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National Disgrace?


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I think the title and the subject about sums up the slack attitude most MHK's have towards the Public. OK, so the reason was that the invites weren't sent out. I would have thought part of the job would be to know the social side of local life but them I must be wrong.


Apparently it was the CM's office who forgot to send them out but I don't think He was there either. Even though he must have known about it. I managed to know about it just by reading the local press.


They should all hang their heads in shame imo.

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I think the title and the subject about sums up the slack attitude most MHK's have towards the Public. OK, so the reason was that the invites weren't sent out. I would have thought part of the job would be to know the social side of local life but them I must be wrong.


Apparently it was the CM's office who forgot to send them out but I don't think He was there either. Even though he must have known about it. I managed to know about it just by reading the local press.


They should all hang their heads in shame imo.


When I reflect on tales my Grandad and my father told me about the First and Second World Wars and the sufferring that they and their fellows endured to fight for freedom and democracy I have to agree with you.


I do not blame the members of Tynwald, nor the admin staff, I blame Donald Gelling as Chief minister for not following up his instruction to ensure the letters went out. Most employers would do the same.


This matter is a blight on Manx History and for a man as Chief minister to not ensure his instructions are carried out implies either arrogance, ignorance, or just total imcompetancy.


There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever.


If Gelling wants to restore any credability then he should shoulder total blame for this mess and publically make a statement on all Manx radio stations offering sincere apologies and also in all the printed media.


I am absolutely disgusted for my dad and my grandfather and all their colleagues who fought to create a society where the likes of Donald gelling and other Tynwald fat cats just take the preverbial urine :angry:

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"Our God and soldiers we alike adore

Ev'n at the brink of danger; not before:

After deliverance, both alike requited,

Our God's forgotten, and our soldiers slighted."


(Francis Quarles 1592-1644)

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It is appalling that all of our politicians did not turn out for the Victory in Europe commemoration service.


Is the island so removed from the rest of the world that they weren't aware of events happening throughout Europe?


To ignore the sacrifice of millions of people is a National Disgrace.


That's one more reason to vote.






Where the clouds went gray with the gloom of war,

You marched upon a foreign land.

Where the sky rained down a storm of steel,

You spilled blood with pitiless hands.


Where the tranquil songs of birds,

Bowed to the unheard cries of men.

Where your fate seemed so far away,

A faceless assassin struck you then.


When I think of the burden on my soul,

It brings me to my knees;

That debt so heavy, so unpayable.

The soldier who died for me.


The most coveted things of this Earth

Are but dust on the altar of your grave.

For all my life what can I give?

To a soldier who died, stoic and brave.


Now that the wind of death has blown cold,

Parching the flowers in your garden divine,

Humbled by the honor of that sacrifice, I ask:

Soldier, help wither the weeds in mine.


BY: Matthew Winkler

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Manx Radio




Chief Minister Donald Gelling has accepted responsibility for MHKs not attending a VE commemoration service at St John's last weekend.


A number of places were reserved for Tynwald members, but only the President, Noel Cringle, was there.


Second World War Veteran, Harry Bacon, says he was shocked and saddened that no MHKs were present to mark the occasion.


Mr Gelling says that was down to an administrative mix-up.


He says his office was asked to send out invitations, but for some reason that didn't happen.


Mr Gelling (pictured) says he sincerely regrets the situation:

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Mr Gelling added: 'This oversight is particularly disappointing given the Council of Ministers' earlier decision to fully support this years' celebrations marking the end of World War Two.'


But Mr Kneale, of Cronkbourne Avenue, Douglas, insisted: 'That's no excuse. We didn't forget to go to war.


'If anything, this bungle makes matters worse. If the chief minister cannot rely on his officials it's a poor show.'


Mr Kneale was 22 when he was called up in February 1940. He had married shortly before he was posted overseas and it was to be nearly five years before he saw his wife Thelma again.

It really is too bad. There has been loads in the media about these 'celebrations'. How could any of them have missed it?

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