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Iom Milk Price


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The way I see it - is like this;

If the uk milk suppliers are unable to produce milk to 'at least a break even cost', then the price of milk that they're asking for is undervalued and should therefore raise their prices accordingly as it's pointless making a loss

As for the milk on the IOM, there's far fewer producers than across, they provide less milk and therefore can't compete with the volumes of milk turnover.


Do we need Manx milk suppliers?.......... You betcha we do as we grumble if we can't get off the island for just one day and for prolonged periods without food supplies (remember the barren shelves in the supermarkets?), it brings it home to roost as to how important Manx produce is to the island.


I also have my milk delivered and for those who are not able to pop along to their local shopping outlet or do not even have internet access etc, then having milk delivered is important to some members of our community.


I noted a comparrison of milk V alcohol earlier on and I can see why this was mentioned. If a pint of milk at 60p is not an acceptable price to pay, then paying £2.60 as Jim states, is a £2 difference for the same volume. 60p a pint therefore looks reasonable to me.


(Nuts, just noticed Wooley's post and very similar to mine)


On a slightly different angle and I expect some negative feedback to this, as it's a talking point, why not increase the uk price of milk to that of the IOM? The additional monies made would be halved between the shopping outlet and the Government, who could either use this to supplement/reduce the price of IOM milk, or use it towards the farming industry.(milk not the only option and meat could be included). Would be interested in hearing feedback on this and would appreciate positive and negative answers.

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Why everyone gets irate is beyond me.


I posted facts, 2 pints direct from the creamery £1.20. 2 pints of organic Yeo Valley £1.


There is simply no excuse for it considering most of us live less than 10 miles from the creamery.


Normally people on here say "ah well its fair enough its more expensive, what do you expect living on an island, its costs money to ship things here" etc etc


But now we have an example where a far superior product in terms of taste and animal welfair (where the company actually does things properly as well) is actually cheaper to buy imported, we all jump on the opposite band waggon.


I love the strength of the counter argument - "i bet you drink beer and dont complain about the cost" - what the hell has that got to do with it? I also wipe my arse on triple ply.


I was talking about milk.


the yeo valley cartons are not 2 pints,they are 1 litre, have you taken this into account with your pricing??

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Why everyone gets irate is beyond me.


I posted facts, 2 pints direct from the creamery £1.20. 2 pints of organic Yeo Valley £1.


There is simply no excuse for it considering most of us live less than 10 miles from the creamery.


Normally people on here say "ah well its fair enough its more expensive, what do you expect living on an island, its costs money to ship things here" etc etc


But now we have an example where a far superior product in terms of taste and animal welfair (where the company actually does things properly as well) is actually cheaper to buy imported, we all jump on the opposite band waggon.


I love the strength of the counter argument - "i bet you drink beer and dont complain about the cost" - what the hell has that got to do with it? I also wipe my arse on triple ply.


I was talking about milk.



But now we have an example where a far superior product in terms of taste and animal welfair (where the company actually does things properly as well)

Make your mind up.


I have.


Yeo Valley is better in my opinion as I said originally.


Like for like i.e creamery and standard uk milk theres nowt in it apart from the price.

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The way I see it - is like this;

If the uk milk suppliers are unable to produce milk to 'at least a break even cost', then the price of milk that they're asking for is undervalued and should therefore raise their prices accordingly as it's pointless making a loss

As for the milk on the IOM, there's far fewer producers than across, they provide less milk and therefore can't compete with the volumes of milk turnover.


Do we need Manx milk suppliers?.......... You betcha we do as we grumble if we can't get off the island for just one day and for prolonged periods without food supplies (remember the barren shelves in the supermarkets?), it brings it home to roost as to how important Manx produce is to the island.


I also have my milk delivered and for those who are not able to pop along to their local shopping outlet or do not even have internet access etc, then having milk delivered is important to some members of our community.


I noted a comparrison of milk V alcohol earlier on and I can see why this was mentioned. If a pint of milk at 60p is not an acceptable price to pay, then paying £2.60 as Jim states, is a £2 difference for the same volume. 60p a pint therefore looks reasonable to me.


(Nuts, just noticed Wooley's post and very similar to mine)


On a slightly different angle and I expect some negative feedback to this, as it's a talking point, why not increase the uk price of milk to that of the IOM? The additional monies made would be halved between the shopping outlet and the Government, who could either use this to supplement/reduce the price of IOM milk, or use it towards the farming industry.(milk not the only option and meat could be included). Would be interested in hearing feedback on this and would appreciate positive and negative answers.


Counter argument: as long as farmers as asset rich, do they deserve to be paid money from the taxpayer? I'm asset poor, yet support people who would be millionaires if they sold up.

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I buy the milk I do because its the cheapest, If that was the creamery it would be that.


I am 'whinging' because its a shame.


I respect your opinion on the matter, its just a shame about the pricing of Manx stuff.


I use flybe and not manx2, sure and not MT, Amazon and not the local shops, I bought my TV from across delivered free and not from MEA outlets...... the list goes on, even my car insurance would have been over £100 more. Its such a shame and I always check first with the hope of finding something competitively priced.


Believe me I would rather buy Manx stuff, but the money I have saved has paid for my holiday to Florida.


You buy the inflated priced stuff, I'll take my otherwise 'free' holiday.

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The way I see it - is like this;

If the uk milk suppliers are unable to produce milk to 'at least a break even cost', then the price of milk that they're asking for is undervalued and should therefore raise their prices accordingly as it's pointless making a loss

As for the milk on the IOM, there's far fewer producers than across, they provide less milk and therefore can't compete with the volumes of milk turnover.


Do we need Manx milk suppliers?.......... You betcha we do as we grumble if we can't get off the island for just one day and for prolonged periods without food supplies (remember the barren shelves in the supermarkets?), it brings it home to roost as to how important Manx produce is to the island.


I also have my milk delivered and for those who are not able to pop along to their local shopping outlet or do not even have internet access etc, then having milk delivered is important to some members of our community.


I noted a comparrison of milk V alcohol earlier on and I can see why this was mentioned. If a pint of milk at 60p is not an acceptable price to pay, then paying £2.60 as Jim states, is a £2 difference for the same volume. 60p a pint therefore looks reasonable to me.


(Nuts, just noticed Wooley's post and very similar to mine)


On a slightly different angle and I expect some negative feedback to this, as it's a talking point, why not increase the uk price of milk to that of the IOM? The additional monies made would be halved between the shopping outlet and the Government, who could either use this to supplement/reduce the price of IOM milk, or use it towards the farming industry.(milk not the only option and meat could be included). Would be interested in hearing feedback on this and would appreciate positive and negative answers.


Counter argument: as long as farmers as asset rich, do they deserve to be paid money from the taxpayer? I'm asset poor, yet support people who would be millionaires if they sold up.


The two dairy farmers I know don’t even own their farms, so that's not a fair argument. Your also not paying the true price for your milk, either imported or local because a portion of everyone’s tax is used to subsidize its production to make it cheaper off the shelf. One way or the other it has to be payed for!.


Either way, consumers, processors, and retailers must all be getting a damn good deal out of the farmer because as we all know, they make very little if anything for their efforts which reflects in the rate at which dairy farmers are dropping out. Why is the producer not entitled to a decent living?, just because he might have assets?.


Do you think everyone should apply the same principle when shopping, I.e, we can all walk into the shops and take items without paying just because the business owns the building and its associated assets?. Weird idea…

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I buy the milk I do because its the cheapest, If that was the creamery it would be that.


I am 'whinging' because its a shame.


I respect your opinion on the matter, its just a shame about the pricing of Manx stuff.


I use flybe and not manx2, sure and not MT, Amazon and not the local shops, I bought my TV from John Lewis delivered free and not from MEA outlets...... the list goes on, even my car insurance would have been over £100 more. Its such a shame and I always check first with the hope of finding something competitively priced.


Believe me I would rather buy Manx stuff, but the money I have saved has paid for my holiday to Florida.


You buy the inflated priced stuff, I'll take my otherwise 'free' holiday.

Oh right it's cos you're tight then. You must be one of Yeo Valley's best customers if you drink so much that you can afford a holiday to Florida on a difference of less than 10p a pint.

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I buy the milk I do because its the cheapest, If that was the creamery it would be that.


I am 'whinging' because its a shame.


I respect your opinion on the matter, its just a shame about the pricing of Manx stuff.


I use flybe and not manx2, sure and not MT, Amazon and not the local shops, I bought my TV from John Lewis delivered free and not from MEA outlets...... the list goes on, even my car insurance would have been over £100 more. Its such a shame and I always check first with the hope of finding something competitively priced.


Believe me I would rather buy Manx stuff, but the money I have saved has paid for my holiday to Florida.


You buy the inflated priced stuff, I'll take my otherwise 'free' holiday.

Oh right it's cos you're tight then. You must be one of Yeo Valley's best customers if you drink so much that you can afford a holiday to Florida on a difference of less than 10p a pint.


Yes, because thats what I said isnt it.


Now your just making yourself look stupid.

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I dont buy it because of the price. If you want to marter yourself then so be it.

I buy the milk I do because its the cheapest,

Again, make your mind up.


Are you stupid? I buy the cheapest. The first bit was I don't buy the manx milk because of the price.



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It must be great to be in an industry where the government will make sure, no matter how shit, unprofitable, and uncompetitive you are, and notwithstanding your considerable net worth, that you will never go out of business.


Fuck the farmers, we can get our cheap, subsidised milk at the cost of other foolish taxpayers

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