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Sad Day For Manchester


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Full credit to Ian Hanson, chairman of the Greater Manchester Police Federation, who said:


"Words almost fail me. I want to look beyond the uniform here.


"What we've got are two young girls who went out this morning and they've got an absolute right to come home to their loved ones.


"This is cold-blooded murder, the slaughter of the innocents."

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Bastard. Snuffing two lives out just like that. Put him in a room with their families and colleagues and let them do their worst.


must be so very hard for the officers in that police station to remain professional. I personally, hope they're not and they are currently kicking the shit out of him.

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must be so very hard for the officers in that police station to remain professional. I personally, hope they're not and they are currently kicking the shit out of him.


I really hope they do remain professional. "Kicking the shit out of him" will simply put them on his level. You know, with cases such as this happening seemingly regularly, it's sometimes easy to think the police deserve all they get. But this case seems a real tragedy. And unprecedented in this country. A terrible shame, and impossible to imagine the agony for the victims' families. Horrendous.

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