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Muslim Reaction To Film Which Allegedly Insults Them?

Max Power

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LDV,good post,I agree their should be no societal acceptance of intolerant faiths.


I believe religious indoctrination is the greatest limitation to an inquisitive and broadly educated human mind.

It denies its victims the liberty to free rational thinking,threatening all who question its validity and for me represents the greatest threat to human advancement.

This latest example demonstrates how it is abused to exploit control over masses and to prey on their tribal instinct,it is no more than abusive extremism.

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Who exactly is stoking the fire...............



Israel (heavily supported by America) hate the Palestinians (supported by mostly islamic nations), and the feeling is mutual.


Iranian Airbus shot down by US Navy 1988 for no justifiable reason, all 290 innocent people killed onboard the civilian airliner. Iran vows that they will seek revenge. America is both dismissive and arrogant and issues no apology.


3 years later 9/11 happens, Iran (quite a formidable western foe to pick a fight with at the time), despite vowing to avenge the 1988 atrocity isn't blamed directly, instead Libya (quite an easy target that is pissing Israel and America off by training terrorists) takes the blame. The CIA pay a guy in Malta to say that Al Megrahi bought a suit case to help their case - no pun intended, and this is fundamental for the prosecutions argument against Libya.


2003, Iraq invaded again under the guise of "WMD" despite international concerns and all sorts of chaos is created. Afghanistan and Pakistan (who are anti-west) become involved. Iran (still too big a country to pick a fight with) is stirring the shit up big style.


2011, we have the Arab Spring, Saudi Arabia is worried that its oppressed people will rise up, they along with the Emirates are armed to the hilt with US/UK weapons to keep civil unrest at bay, the arab media are controlled too. Libya does a deal with the west for the extraction of their oil reserves and in return is given financial assistance by the west. Egypt get rid of a western corrupt puppet, and all sorts go on behind the scenes to stop the Muslim Brotherhood (supported by Iran) taking charge, the US/UK are at the forefront of this.


2012, Syria is split between Russia and Iran supporting Assad against America, Britain and France (who used to control Syria) supporting the opposition.


Iran is scared stiff that they will have civil unrest (America and Israel are doing their best to stir the shit here) that could overthrow its oppressive regime. So Iran, along with Pakistan (a nuclear armed nation that UK/USA give billions of pounds each year just to keep the peace) stir the hornets nest by searching for anything in the west that appears to be anti islamic, this is their weapon of choice and it seems to work.



Propaganda, Greed, Oil and Religion are an unhealthy cocktail.

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LDV,good post,I agree their should be no societal acceptance of intolerant faiths.


I believe religious indoctrination is the greatest limitation to an inquisitive and broadly educated human mind.

It denies its victims the liberty to free rational thinking,threatening all who question its validity and for me represents the greatest threat to human advancement.

This latest example demonstrates how it is abused to exploit control over masses and to prey on their tribal instinct,it is no more than abusive extremism.

It is not so much that I am reference to intolerant religions. I am talking about the excuse for behaviour that rests on religious belief, such as the belief that it is acceptable to riot, maim and kill others JUST because they have insulted something extremely dear.
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It gets better, heard this on the way home tonight on the radio, French paper has announced it is doing a cartoon and the French government have shut up shop all around the world in anticipation of the protests..... WTF?




Why is this religion so sensitive?


Life of Brian was met with a bit of protest at the time but nothing like this, John Cleese is keen to make money to pay his ex wifes what about a new Monty Python film?

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Mob rule BR, like with the London scumbag riots - they must love the power of it. I heard the same, I'm guessing the west will pay for its tolerance of, and pandering to, these types, like with the Nazi's they will let it go to far down the road and it will all blow up seriously in the end. Edit: yeah, yeah, Godwins law... but still.



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The "forms of behavior" demonstrated are the ‘types’ I'm referring to. The cavemen who are under the delusion that this behavior is an acceptable, or proportionate response to something that they find offensive, need educating of otherwise.



The issue its that they are on a different wavelength to most people, and cannot be reasoned with in a civilized manner........ so why remain civilized with uncivilized and murderous people?. Oh that's right, as to not upset them any further!. This pattern is dangerous.

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Free speech is good but it is not absolute and there really is no excuse for winding people up. We may think 'they' are crazy but why cause unnecessary grief by a stupid video? Those who produced it knew what the result would be.


Religion has always caused conflict and has the potential to get worse as soon try to apply ancient doctrine to an increasingly modern world. Decision making on doctrine in lieu of reason will always fail and be a source of problems but it's a great method of control especially in countries that are, lets say, not as advanced as 'the west'. Extremes all religions ignore reason but (generalisation on its way) Islamic countries seem to suffer from this quite a bit more. We know it's only a tiny percentage of those who follow any faith can be described as extreme but they have a real ability to cause unrest. However the west occupying their country hardly helps when we are talking about Islam.


The sooner we, whilst respecting other's views, junk religion the better. Unfortunately many need it as a crutch to get through life but it simplifies down to my imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend so we are going to apply my rules from some story book from the 7th (or whatever) century, no matter how demeaning and irrelevant to modern life they may be.


Religion is the problem and unless we can start living our lives by applying reason in its place, it always will be.

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