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Ta for that. Couldn't get into the main tent, sold out and I didn't have a ticket, which was a shame. Best of the night for me was the shore, good crowd and good music. Enjoyed the Shedmen at the indy tent too but it wasn't particularly busy.


Winners of the night had to be the douglas taxies, was in a convoy of about 30 on the way home!


Back for more tomorrow!

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Enjoyed the Shedmen at the indy tent too but it wasn't particularly busy.



Really, given the 57 threads on Manx Bands about it I'd have thought it would have been like a big version of Live Aid.


Saturdays always the big day/night for crowds of people and campers in my experience

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Really, given the 57 threads on Manx Bands about it I'd have thought it would have been like a big version of Live Aid.


I did wonder about that, perhaps I just hit at a quiet time. Most of the people there watching seemed to be playing at some stage too :)

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I agree Shedmen were good... I would love to know who the guy in the white sex pistols t shirt was, he was having such a good time.

Stinging With Bigness were ace this afternoon and I caught the end of Diplomas set which sounded alright..


who was the band playing at the mines with

Ken Mitchell

Matt James




playing they were very good.

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There is a free bus laid on too, leaves Laxey from oppoiste the total filling station at 12.15 fri & sat


Quite amusing to see the free bus sat empty on ham n egg while hundreds of people try to hitch lifts just round the corner...


Anyway, what a fekking weekend! Highlight definately papa george, he was just amazing. Lowlight, packs of 14 year olds nagging for fags n cider. Perhaps I'm just getting old and miserable.. :)


Seemed to be a distinct age vibe in each tent this time away from the music:


Shore = 30 somethings

Football Club = Teens

Queens = 40's

Mines = 20's

Bridge = 50's

Main Tent = OAP's


Shore was my home for much of the weekend, seemed much busier than anywhere else, but then it was the biggest tent. It was the only one with a descent burger van too, heh. Might was particularly impressed with the way Mr Riff wound things up in there.


Cor, what a weekend though. Can someone tell me where all those fit girls hide when the suns not out? Is there a secret stash of them somewhere that only gets activated when it's hot? When it's rainy, the islands filled with mingers :)

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