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Shooting In Denver - 14 Confirmed Dead, 50 Injured


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Yes!. I must say something does seem extremely odd about this incident, and although this may seem like a tin-foil hat wearers site, the article raises some fair points.





Staged just in time for a vote on the UN small arms treaty?


More and more, this shooting is looking like a deliberate plot staged by the government itself much like Operation Fast and Furious pulled off by the ATF (http://www.naturalne...l_firearms.html) which helped smuggle tens of thousands of guns into Mexico for the purpose of causing "gun violence" in the USA, then blaming the Second Amendment for it.


All this looks like James Holmes completed a "mission" and then calmly ended that mission by surrendering to police and admitting everything. The mission, as we are now learning, was to cause as much terror and mayhem as possible, then to have that multiplied by the national media at exactly the right time leading up the UN vote next week on a global small arms treaty that could result in gun confiscation across America. (http://lewrockwell.c...eddlem61.1.html)


Question: How does an unemployed medical student afford $20,000 in weapons gear?


If you start to look at the really big picture here, the obvious question arises: How does an unemployed medical student afford all the complex weapons gear, bomb-making gear, "flammable" booby trap devices, ammunition, multiple magazines, bullet-proof vest, groin protection, ballistic helmet, SWAT uniform and all the rest of it?


A decent AR-15 rifle costs $1,000 or more all by itself. The shotgun and handgun might run another $800 total. Spare mags, sights, slings, and so on will run you at least another $1,000 across three firearms. The bullet-proof vest is easily another $800, and the cost of the bomb-making gear is anybody's guess. With all the specialty body gear, ammunition, booby-trap devices and more, I'm guessing this is at least $20,000 in weapons and tactical gear, much of which is very difficult for civilians to get in the first place.



Oh and, suprise, suprise, this was another massacre that ironically occured in a so called, gun-free zone!. How long is the list of massacres in gun free zones now?.


Say's it all,




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If you look at all the European press you'll see many shootings in Europe, they just don't seem to be reported as much.


As for the NRA - string them all up.


How're the gun crime statistics in Switzerland GD4ELI, bearing in mind they have a liberal attitude to gun ownership there?

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