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Wanted: Two Spoons (Seriously!)


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I've recently moved and am just sorting out the final bits of keeping my landord at the last place happy. Apparently the cutlery set I was provided with has one missing desert spoon and one missing tea spoon. It's a marks and spencers set: I THINK this one: http://www.marksandspencer.com/16-Piece-Standford-Cutlery-Set/dp/B0045164YG


I don't want to buy a whole cutlery set if I can avoid it just to get two spoons (ffs) so can anyone who is less... spoon fussy... offer me a chance to buy two of your spoons?

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I've recently moved and am just sorting out the final bits of keeping my landord at the last place happy. Apparently the cutlery set I was provided with has one missing desert spoon and one missing tea spoon. It's a marks and spencers set: I THINK this one: http://www.marksands...t/dp/B0045164YG


Ridiculous, If all they've got to worry about is some poxy spoons you sound a bloody good tenant!

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Spoons and teaspoons available to purchase in four packs, buy one pack of each and keep three to remember your landlord by






Probably a more expensive option than you would wish but it might be worth it just to shut him/her up


Otherwise, it's a case for John Wright of this Parish

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Sounds like bit of a nerd to be quibbling over a spoon. Get em a shite one from Jurby Junk.

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The other thing is, they actually asked me what I had done with the spoons.


And I suppose in a sense they have a point. How do you lose spoons? They're not like socks that mysteriously disappear the moment you stop looking at them. I can kind of see the teaspoon being accidentally thrown away after being in some yoghurt. But the bigger spoon... no idea. I did suggest looking under the bed and apparently she had!

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Burnt on heroin is a bugger to clean off spoons, isn't it?




Even if I were the chap referred to in the other thread, there has never been any heroin involved there AFAIK. And if you're suggesting that *I* have been taking heroin, or letting it be used in my (2 bedroom semi that cost four figures a month ffs) house... then let me suggest that if you think such a thing, you're on crack! smile.png


(seriously, I don't want to get an online reputation as some kind of druggie. I hope you were joking but having seen what can happen to other people can't be too cautious. Also I am currently quite intoxicated from the hard drug legal high alcohol, having just left my new local, so maybe I am over reacting :D)

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I would be lying if I said I thought it was entirely reasonable but on the other hand she was a very fair landlady who I would like to be keeping on good terms with...


There is nothing fair or reasonable about asking you to replace 2 spoons, as you've said, you've been paying four figures a month and she quibbles over 36 quid? If you're really that bothered buy a new set of 16 and just give her the set, then keep the other 14 yourself just incase of some future twatish landlord/landlady.


Most landlords worry about soiled carpets/fixtures/fittings, holes in walls/doors or keeping pets when told not too etc..........2 spoons?...........she needs to get a fucking grip!

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Perhaps the OP has concluded that his complement of spoons is numerically deficient and wants to make good. Maybe the landlady is still blissfully unaware of this shortfall? Perhaps the absent spoons have always been absent but the OP didn't do an ingoing stocktake?

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