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Cameron And Contractors

Moghrey Mie

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As the prime minister pledged to ensure Britain was "tied up" with the world's fastest growing economic regions, officials confirmed that UK companies were on course to help Brazil build up its armed forces.


Brazil, which recently launched a new defence strategy, is aiming to procure a new aircraft carrier, surface ships and frigates.


. . . Cameron said: "This visit is about British jobs, British growth and the British economy, because I want Britain to be tied up to the fastest growing economies on the planet. Brazil is now a top six economy and this visit is about safeguarding and creating 3,000 jobs back at home."


Britain is hoping its historic connections with Brazil – a fifth of UK exports used to go to Latin America's largest country in 1921 – will put it in a strong position as the $2tn economy grows at about 7% a year. Officials are hoping Britain's military connections – the first head of the Brazillian navy was British – will help Britain as Brazil increases its defence capability.


Good because it will help our economy. Assuming, of course, that Brazil doesn't take a position with Argentina on the Falklands!

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