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Sad Day For Manchester


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So the offender either fancies himself as a gangster or is just fucking crackers. That scar on his nappa would suggest he is crackers.


A lot more to come out of this I think, motive being the biggest one for me. Was it always the intention to murder police officers who responded to the hoax call or was this some kind of tip off that went wrong.


Lots of debate around arming the day to day police officers now. Personally I don't see how that would have helped if the officers walked into an ambush. Arming all officers would lead to more heavily armed criminals in my opinion, not good.


Thoughts are with the force and family of the victims.

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beats me why they say arrested on 'suspicion' off murder,words fail me.

Did he give himself up because he was scared of being shot himself? If so, he's an even bigger coward then I thought.

I too have a son who's a police officer and who is a firearms officer and I just hope for the best every time he's on call.


My thoughts are with the murdered officers families and all the good people involved.

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I really hope they do remain professional. "Kicking the shit out of him" will simply put them on his level.
Exactly. It was a stupid thing to say.
You know, with cases such as this happening seemingly regularly, it's sometimes easy to think the police deserve all they get.
I would agree and then there are many instances where I would smile happily to hear about some nasty form of retribution and the more so if they got away with it.

And I have no care for feelings and emotions of those in the force. Fuck 'em. Police ruin lives all the time and do it for a career. But...

But this case seems a real tragedy. And unprecedented in this country. A terrible shame, and impossible to imagine the agony for the victims' families. Horrendous.
I absolutely agree.
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Lots of debate around arming the day to day police officers now. Personally I don't see how that would have helped if the officers walked into an ambush. Arming all officers would lead to more heavily armed criminals in my opinion, not good.


The criminals are all ready better armed than the police. They aren't bound by the law, health & safety, budgets and the need to maintain a positive PR face with the public. They out number the police and have better funding.


This is a senseless crime and nothing short of the death penalty is acceptable in my eyes. The man who commited this crime has no place in society and society should not have to keep him.

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I really hope they do remain professional. "Kicking the shit out of him" will simply put them on his level.
Exactly. It was a stupid thing to say.
You know, with cases such as this happening seemingly regularly, it's sometimes easy to think the police deserve all they get.
I would agree and then there are many instances where I would smile happily to hear about some nasty form of retribution and the more so if they got away with it.

And I have no care for feelings and emotions of those in the force. Fuck 'em. Police ruin lives all the time and do it for a career. But...

But this case seems a real tragedy. And unprecedented in this country. A terrible shame, and impossible to imagine the agony for the victims' families. Horrendous.
I absolutely agree.


What a twisted little mind you have....you are truely a damaged individual.

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If thats what you want to label the bullshit you're peddling I'm fine with that.


Anyone who wish harm on anyone, specifically because of the employment they have, is mentally damaged.


And I stand by my death penalty stance. Its not like he accidentally killed those two officers, he planned on killing police officers by luring them into a trap. This shows a level of mental depravity that has no place in society.

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Arming all officers would lead to more heavily armed criminals in my opinion, not good.


The criminals are all ready better armed than the police. They aren't bound by the law, health & safety, budgets and the need to maintain a positive PR face with the public. They out number the police and have better funding.


Currently, alot of criminals wouldnt bother to carry firearms as they could just muscle the police out of the way or whatever. Arm the police and this would change.

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This seems to me to be another incident that could not have been prevented - I've always thought that you can't legislate against the completely deranged, people like Michael Ryan (Hungerford), Thomas Hamilton (Dunblane), Anders Breivik... and it appears that this is another smaller scale example.


I do agree with the death penalty for things like this - I can't see the point in keeping someone locked up forever, and when there is no doubt as to guilt, just kill him.

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