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Iom Milk Price


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Stop the subsidy. They are either viable businesses, or they are not.


Nonsense. Some things are too important to be just left to the market. Food production is probably the most important and we need an indigenous food production industry.

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It can be long hours but its not really hard manual work, there is machinery to do that now. Its hardly mentally challenging either, not a lot of stress in that line of work especially when you now get paid for doing Jack with your land, the parts that have not been sold to DD/HH that is.


Staggered, absolutely staggered to see your name against that.

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Can anybody answer me the following two questions?


1). Why are two farmers that I know, happy to boast that they now make more money out of the "landcare" subsidy than they did out of raising heads of stock? (to the tune of many thousands of £)


2). Why is it cheaper to buy Manx produced meat in Liverpool than it is locally? (prices looked at only last week when I was away and compared when I got back)


Sincere questions.

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The market price - given that we can buy without barriers to import from the EU - is the price payable in the EU, plus a bit for transport.


That is what the Manx people should be paying these landed types, not a penny more, either on the shelves, or in subsidy.


We do not have food security in the Isle of Man and will never have. The price we pay for that pipe dream is too high

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Farmers are not ripped off - they are the rippers off. Hand out to government at every opportunity (how many holiday cottages has Howard Quayle got and how much did the taxpayer subsidise them?), but no intention whatsoever of paying anything back to the hand that feeds them. Ripped off my hat.



Well its absolutly no wonder you have such views if your idea of a farmer is Howard Quayle!. End of story that's cleared that one up.

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Yes, I think you're a bunch of self-interested con artists, you included. Con artists that are over-represented in government and that would never consider pulling themselvers voluntarily from the government's teat. People with millions in land wealth who are happy to take take take from people earning 15 grand a year.


End of story, that's that one cleared up.


One upside of the place going bust is that these greedy fuckers will have to stand on their own two feet for once - and they all know that they can't

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Yes, I think you're a bunch of self-interested con artists, you included. Con artists that are over-represented in government and that would never consider pulling themselvers voluntarily from the government's teat. People with millions in land wealth who are happy to take take take from people earning 15 grand a year.


End of story, that's that one cleared up.


One upside of the place going bust is that these greedy fuckers will have to stand on their own two feet for once - and they all know that they can't


Ha ha, I wish... you know what I would do if I owned land to claim payments on?. Actually, you first, what would you do?.

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There realy are some stupid people on this forum, even if a farmer owns the land he farms as agricultral land it is not going to be worth millions ! Ok let the farmers sell their land to developers (providing they get planning permission) and then we have no milk or food produced on the island.This forum would go into meltdown with the howls of anger about poor supplies in the shops when boats don't sail and as for the price !!

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At the moment? Sell it as fast as I could. This government will not be making those payments to you in five years' time, because it will be unable to


Agreed, I sort of hope the day comes because I have a better understanding of who will come off the worst. FYI that is far more rich come over or “high net worth’s” than you could imagine, farmers are a fraction of those who will be disrupted by such a scenario in the grand scheme of things, the government quite obviously couldn’t give a shite about the very few farmers who are left that own land trust me (just look an DEFA site to see how many farming and production related subs are left - none!, just rich landowner ones!). But the Government will have to be extremely careful about how they handle their desirables who are now residing so much on what was once farm land and farmer owned land.


There will always be a demand for food producers somewhere, I’m not worried about them. I’m talking about the Island as a whole. To be even more honest I am not really worried at all about the Island, its just I take an interest, and the coming times will be very interesting. I have no heavy ties with this place and I could quite easily leave this year.


Its just, the people your picking on, I know aren’t the problem, it’s the ones who dress like you, drive flash cars like you, eat in posh restaurants like you, fly in first class like you, its those - the ones you cant even tell apart who are the real abusers of tax payer money. That’s why you will have heard me say before, every farmer should just give the fook up and go down the above road because they would be TEN times better off and wouldn’t take any where near the shit for it!. Because as I say you wouldn’t even know them. That answers No.1 of the above two questions also, they are taking the piss because they are being encouraged to do little, no longer take shit from the tax payer, and get paid lumps from the government for it!.

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Tescor today NZ Lamb half price had it on the BBQ this afternoon and if was gorgeous, cut up with some duck breasts on a kebab, delicious, and to top that not a penny went towards keeping a local farmer in their nice new range rover, even better.

Well that's alright then, just some new Zealand farmer is driving round in his brand new ute. Hey, out of sight, out of mind.

Some of the logic on this thread is baffling.

60 pence for a pint of milk is fuck all. Consider what some people pay for a bottle of water. I get mine from the tap.


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It is amazing how poorly educated some people on here are about food production, most countries have agricultural support not all direct support but anti erosion payments, import & export tarrifs etc crop failure insurance etc.

Places like new Zealand do have a very efficient industry but it is ruthless, you don't get sick animals they are either healthy or shot, it saves on vet bills, wildlife doesn't have a lot of importance in these countries either.

It will be interesting to see the price of food rise in the coming year with the global bad weather which is affecting harvests around the world wheat & soya prices will be sky high, & when harvests fail countries get scared, last year Russia banned all grain export in case they needed it at home. ( so much for free market) the Chinese government are buying huge farms in new Zealand to provide them with food security, so if you think that when food gets tight they will send food over here you are much deluded.

I would totally agree that some farmers abuse the subsidy system, but there are people who earn £100 k a year drive a Lexus & have an x5 in the drive of a council house, it's system abuses in general that should be dealt with not honest working people!

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so if you think that when food gets tight they will send food over here you are much deluded.


I don't think that at all. Our proud Manx farmers will be selling it overseas, wherever they can get the best price, while their neighbours starve. It is easy to predict this as farmers only give a flying fuck about themselves

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