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Muslim Reaction To Film Which Allegedly Insults Them?

Max Power

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Free speech is good but it is not absolute and there really is no excuse for winding people up. .

You can't say freedom of speech is good but it is not absolute. That doesn't make sense. Either you believe in free speech (which is an absolute freedom surrounding speech) or you don't.


We may think 'they' are crazy but why cause unnecessary grief by a stupid video? Those who produced it knew what the result would be
Well it could be because people want to ridicule something that is ridiculous. It may also be because they want to ridicule something ridiculous at a period in time when many people are fearful of doing so because of the repurcussions.

Would you really hold this view if the movie was about Christianity and Jesus? Or what if most of the population believed in the SuperSquirrel? If I know that the followers of the cult of the Nutty One would go on a rampage if people take the piss out of it, how do you think people should treat the cult instead?


Quite a number of people are asking for Islam to be respected. Problem is that these religions deserve none.


The sooner we, whilst respecting other's views, junk religion the better.
That makes no sense either. You can't respect others views and also seek to try and help people move away from them by seeing they are crazy.
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I think the level of education in many Muslim countries does not extend to an understanding of other countries and their people. Consequently it is simple to control the majority of the population and make them believe that their religion is under attack, this in turn justifies all kinds of threats which suit the political aims of the leadership.

Muslims living in other countries are obliged to show solidarity with their brothers, escalating the issues out of context.


Until there is better understanding and education, there will never be a solution.

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From the BBC:


"I will pay whoever kills the makers of this video $100,000," the minister said. "If someone else makes other similar blasphemous material in the future, I will also pay his killers $100,000.

"I call upon these countries and say: Yes, freedom of expression is there, but you should make laws regarding people insulting our Prophet. And if you don't, then the future will be extremely dangerous."

At one point, he even called for the help of the Taliban and al-Qaeda in killing the filmmaker.


Yeah, way to tell the world that you're all about the peace and the love.

Very interesting to note that the reward for this act of Holy retribution is $100,000. Since when did the Prophet have a US Dollar account,and with which Bank?

EDIT TO ADD a capital P to prophet,just in case I insult a loon.

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Has anyone watched the video yet? It is so ridiculous it is funny.


I did, to see what all the fuss was about.


I can see that if you're illiterate, have been brainwashed from birth into thinking that your muslim faith is all that is important, and have been told to do so by higher powers in the mosque, that you might get a little upset by the content of it, although I imagine most of the rioters have not seen it.

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I spoke to a Muslim about this subject, his stance was that no person is allowed to mock the Prophet Muhammed and it is every Muslims duty to be outraged.

When I put it to him that they would be better ignoring any insult as the rioting is not painting his faith in a good light, he said that it was not an option for them as individuals?


It would seem that the problem is forced upon individual Muslims by their leadership, maybe they can not hold their head up in the Mosque if they are passive?

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The film is shit and it is pathetic that anyone got their hijab in a twist about it. To me though, I see the riots in the US, Sydney, London, all these places who have allowed these muslims into their country and I think that if these people are going to react like that to a rubbish little film, then get them the F back to their own country.


Anyone who follows any religion is quite simply backwards, and many of these people would drag us back into the dark ages if they could.


Religion is on the down & out and any sane person knows it's all bullshit. Fuck respecting their idiotic "beliefs"

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While I agree with much of your post, I don't have any problem with respecting anyone's right to have a faith,providing they show tolerance for others freedoms and liberties.

If they can't respect others liberties and live as an integrated society then they need to live somewhere else.

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I spoke to a Muslim about this subject, his stance was that no person is allowed to mock the Prophet Muhammed and it is every Muslims duty to be outraged.

I can understand why they are outraged. The issue of duty doesn't even have to come into it. If they really do believe in the garbage in the Koran and holiness of Muhammed then outrage seems natural. But something needs to be done about that outrage is another thing.
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I spoke to a Muslim about this subject, his stance was that no person is allowed to mock the Prophet Muhammed and it is every Muslims duty to be outraged.

I can understand why they are outraged. The issue of duty doesn't even have to come into it. If they really do believe in the garbage in the Koran and holiness of Muhammed then outrage seems natural. But something needs to be done about that outrage is another thing.

LDV,the quote you're responding to was written by Max Power,why have you presented it as mine?

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I really do wonder what they expect the US Government to do to prevent this kind of thing, and the calls for the film maker to be hunted down and hanged in a democratic nation which has freedom of speech as part of its culture are beyond me.


That guy is a banjo twanging fucktard though - I'm all for free speech but when you have some red neck fuckwit actively thinking up ways to piss off a bunch of equally stupid religious zealots then I think its a different issue. Unfortunately America in some States is just a refuge for ignorant morons and this one idiot has managed to cause riots in several Muslim countries purely by being an ignorant redneck who thinks its funny to wind up a bunch of hyper sensitive religious zealots around the world.

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