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Katie Papped

hagar the horrible

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You have to go back a long way to find one of these leeches killed

Well the Provos killed Mountbatten in 1979. He wasn't in action at the time (although the Provo planting the bomb was) but saw active service in WW2 with his ship being sunk in the battle of Crete. That leech as you charmingly put was therefore probably closer to death in the service of the country than any of us are ever likely to be and was ultimately killed in peacetime because of his connection to royalty.


Tugger are you OK with this sort of thing too? You did say *anything* that undermines them.


PS I'm a republican btw

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If only she'd had a German tank tattooed on her breast - no Frenchman would have dared to take a shot....


You should take a trip over there, Lonan, into the real France and see some of the memorials to the Martyrs scattered around in cities, towns, villages, roadsides and forests. It's just so easy to hint at cowardice from the safety of a different era and an island never occupied by the Germans.


Check this out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oradour-sur-Glane

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Given the way this thread has gone so far I don't know why I'm bothering with a serious reply but here goes anyway.


Why is this any different from criminal voyeurism? If the photographer had taken pictures of anyone, royal or not, either by peeping through a bedroom window, or with a hidden camera in a changing room, then he'd probably be going to prison along with the magazine editor. They were on private property, apparently quite remote and secluded - not exactly a beach in St Tropez.


William and Kate should publicly state that they will never visit France again - see how the Froggies like that.

I'm pleased that they're going to sue the paper as stalking is a criminal offence.

Wikipedia - Stalking Link

Stalking is a term commonly used to refer to unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual or group toward another person. Stalking behaviors are related toharassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them.


I'd like to see that no picture can be taken without the owners consent or if pictures are taken, then the celebrity has ownership of the picture and not to the photographer. Furthermore, any photos that are used and that do not have permission of the celebrity to use them, should therefore be liable as also any place that publishes them.

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Well they have cheap laughs at our expense too.


If anyone is going down France on the old N10 (now D910) between Tours and Poitiers there is a monument next to the road about 30 miles south of Tours at a place called Maillé. The germans committed an atrocity here just as bad as Oradour if fact it was worse in a way as it happened on the same day that the 'hero' Charles de Gaulle was sitting on his armoured car on the Champs Elysées 'liberating' Paris on August 25th 1944. The boche entered the village that morning and killed everyone they could find including babes in arms and old people. They then went into the fields and shot every single animal they could find. No reason has ever been given.There is a museum in the village which is worth a visit. I guarantee you will leave upset if you have any compassion whatsoever.


When they ask where you're from around there, best not say Isle of Man because it can sound to them like Allemand and you will not get a friendly reception (understatement) if they think you're german.

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The thread is about photographers taking pictures of people without their consent and regardless of the atrocities past, present and likely future, it's privacy that's at stake here, which has the potential to affect everyone in one form or another.

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manxy thread creep happens....


I think you are fair game in a public place, in fact I think you can't stop anyone taking your picture or viewing you on CCTV in the street. It just depends what the definition of a public place is. The paps will no doubt think anywhere they can see with the aid of powerful lenses as a public place. They make me puke.

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What "action" have you seen , apart from your "blimping" activities at Box Hill ?laugh.png


Fucking Hell - you're obsessed with my traumatic experience on Box Hill. Are you some sort of pervert?


When will you publish the photos PL?


I heard you were really close to the action..... so close in fact you had help with your zoom :)

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What "action" have you seen , apart from your "blimping" activities at Box Hill ?laugh.png


Fucking Hell - you're obsessed with my traumatic experience on Box Hill. Are you some sort of pervert?


The thread is about peeping toms/blimpers , if memory serves in relation to your post re Box Hill you chose to get in as close and posted details so it's fair to assume you derive some sort of pleasure from this sort of activity allbeit on this occasion perhaps by proxy.


Now to claim it a "traumatic experience" is a tad laughablelaugh.png .

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I'm not sure why she felt the need to go topless anyway. She is a princess and going topless was totally unnecessary, I'm sure she can afford to have a decent spray tan over any bikini lines or what have you. I'm not entirely comfortable with the whole going topless idea and slutty bikinis are for photoshoots not beaches, bitches - I'd have been a rubbish Roman, I tell ya smile.png. I think it's probably more to do with their amazing publicists than her free will as a thoroughly modern woman though.


I'm having trouble with why I'm being such a prude over the topless thing, why the fuss? I really don't know. It's not something I've ever felt the need to do. I usually ruin my tan on the first day (bag strap, funny shaped t-shirt, hand on leg...that kind of thing) but maybe if I was in a Chateau and had only just got married to a prince and was young and nigh on perfect, yeah, maybe.

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