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Muslim Reaction To Film Which Allegedly Insults Them?

Max Power

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Whilst I believe that it is wrong to publicly mock any religion I can't come to terms with the outcry which is sweeping the Muslim world over a film made by a private individual who happens to live in the USA?


I really do wonder what they expect the US Government to do to prevent this kind of thing, and the calls for the film maker to be hunted down and hanged in a democratic nation which has freedom of speech as part of its culture are beyond me.

I can understand the outrage, but to use this as a stick to beat the USA with doesn't show Islam in a good light, and you have to ask if these people have any understanding of what it takes to exist in a free society?

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I bet most of them haven’t even seen it, its just a pathetic excuse to show their hate of westerners by jumping on the bandwagon.


Its not just against the USA either, I haven’t been following it that hard but Germany, Australia, and the UK have also had their own share of stick from what I've seen. Which backs up my above point. Have a look on youtube at all the hoards of bearded loons in London and Sydney. As for the American ambassador that was killed, apparently the sick vermin raped him before killing him to!. Fecking animals!.


Peaceful protests would be one thing but this is just shocking, their is clearly some serious excrement brewing amongst that lot.



Oh, and does anything show Islam in a good light?.


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Let's face it.....it's not like it takes much these days to upset someone, somewhere on the planet. Granted it's usually Islamists, and granted their way of showing they are a peaceful religion is a good riot with people dying....and granted its usually something that any rational person would either ignore or not get worked up about.....


End of the day....Haters gonna hate (as I believe the internet saying goes)

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Your reactiction is certainly justified.


Why should any aid be sent to these countries that hate the west?


We have elderly and homeless in the uk and europe. Help ourself first.


In the event of a disaster what help would the muslim world give us?

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Whilst I believe that it is wrong to publicly mock any religion I can't come to terms with the outcry which is sweeping the Muslim world over a film made by a private individual who happens to live in the USA?


Do you really think it's wrong though? Plenty of mocking goes on with other religions.


You only have to look at Monty Python and although I believe there were Christian protests about 'The life of Brian', it is the scale, aggressiveness and retaliative nature of these Muslim protests that is the difference.

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I dont think it´s religion thats at fault here. Its Governments.


People want power, and in religious states they get that power by behaving religious.


And once in power the leaders need to stoke the fire so they can stay in power.


I am witnessing a similar thing here in China at the moment with the Government led anti Japanese sentiment.

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The Onion's comment is definitely NSFW, and is a bit simplistic - extremists from all the religions portrayed have killed and terrorized for their religion - but it does give a flavour to how much more extreme Islam is in demanding people "respect" its teachings.


A religion that claims to be a religion of peace threatening to kill people who disagree with it! Jesus & Mo also sums it up well.


Here's another example of religion as a form of child abuse:


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Funny link ChinaHand :-)


Do you, as a free thinker, have a solution to this challange to a harmonious world society?


My proposal would be to start the UN and world bank etc from scratch. And only allow secular governments with not a whiff of religion in their constistutions to join.


That would exclude the USA from world leadership for a few centuries at least... :-)

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The Onion's comment is definitely NSFW, and is a bit simplistic - extremists from all the religions portrayed have killed and terrorized for their religion - but it does give a flavour to how much more extreme Islam is in demanding people "respect" its teachings.


A religion that claims to be a religion of peace threatening to kill people who disagree with it! Jesus & Mo also sums it up well.


Here's another example of religion as a form of child abuse:



Reminds me of thsoe Westborough nut jobs having their kids holding signs of a similar distasteful nature.

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Funny link ChinaHand :-)


Do you, as a free thinker, have a solution to this challange to a harmonious world society?


My proposal would be to start the UN and world bank etc from scratch. And only allow secular governments with not a whiff of religion in their constistutions to join.


That would exclude the USA from world leadership for a few centuries at least... :-)


Wasn't the US constitution originally meant to be free of religious bias?

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Funny link ChinaHand :-)


Do you, as a free thinker, have a solution to this challange to a harmonious world society?


My proposal would be to start the UN and world bank etc from scratch. And only allow secular governments with not a whiff of religion in their constistutions to join.


That would exclude the USA from world leadership for a few centuries at least... :-)


Wasn't the US constitution originally meant to be free of religious bias?


I was thinking of their money MDO. That and the great GWB and his "crusades".


Any time I see clips of American politicians on TV it's always God this and God that. So it seems anyway to my subjective mind.

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Article 6 of the original constitution, at the end of the third clause, states:


[N]o religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.


While the 1st Amendment says that:


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

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I would say that the threat from Islam as a whole is more dangerous than any other religion and a strong message needs to go out on in western countries about what certain behaviours will not tolerated. I know that many people think that it is more enlightened, fair, and open-minded to point to extremists when these things happen, but I think there are missing something in their recognition of what happens when religions are mocked.


Were Christianity to be mocked in today's world you do not get people running through streets, shouting, and trying to destroy whatever it is they are being crazy about. With Christianity you tend to get a 'woe is me' reaction and a lot of feeling sorry for themselves. If not this then you get open condemnation.


Not with Islam. Slag off the prophet and the deluded roar through the streets and a lot of them calling for death and many will be ready to murder. It's fucking crazy and the problem is that there are far too many people in the West who stupidly think that the person who insulted the prophet or Islam was at fault for the resulting lunacy and barbarisms.


I did ponder about this quiet a lot. But it really isn't a cultural thing separate from religion. The reactions seem the same across different nations. Though there have been similar things in India where masses flood the streets in a riot over insults to Hinduism. The stupidly is awesome when you hear of people being trampled to death.


In one particular respect only and in no other way people who take issue with the result of free speech in any society and people who will mete out violent punishment to those who insult their religion have to either changed their tune or be removed from that society. What we are talking about here is the ultimate in childish behaviour resulting from poor education, indoctrination, and a belief that they can and should be able to avenge any slight.

That is incompatible with any civilised society. But I think fear has overtaken many minds. And this is understandable. It has to be overcome though.

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