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Sad Day For Manchester


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Arming all officers would lead to more heavily armed criminals in my opinion, not good.


The criminals are all ready better armed than the police. They aren't bound by the law, health & safety, budgets and the need to maintain a positive PR face with the public. They out number the police and have better funding.


Currently, alot of criminals wouldnt bother to carry firearms as they could just muscle the police out of the way or whatever. Arm the police and this would change.


I don't think that. The level of arming of the police is reactionary to the level of criminals being armed. With the rise of criminals arming themselves, the police have had to increase the number of firearms issued.


Back in the old days, its was armed robbers with a saw off knocking over post offices, now teenagers are taking pot shots at each other in the streets.


Knife crime rose and the police were issued with stab resistant vests. Unfotunately pepper spray and stab vests aren't much help against a firearm wielding assailant.

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For balance I would say that there are a percentage of rotten apples in every barrel,whether it's police,civilian,or military.

But it's not a sound solution to encourage the victims families or colleagues to exact their justice with a similar level of animal behaviour.

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As it appears that one of the murdered women was brought up here, and has parents, family and friends here, will the Moderators consider closing or even removing this thread?


It has gone too far from just expressing sympathy for the family. This is such a tragic event that it is outside the normal parameters of what should be discussed here.

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I really hope they do remain professional. "Kicking the shit out of him" will simply put them on his level.
Exactly. It was a stupid thing to say.
You know, with cases such as this happening seemingly regularly, it's sometimes easy to think the police

deserve all they get.

I would agree and then there are many instances where I would smile happily to hear about some nasty form of retribution and the more so if they got away with it.

And I have no care for feelings and emotions of

those in the force. Fuck 'em. Police ruin lives all the time and do it for a career. But...

But this case seems a real tragedy. And unprecedented in this country. A terrible shame, and impossible to imagine the agony for the victims' families. Horrendous.
I absolutely



Who the hell are you to call someone stupid for expressing themselves in the wake of a really awful event? How arrogant!

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For balance I would say that there are a percentage of rotten apples in every barrel,whether it's police,civilian,or military.

But it's not a sound solution to encourage the victims families or colleagues to exact their

justice with a similar level of animal behaviour.


Nothing else has worked so far. Why not an eye for an eye in controlled circumstances?

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Who the hell are you to call someone stupid for expressing themselves in the wake of a really awful event? How arrogant!
To like the idea of the police kicking the shit out of someone behind closed doors is stupid. I don't have a high opinion of revenge, but to wish that the police engage in it is outrageous. It was a throw away comment and a stupid one. If the poster was serious then I would feel arrogant in my own reaction to this and moral understanding. And if someone comes out with anything I think is dangerous, dumb, or disagreeable then I will call them out on it if they want their post to be taken seriously.
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I agree with Lawnmower. I hope that her relatives don't read this thread and one post in particular.

You're not referring to my post, are you? I wonder because you did seem to think your posts are unfairly targeted.


Really? Because your post essentially boils down to "that got what they deserve, just because they were police officers"

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Who the hell are you to call someone stupid for expressing themselves in the wake of a really awful event? How arrogant!
To like the idea of the police kicking the

shit out of someone behind closed doors is stupid. I don't have a high opinion of revenge, but to wish that the police engage in it is outrageous. It was a throw away comment and a stupid one. If the poster was serious then I would feel arrogant in my own reaction to this

and moral understanding. And if someone comes out with anything I think is dangerous, dumb, or disagreeable then I will call them out on it if they want their post to be taken seriously.



I think the comment was probably made out of emotional distress and high feeling rather than literal. As was my comment about family and colleagues.. People need to express their grief and I think the majority of us are feeling very shocked and disturbed.

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To emotively react "I hope they kick his head in" is natural, to act on it, even to still believe it in a considered moment is incorrect.


These officers died upholding the rule of law, why then in their name, give into the rule of the mob?


Lawnmower has a point, I wouldn't like to see the thread closed, or the debate, but perhaps we could take the anger and aggression directed at other posters out of our replies. Self-moderate if you like, just for this thread?

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To emotively react "I hope they kick his head in" is natural, to act on it, even to still believe it in a considered moment is incorrect.


These officers died upholding the rule of law,

why then in their name, give into the rule of the mob?


Lawnmower has a point, I wouldn't like to see the thread closed, or the debate, but perhaps we could take the anger and aggression directed at

other posters out of our replies. Self-moderate if you like, just for this thread?


Fair enough. I apologise for any offence caused by my comments. It wasn't meant, but was posted out of shock, disgust and grief at the news that two police officers were gunned down while in the course of their duties. My thoughts are with their families and colleagues at this sad time.

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Who the hell are you to call someone stupid for expressing themselves in the wake of a really awful event? How arrogant!
To like the idea of the police kicking the shit out of someone behind closed doors is stupid. I don't have a high opinion of revenge, but to wish that the police engage in it is outrageous. It was a throw away comment and a stupid one. If the poster was serious then I would feel arrogant in my own reaction to this and moral understanding. And if someone comes out with anything I think is dangerous, dumb, or disagreeable then I will call them out on it if they want their post to be taken seriously.


Can you not read? I said that post was nonsensical and was a bit stupid. I too, believe it or not, do not like violence used in any form especialy revenge. The incident had just happened and it was emotional for me. end of. And obvsiously when I put the news thread on, how could I have possibly known that one was from IOM??

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