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Behave Children!


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You all see fit to criticise others on the Isle of Man, why not stop this petty mud slinging!?


Kinda ironic to post a bleat about people bleating?


You've got a point that constructive critisism is more valuable than plain bleating, but people still have the right to bleat wherever they like.


To think that someone would not stand for government because of the amount of bleating on a local forum is just daft. If they think that way, they're not fit to stand in the first place.

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I dont see the forum as anything more than a group of people getting together to talk,bleat,whinge or moan about any issue that may or may not affect them, in other words a social get together. OK so other people can have a look in and see what is being discussed but as was pointed out to me in one of the debates when I was making out that the forum was more than it actually is, the numbers actually looking at the topics when you consider the number of revisits is actually very small. So Party Politics I think you are going to have a very busy weekend because you are surely going to have to stop all conversations in the pubs where exactly the same thing is going on ie discussions, whinges,moans etc

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Heh Celt, don't be to hard on PartyPolitics, he's trying his hardest to troll but not having much luck.


I only posted such a long reply due to the fact that I didn't realise his post had been Blessed by the late Pope........ plus it took Me that long to stop giggling, dam must be showing my age :P

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How about apparent utter incompetent at anything beyond brown – nose-ing?


How about self – evidently lacking of intellectual strength and ability?


etc. etc.


Ex chimney sweep?  A compliment - compared to the real matters for concern.



Well I laughed!

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My former post has undermined chimney sweeps and if any chimney sweep is reading I offer an unreserved apology.


I offer no apology whatsover for the ex-chimney sweep who is now boasting on Manx Radio about the "hard work" he is doing on his latest freebie to the Cannes Film Festival.


The guy is a complete joke! :D


And we Manx tax payers are paying for this nonsense!


Jesus H Christ, the film mogels will be in his company for five minutes and collapse in total hysterics. What an advert for the Isle of Man Film Industry.


Ha ha ha :D

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One of Alex Downie's manifestos

MEA - Improves Air Quality


The MEA has improved the environment and air quality of Ballakermeen and Ballabrooie, something which has been a long time coming.


We are also looking to the changeover in generation from oil to natural gas with the spin-off providing the prospect of big reductions in household gas bills. This policy has my full support; I’m a householder too,


Energy costs in the Island have been falling under the management of the MEA and the search for alternative sources of power is being extended to wind generation.


We could all ejoy free heating via the hot air escaping from some quarters!

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