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Electronics "stuff" Must Go.


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I am starting a sort out of old electronics stuff. Some is giveaway to a good (read crazy) home, some stuff I want some folding stuff to compensate for the heartache.

Large number of oscilloscopes.

Some computer bits.

A number of quality German portable radios from the sixties.

An interesting cathode ray tube characteristic checker with missing valves. Unique and rare, only for the absolute crackpot.

Some odd computer bits.


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I have a desktop computer (HP I think), no hard drive or memory but looks OK otherwise. I have not had chance to touch it.

Many small bits, such as cables, laptop CDs, old mice and keyboards, not really certain untill I dig it all out.

I have a working 15" or 17" flat screen monitor. A Philips flat screen TV (22" or thereabouts) with intermittant loss of picture, something simple to fix I think. It did have no sound when I picked it up, but I relpaced the SOP chip.

Scopes include Telequipment D755, D63 larger frame, maybe a DM63, not too certain. Philips (forget model right now) and I do have a 250MHz Hewlet-Packard that I may reluctantly part with. I would check operation, and could calibrate to OEM spec, as I do have the official Telequipment plug in calibration adaptors as well as a Telequipment calibrator (type C2?) etc..

A Cossor 3100 scope, a Telequipment D67 and one or two others.

May have a laptop, but not sure about selling that yet.

Also a couple of high end German made NordMende Stereo Valve Radios. More will appear as the tidy up continues, and then maybe I will find more time for my motorcycles.

Just remembered some more stuff.

For Valve enthusiasts, I have a large quantity of valves, mostly for older test equipment, but a few TV valves, and of course some radio valves.

An AVO VCM Mk IV valve tester with a non-standard meter.

A Telequipment semiconductor characteristic curve tracer, fully calibrated and I do have the Tectronics semiconductor testing manual covering everything from simple diodes, Zeners, tunnel diodes through junction transistors, unijunction to FETs.

There will be more.


Quite a few test equipment manuals (mostly scopes).

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GD4ELI, Yes, I know. They are NOT in the FOC pile. I really must clear the decks more than just a bit, but so much of it holds sentimental value to me, that t will take a certain amount of gold to allow me to part with it.

I know I could use online auctions, but I thought I would try locally first.

Perhaps you should consider a 1963 constructed top of the range NordMende "Tannhauser", with its long valve line up, or the 1967 Parsifal. Both have stereo decoders, retro fitted to the 1963 set, standard for the 1967 model.

Then there are the NordMende and Grundig battery portables, but I am keeping my Globetrotter 808 and Satelit 600.

Why don't you set your heart on one or more yourself, you obviously understand their true value and beauty.


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RC-Drift I d not looked for quite a while, but that is interesting. Of course Buy Now does not mean it actually sells.

The Fidelio is a lower-end model than mine, but quite good for all that.


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Why don't you set your heart on one or more yourself, you obviously understand their true value and beauty.



Saldy (or not) I doubt I'll be on the rock for a few years to come, but I wanted to be sure you would not be taking them to the tip.

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Just thought I would add this to the list, and it IS FOC to suitable candidate. 12v (car battery) input, 240v mains output converter rated at 150 watts, this is a traditonal "chopped" inverter, but it has a big enough transformer to give a pretty smooth output. I bought it about 30 years ago, as a bare unit, and put it in an old 'scope case for convenience and portability. I used to use it to demonstrate TVs, sattelite receivers and 'scopes at outdoor markets without mains supply, and it coped well.


Incidentally, if you are interested in mains conversions of a different sort, single to three phase, have a look at something I built here:--

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The inverter I mentioned in the last mail is spoken for.

I now have a box of computer stuff, and it needs to go SOON or it is into dustbin. includes laptop hard drives, cd/dvd players and a floppy (Sharp laptop?), some PC power supplies, microprocessors, cables, keyboards etc..


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