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Iom Milk Price


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It must be great to be in an industry where the government will make sure, no matter how shit, unprofitable, and uncompetitive you are, and notwithstanding your considerable net worth, that you will never go out of business.


Fuck the farmers, we can get our cheap, subsidised milk at the cost of other foolish taxpayers


Yes Tugger, much better instead to pay them handsomely for keeping the grass cut and the hedgerows trimmed nicely. A system that benefits nobody but the landowner.


Yeah I guess we can, at the minute, fucking the farmers seems like a gamble to me though?.


You sound like a scrounger yourself to make such a proud statement about blatantly ripping off other British or European tax payers - no wonder the IoM has such a good reputation.

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I've noticed that Shoprite appear to have stopped selling the cheaper imported alternative - or at least don't have it prominently displayed alongside it any more.

Tesco - who clearly don't give a flying fuck about local suppliers - are a different matter.

I think I am correct in saying that the imported milk in Tescos is sold at a much higher price on the Island than in their UK stores.

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It must be great to be in an industry where the government will make sure, no matter how shit, unprofitable, and uncompetitive you are, and notwithstanding your considerable net worth, that you will never go out of business.


Fuck the farmers, we can get our cheap, subsidised milk at the cost of other foolish taxpayers


Yes Tugger, much better instead to pay them handsomely for keeping the grass cut and the hedgerows trimmed nicely. A system that benefits nobody but the landowner.


Yeah I guess we can, at the minute, fucking the farmers seems like a gamble to me though?.


You sound like a scrounger yourself to make such a proud statement about blatantly ripping off other British or European tax payers - no wonder the IoM has such a good reputation.


Hardly - the UK government, quite rightly, would love to prise these thieving landowners from the teat of the state, but the French won't have it. So British dairy farmers are going to produce at this price, no matter what. It's one thing to see a rigged market and buy from it, and quite another to rig it yourself. You flatter yourself to think that the farmers over here are going to stand by you in your hour of need. If there was a shortage both here and in the UK, and they could get more money in the UK, they would be selling it all there while you sat here hungry. And there is nothing the government could do to stop them. Not that they would, of course, given the representation this industry of scroungers has in Tynwald

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Ok I don't often post here but this may help.


The milk price is not decided by the creameries but more so the board / farmers of the creameries - who are elected by other farmers


The price HASN'T increased for a number of years


The board asks for a price increase, this as well all know goes to Tynwald and they vote YES or no


The retailers are then WRITTEN to telling them the new price as well as what the buy in costs are ( there is no negotiation ). The buy in costs are set against how much a retailer buys in ( The smaller the retailer the more it costs them ). So in theory the farmers cannot argue that retailers are making money off Manx milk as they retailers have been told how much they are going to be charged and its the farmers who in theory set the price ( the ones on the board )


The retailer is NOT allowed to promote the milk and is NOT allowed to sell it cheaper if the date code is about to run out... thus stopping ALL competition on Manx milk - maybe a good thing


All in all a perfect supplier / retailer agreement where the supplier wins

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You flatter yourself to think that the farmers over here are going to stand by you in your hour of need. If there was a shortage both here and in the UK, and they could get more money in the UK, they would be selling it all there while you sat here hungry. And there is nothing the government could do to stop them. Not that they would, of course, given the representation this industry of scroungers has in Tynwald


I had never thought about it like that before but you are right, its exactly what they are doing with livestock, shipping it off the island for higher prices and in the process messing up the business plan of the very expensive to build and run local slaughterhouse. Which I am sure was built with taxpayers money for the benefit of the farmers again.


Someone mentioned the local cheese on offer at supermarkets, is that not a sign that we are already producing too much milk? Why would that be? Because its a license to print money?

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You flatter yourself to think that the farmers over here are going to stand by you in your hour of need. If there was a shortage both here and in the UK, and they could get more money in the UK, they would be selling it all there while you sat here hungry. And there is nothing the government could do to stop them. Not that they would, of course, given the representation this industry of scroungers has in Tynwald


I had never thought about it like that before but you are right, its exactly what they are doing with livestock, shipping it off the island for higher prices and in the process messing up the business plan of the very expensive to build and run local slaughterhouse.


While we continue to subsidise them to the tune of millions of taxpayer's dollar per annum to do it......

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CBman I have never concidered that decorators or window cleaners are esential to life whereas food is, makes me laugh all these experts telling us how much they now about farming, I for one would not swap my job with a farmer. I know enough farmers to know that there is an awful lot of bull be spouted about how rich they are to know what the truth is for the majority of farmers!

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CBman I have never concidered that decorators or window cleaners are esential to life whereas food is, makes me laugh all these experts telling us how much they now about farming, I for one would not swap my job with a farmer. I know enough farmers to know that there is an awful lot of bull be spouted about how rich they are to know what the truth is for the majority of farmers!


So what is the truth for the majority of farmers? Don't most of them own the land they farm?

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CBman I have never concidered that decorators or window cleaners are esential to life whereas food is, makes me laugh all these experts telling us how much they now about farming, I for one would not swap my job with a farmer. I know enoughfarmers


Really? Whys that then? I worked on a farm for a couple years during summer holidays as a kid on a pittance of pay set yet again by some group of farmers.


It can be long hours but its not really hard manual work, there is machinery to do that now. Its hardly mentally challenging either, not a lot of stress in that line of work especially when you now get paid for doing Jack with your land, the parts that have not been sold to DD/HH that is.

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Plenty do not own the land they farm. They rent it as did their fathers before them. If they do own it, so what? No great asset unless you can get planning permission for a nice crop of bungalows and for that you need to be fortunate enough to have a farm on the edge of town. Even that exit will be closed off soon as further development stalls.

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It must be great to be in an industry where the government will make sure, no matter how shit, unprofitable, and uncompetitive you are, and notwithstanding your considerable net worth, that you will never go out of business.


Fuck the farmers, we can get our cheap, subsidised milk at the cost of other foolish taxpayers


Yes Tugger, much better instead to pay them handsomely for keeping the grass cut and the hedgerows trimmed nicely. A system that benefits nobody but the landowner.


Yeah I guess we can, at the minute, fucking the farmers seems like a gamble to me though?.


You sound like a scrounger yourself to make such a proud statement about blatantly ripping off other British or European tax payers - no wonder the IoM has such a good reputation.


Hardly - the UK government, quite rightly, would love to prise these thieving landowners from the teat of the state, but the French won't have it.



Bullshit, you clearly didnt watch the program about naked acres being abused by slipper farmers - when it was put to DEFRA they made it clear that they were not interested in changing anything!.



So British dairy farmers are going to produce at this price, no matter what. It's one thing to see a rigged market and buy from it, and quite another to rig it yourself. You flatter yourself to think that the farmers over here are going to stand by you in your hour of need. If there was a shortage both here and in the UK, and they could get more money in the UK, they would be selling it all there while you sat here hungry. And there is nothing the government could do to stop them. Not that they would, of course, given the representation this industry of scroungers has in Tynwald


No because its not the UK that's likely to have a problem in the future, its us, if things got short it would be us first for sure.

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Farmers are not ripped off - they are the rippers off. Hand out to government at every opportunity (how many holiday cottages has Howard Quayle got and how much did the taxpayer subsidise them?), but no intention whatsoever of paying anything back to the hand that feeds them. Ripped off my hat.


Again, they would watch everyone on the Isle of Man starve if there was more money in exporting their product. They take, take, take from the Manx public all the time. Why do you think your hardship would change the habit of -not even one lifetime, but several generations' worth.


Stop the subsidy. They are either viable businesses, or they are not.

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The point is that they have more already than the vast majority of people who are forced - by law - to hand over their money to them.


Crazy as it is, so the Government can manipulate markets and alter the price of the end product into a false low one - what is so hard for you to grasp about that?.


Speak to any producer anywhere and they will all tell you the same thing - they couldn’t give two flying fucks how they get the money so long as they get it!.


But I suppose you think they owe it to you to use any assets they might have, up for as long as they can, to feed you?.

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