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Iom Milk Price


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No danger of those bastards being under paid, a 4 pint carton of milk here is DOUBLE the price of across.


In fact its so expensive its actually cheaper to buy organic Yeo Valley imported.


People like you are ace, I love people like you. Or is that pity?

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True, but then there are dairy farms closing virtually every week as it is now nearly impossible for anyone without sufficient scale to earn a living from dairy herds. In fact just watching the news now and a farm saying they are selling for 5 pence per litre less than the cost to produce.


Is that a price worth paying? I don't think that 60p a pint for local milk is unreasonable, certainly when compared to the price of some other drinks.

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Dave1978 I bet you would not work the hours a dairy farmer does for the money, I bet you are the sort who will buy bottled water without flonching at the rip off price or think nothing of spending on beer. At 60p a pint milk is stoll a bloody good buy

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Increase in the retail price of milkto 60p per pint

By Ed Clague, Agricultural Policy Manager

The price of milk, which is set by a

Government Order, increased to 60 pence

per pint earlier this month. This followed

an application by the Isle of Man Milk

Marketing Association, which sought the

increase on the grounds that it would allow

it to pay at least another 1 pence per litre

to their suppliers, being essential for

maintaining a viable Manx Dairy Industry.

The application was considered by the

Department’s Marketing Committee which

was Chaired by Kate Beecroft MHK and

consisted of three members of the Office of

Fair Trading (OFT) and three dairy producers.

Kate said “The committee carefully

considered the information presented to

it. Whereas many consumers will always

want the cheapest, the Committee needed

to consider what was in the best interests

of the Island as a whole. We therefore

felt the increase was justified. In

establishing a fair price for Manx farmers

in the future, it will be essential for the

Committee to have a clearer

understanding of the financial drivers. We

have therefore agreed to meet with the

Creamery at least once a year from now

on to review the prices and, if possible,

avoid significant jumps in the price.“


Presumably this is why Manx Milk is dearer than Yeo Valley. The IOM government controls the price of the local product in the shops.

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