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Sad Day For Manchester


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Someday (perhaps when you grow up) you may realise just how offensive and ignorant you are. This thread, as I've said before, is about the tragic deaths of two young ladies.

It may come as a shock to you - but it isn't about you!

Your theories about politics (written as if you're actually expert in that field because you're unaware of how much they reveal your inadequate education) may have a place elsewhere. I'm trying to be polite, but it's difficult because your tunnel-vision on the subject doesn't allow you to comprehend what many other, far more intelligent and literate, posters have to say.

Over the years, I've watched you derail many threads to try to get the attention you so obviously crave but, in this case, you have revealed yourself to be self-absorbed, stupid and uncaring about anyone else's feelings or opinions.

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I understand I am (apparently) offending people. I care little though.I have no reason to care given the reasons why people claim to be offended, which boil down to political difference or misunderstanding of what I have said. I am happy for you be offended if it is for the right reasons. Problem here is that so many are just getting in a tizz because I am talking negatively about the police or they are too convinced that their crocodile tears have real substance on a forum


I mean, the only people who could possibly be considered to require care taken over their feelings is the family and there is much beside what I have said which isn't tailored for them. This wasn't and isn't a condolence thread. You may want it to be, but it isn't. Go create one. I will stay clear.


I am not the one banging on about the wonderful job of the police. And surely anyone with any intelligence wouldn't be firing off messages of support on a forum and then claim it is for the families and police's benefit. That is stupid. My political view (which informs my disagreement on offering support) is just as valid here as those that inform others messages of support, if you can't see that I think your lack of education is helping you.


And it isn't me after the attention. If people are so wrapped up in themselves that they become offended over what I said about the police then it is they who are self-absorbed. I will respond to their posts, but the responses don't constitute wanting attention, just making sense out of their nonsense.

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Without wanting to trawl back through the thread to see if it's been said, I do find it very disturbing that whenever someone dies and it is widely reported via the mainstream media (whether it's the passing of a 'celebrity' or the unfortunate death of someone in the line of duty), we get an outpouring of vicarious grief from certain quarters.

Take the Princess Diana mass grieving on a global scale, or the two poor police officers who lost their lives last week. Now whilst it's never nice to see the life of another human being taken prematurely the way certain members of the general public take the death of a complete stranger personally and grieve like it's a loved one does make me feel a bit uneasy. One can't help think that their must be some kind of emotional inbalance with a great deal of people to weep at the death of someone they have never met or even knew while they were alive.

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I understand I am (apparently) offending people.


You're not offending me. You are however, and I doubt I'm alone in thinking this, making a complete twat of yourself by your constant pseudo-intellectualising in this thread which if I recall correctly is entitled "sad day for Manchester". Just think for a moment - if you were posting under your real name, would you go on and on about your opinions on the police etc in this thread? If the answer is no then for once, just STFU.

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No - you post to try to have the last word, believing in your own miniscule brain that it proves you were right and you've won the debate. I hate to disillusion you, but there are two things you lack for that - intelligence and education. You're pathetic and you really should STFU.

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One can't help think that their must be some kind of emotional inbalance with a great deal of people to weep at the death of someone they have never met or even knew while they were alive.
When it is real grief it results from a connection with such people, such as with Diana, as generally we are fucking stupid and believe what we read and thought she was some great person who did a lot of good around the world. A similar thing happened with the ogre Mother Theresa. With feigned grief it is all performance. People don't have the benefit of relying on a connection in many circumstances and they cannot therefore come to feel grief without it. But people can feign grief and upset and still take themselves seriously. This is the modern 'weirdness' of people.
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Rather than trying to crudely transform Mother Teresa into something inhuman I think it is better to see her as a fundamentalist, who saw suffering as a necessity of her religion, who combined a rather sickening belief that babies were touched with original sin, hence their suffering,with a belief that she must resist with threats of hell fire any efforts by women to control their fertility.


Such beliefs are all to human, and tragic.


She may have wept praying to a God who's touch she did not feel over the suffering she saw, but her efforts to reduce it were fatally hobbled by her fundamentalism. The result was pity, combined with a pitiless insistence on perpetuating the suffering.

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When it is real grief it results from a connection with such people, such as with Diana, as generally we are fucking stupid and believe what we read and thought she was some great person who did a lot of good around the world. A similar thing happened with the ogre Mother Theresa. With feigned grief it is all performance. People don't have the benefit of relying on a connection in many circumstances and they cannot therefore come to feel grief without it. But people can feign grief and upset and still take themselves seriously. This is the modern 'weirdness' of people.


I'm inclined to agree. However do not confuse grief with sorrow. Also signing a book of condolence for example is a way of showing respect and gratitude rather than grief.


We were sorry to hear the news because it IS sad news and devastating for the families no doubt.

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