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R. I. P. Neil Armstrong


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Oh come on Lxxx that is one huge cop out. Do you deny the existence of Rio de Janeiro, or some other place you have not been to, but for which if you take the evidence provided by others there is more than enough reason to accept its reality.


I agree with Lonan3 it probably isn't worth arguing about this, but I remain fascinated by your rationale.


What do you think about the trace from Jodrell Bank - is it significantly different from, say, the trace for the Higgs Boson? Do you accept that the Higgs Boson is a product of scientists working together in a grand collaboration - if so, why would you have a different view of the data from the scientists at UMIST tracking Apollo 11?


Do you really think that Jodrell Bank trace is faked? Really?


What makes you unwilling to take it on face value? What about the recordings of the scientists discussing both Apollo 11 and Luna 15 - is one half of the conversation true, and the other half fake?


For me I can't understand a rationale which tries to build a scenario that these people are a part of a grand conspiracy - it would be little different than claiming Rio doesn't exist. In both cases I have to rely on third parties as I've no direct evidence myself, but to assume this is a lie strains reason.


Please do reply - even if it is to only say what you think the trace from Jodrell Bank and the recordings they made discussing the live data they were recieving from Apollo 11 and Luna 15 back in July 1969 are.


The most likely explanation, in my opinion, is that we did indeed go to the moon and that all the trace from places like Jodrell Bank and the like are correct but (in my best conspiracy theory rationale) the images we saw were not 100% accurate and may even have been doctored.....and the reports which made it back to the rest of the world were tailored to give rather blander feedback than actually occurred.

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The most likely explanation, in my opinion, is that we did indeed go to the moon and that all the trace from places like Jodrell Bank and the like are correct but (in my best conspiracy theory rationale) the images we saw were not 100% accurate and may even have been doctored.....and the reports which made it back to the rest of the world were tailored to give rather blander feedback than actually occurred.


What are you suggesting? They found Clangers and a Soup Dragon up there but kept it quiet, so as not to panic the masses?

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From an AIAA communication:


The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (8/30) announced that the AIAA Foundation, "at the request of the family of Neil A. Armstrong, who was the first person to set foot on the Moon, and an AIAA Honorary Fellow, has established the Neil A. Armstrong Scholarship Endowment Fund." AIAA Executive Director Robert S. Dickman said, "We are honored to have been selected by the Armstrong family as one of three recipients of gifts made in memory of Neil Armstrong." Those interested should "make your memorial gift to the Neil A. Armstrong Scholarship Endowment Fund, please visit www.aiaa.org or call 703.264.7518."

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Whether Armstrong and others landed on the moon or not is contentious to me as I don't really know one way or another.

I've seen videos and documentaries from Government owned sites as also those with differing degrees of credibility and I've seen pictures which are claimed to have been falsified.

If they were falsified, then my question would have to be why, as any editing is bound to be regarded as having an ulterior motive.


Anyway, whatever is true or not true doesn't matter, in respect of what I think of Mr Armstrong, as he came across as a good ambassador for those who are fascinated with space exploration.

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Whether Armstrong and others landed on the moon or not is contentious to me as I don't really know one way or another.


If you can doubt the moon landings then really you should doubt and distrust everything which the experts and authorities report as fact. Everything.


If that is your perspective then you should also doubt the reason behind every headline. You should be asking yourself why any thing might be reported. And you should.


I have no doubt that men (genuine US heroes) walked on the moon but you are definitely right to doubt and distrust everything which is reported as fact.


It's sad because they cannot completely prove it - and yet it should be the greatest thing ever. It reflects the distrust of reporting which now exists. It's sad but understandable that the misrepresentation and manipulation of other stories and events has caused sensible people to also distrust the factual reporting of history.

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