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Summerland On Radio 4


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It's advertised in the Manx Independent this week.



Flats, flats, and more flats?


and article and site photos on page 2 of the Courier - but I don;t understand precisely what is being offered for sale because it says:-

"At just under three acres the site is sizeable and Mr Chapman said there was the potential to acquire further adjacent land if needed, bringing the total up to almost six acres"

what adjacent land is this, surely the only adjacent land is the MER depots...

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It's advertised in the Manx Independent this week.



Flats, flats, and more flats?


and article and site photos on page 2 of the Courier - but I don;t understand precisely what is being offered for sale because it says:-

"At just under three acres the site is sizeable and Mr Chapman said there was the potential to acquire further adjacent land if needed, bringing the total up to almost six acres"

what adjacent land is this, surely the only adjacent land is the MER depots...


Looking at the site it seems to be in two parts - the site where the Summerland buildings were, and the area of the car park for Summerland was.

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The two parts would appear to be the 2.98 acres bounded in red and yellow, and then the 2.66 acres bounded in the white line. Maybe the present electric railway sheds are going and are to be part of some big plan.

Edited by RonnieD
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from the brochure:-

The Retained Land and the MER Depot

It is proposed that a 35 metre wide strip of land (0.65acres), shown hatched blue on the indicative site plan, will be retained by the Department of Community, Culture and Leisure to facilitate access to and cater for the potential future expansion of the Manx Electric Railway Depot, shown edged green. The Department may however consider development proposals which involve the purchase of the whole or part of the retained land as

part of a redevelopment scheme. Our clients will also consider a proposal which includes the redevelopment of the adjacent MER Depot (2.01 acres) on the basis that the existing or similar facilities will be provided within an enlarged scheme. Please contact us to discuss further.




the potential future expansion of the Manx Electric Railway Depot, - for the monorail!! or what??

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  • 9 years later...

Has much changed in the IOM? 


“It soon emerged that architects had used materials known to be a safety risk and rules had been “bent”, according to David McNeill QC, who represented relatives of the dead and injured at the public inquiry. Yet none of the named parties were charged with a crime. Almost 50 years on, Summerland is largely forgotten, its lessons not learned”

“Reg, 73 says the people at the top look after themselves and the people at the bottom get stuffed. And that’s exactly what happened.”

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It remains a terrible stain on the Island's reputation and character.  I remember that many years ago my wife met another lawyer who, I think, as a young man had been involved in some capacity in the report into the tragedy.  That experience caused him to form a very unfavourable opinion of the IoM.

Edited by Ghost Ship
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20 minutes ago, Ghost Ship said:

It remains a terrible stain on the Island's reputation and character.  I remember that many years ago my wife met another lawyer who, I think, as a young man had been involved in some capacity in the report into the tragedy.  That experience caused him to form a very unfavourable opinion of the IoM.

You make a fair enough post, but no, as far as forming the reputation and character of the Island, Summerland soon enough drifted into the background. A lawyer who would have been in at the sharp end of the inquiry is a different matter but that is true of any inquiry or court case etc.

I left the Island in 1978 and returned 20 years later. No one ever mentioned Summerland even though I worked in architecture/construction. The first reference was always the TT. (Although once in the early 90s whilst having a quiet drink with work colleagues I was verbally and loudly attacked by a stranger for being from the Isle of Man due to the then publicity regarding gays).

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You're right that it's not as widely known about off the island as you might expect.

My point was that for thise people who are aware of it, it shows the island in a particularly bad light.

Now more people will be aware of it or reminded of it because of a random newspaper article.

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  • 1 month later...

I have just seen an interesting interview with a survivor/witness to the Summerland Fire, with Paul Moulton. The interviewee is trying to organise an exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of the disaster next year. A good idea, but sadly good ideas will have every obstacle thrown in their way. The establishment still wants to cover up, and doesn’t like to remember, unless it involves certain groups (particularly where there are vote’s involved). Perhaps Manx National Heritage could organise an exhibition, as it is bound to be able to collate artefacts, and arrange these with a commentary, possibly audio/visual. To think 50 years ago, the island had a thriving tourist scene. 

Another thing out of this IOMTV is a revelation that the interviewee in 2018, received warning letter to cease talking about the disaster (on behalf of Douglas Council). Whilst the events happened 50 years ago, times and society have changed, people move on, it seems Douglas Council are obsessed about its image, and hold grudges. Sad really. 

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1 minute ago, 2112 said:

I have just seen an interesting interview with a survivor/witness to the Summerland Fire, with Paul Moulton. The interviewee is trying to organise an exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of the disaster next year. A good idea, but sadly good ideas will have every obstacle thrown in their way. The establishment still wants to cover up, and doesn’t like to remember, unless it involves certain groups (particularly where there are vote’s involved). Perhaps Manx National Heritage could organise an exhibition, as it is bound to be able to collate artefacts, and arrange these with a commentary, possibly audio/visual. To think 50 years ago, the island had a thriving tourist scene. 

Another thing out of this IOMTV is a revelation that the interviewee in 2018, received warning letter to cease talking about the disaster (on behalf of Douglas Council). Whilst the events happened 50 years ago, times and society have changed, people move on, it seems Douglas Council are obsessed about its image, and hold grudges. Sad really. 

They need to publish that letter. 

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