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Exposure:the Other Side Of Jimmy Savile


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That was the joke PL.


Yes I realised that. I was simply trying to tease Max Power into expounding on his opinion that schoolchildren are well equipped to deal psychologically with the blood and gore that his racing roadshow brings into the classroom, and whether this sort of gallows humour is instrumental in helping them do just that. I remain unconvinced.

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That was the joke PL.


Yes I realised that. I was simply trying to tease Max Power into expounding on his opinion that schoolchildren are well equipped to deal psychologically with the blood and gore that his racing roadshow brings into the classroom, and whether this sort of gallows humour is instrumental in helping them do just that. I remain unconvinced.



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Is it me or is this whole thing taking on a life of it's own?


It seems that every 'told you so' wants to jump on the bandwagon and advocate even more stringent controls on who has access to children and the type of contact which is appropriate. I saw a woman interviewed on the Andrew Marr show calling for no anonymity for people accused of inappropriate behaviour with children while investigations are going on. The very fact that a child has accused someone can ruin their lives, even if proved wrong.

Genuine concerns I'm sure but is this the correct way to tackle the problem?

Jimmy Savile was very cunning, as it seems many paedophiles are, he used his charity work, which was very successful, to mask his activities. The fact is that there were not the same safeguards and legislation in place at the height of his career. It would be difficult to get away with what he did in today's world.

Do we need further rafts of legislation and restrictions based upon allegations and actions which occurred up to forty years ago?

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The major difference is that modern communications - the Internet in particular - have made it possible for us to know about, and even view, many perversions that would have been beyond thge imaginations of most people 40 years ago.

Progress comes at a price.

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Do you believe the widespread abuse of children, in the national broadcaster's studio, hospitals, and children's homes isn't "anything of importance"?


Why would the BBC take all this flack simply to keep other news off the telly?

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