it wasnt it's the same, and according to the BBC it was semi-auto, so not semi & fully-auto selectable mil-spec.

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WHat hasn't helped this situation is the location of the attack, being only 20 miles from Columbine (or so I just read).


The state has no limit on the number of firearms that can be bought in a month. Also in alot of states, fully automatic firearms (such as the AR15 used in this shooting) are illegal, but not in this state, as the law which prohibited them (brought in after Columbine) ended in 2004.


The guy was a NeuroScience PhD, yet he was tooled up for a fire fight.


I wonder how long it is before violent films, violent video games, heavy metal/rock music, etc get blamed and that Jack Thompson fella appear out of the woodwork.


AR15 isn't fully automatic.

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WHat hasn't helped this situation is the location of the attack, being only 20 miles from Columbine (or so I just read).


The state has no limit on the number of firearms that can be bought in a month. Also in alot of states, fully automatic firearms (such as the AR15 used in this shooting) are illegal, but not in this state, as the law which prohibited them (brought in after Columbine) ended in 2004.


The guy was a NeuroScience PhD, yet he was tooled up for a fire fight.


I wonder how long it is before violent films, violent video games, heavy metal/rock music, etc get blamed and that Jack Thompson fella appear out of the woodwork.


AR15 isn't fully automatic.


No it isnt. Stock out of the factory. The AR-15 is the most heavily modified rifle in the states, because as it is legal in its stock form, it is easier to obtain than the M16/M4 which is Colt's fully automatic rifle.


And lets face it, the guys house was so wired with explosives, the police decided it would be safe just to detonate the house rather try to disarm them all. Based on that, its not a stretch to imagine that the guys AR-15 was modified.

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