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Exposure:the Other Side Of Jimmy Savile


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So Gary Glitter has been hauled in again in connection with this with other arrests to follow. It's becoming a nightmare, but I hope that people who were not involved don't get dragged through the mire because they were frightened to say anything or merely had suspicions which couldn't be proven.

There must be a lot of people having a restless night tonight.

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Do you believe the widespread abuse of children, in the national broadcaster's studio, hospitals, and children's homes isn't "anything of importance"?


Why would the BBC take all this flack simply to keep other news off the telly?


The blanket coverage is out of all proportion to its importance when there are major news stories from of real importance around the world. It is mawkish the way it is discussed hour after hour with the likes of Esther Rantzen and seemingly anyone who wants to claim victimhood. Not surprised though. It's totally typical.

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What's more important that's not got coverage? This is about abuse at the heart of institutions that are central parts of British life.


I notice you continue to malign the victims, "claimed victimhood" being your latest sneer. That's precisely the threat that Savile used to silence his victims - "no one will believe you, they'll think you're a gold digger". And worse, that'll be the line taken by abusers now - "no-one will believe you." Maybe the current publicity is showing those people they'll be believed?

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The press does seem to be focussing on the BBC when there are prisons, social care units and hospitals under suspicion of allowing this monster seemingly unlimited access to the vulnerable in their 'care'.


Of course the non-BBC media are enjoying highlighting the errors of its competition.

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The press does seem to be focussing on the BBC when there are prisons, social care units and hospitals under suspicion of allowing this monster seemingly unlimited access to the vulnerable in their 'care'.


Of course the non-BBC media are enjoying highlighting the errors of its competition.


Yes, it's revenge time for the kicking the BBC gave them over the phone hacking saga. A lot of glee around.

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What's more important that's not got coverage? This is about abuse at the heart of institutions that are central parts of British life.


I notice you continue to malign the victims, "claimed victimhood" being your latest sneer. That's precisely the threat that Savile used to silence his victims - "no one will believe you, they'll think you're a gold digger". And worse, that'll be the line taken by abusers now - "no-one will believe you." Maybe the current publicity is showing those people they'll be believed?


Yes but it's encouraging the "me too" brigade to jump on the bandwagon encouraged by the saturation coverage and the ambulance chasers in the legal profession. This kind of thing is now part of the national psyche. I am not saying that the genuine victims should not be heard. Just that the world doesn't stop because of it. "Claimed victimhood" is exactly what it is until and unless it can be proven. As for other things more important, it's a very dangerous world at the moment and the UK national media seems to ignore much of what is going on.

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Yes but it's encouraging the "me too" brigade to jump on the bandwagon encouraged by the saturation coverage and the ambulance chasers in the legal profession. This kind of thing is now part of the national psyche. I am not saying that the genuine victims should not be heard. Just that the world doesn't stop because of it. "Claimed victimhood" is exactly what it is until and unless it can be proven.

I think it's fair and good to recognise that there is such a phenomenon. A sort-of criminal Münchausen Syndrome.


At the same time, there may equally be a certain number of ordinary people who have allegedly been abused by Savile who fear the ordeal of hours of questioning by police about sordid, intimate matters they have long since put behind them, and will therefore still not come forward. Add to that the media circus, the additional fear of the stigma of being an 'attention-seeker' or a 'me too' brigade member, and they withdraw further. Not everyone is going to feel empowered to report their experiences in this situation. If you expect one phenomena as you describe, expect a few others in the balance.

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haha blindfolded, classic.


I think the more you delve into this the more you won't like what you find.


To see how a person could wrap people around their finger really does show you that he had a lot of leverage on people.


I just hope they don't cover it up and be honest with the public.

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savile is just the hub in global pedo ring that involves care homes HDLG =top of the warren =elite childsex murders.kids transported all around the world on elite pleasure boats.big scandal in belgium atm.court case in canada re the queen and 10 missing kids .police covering up a known pedo over 5o years .this is masonic and satanic.new info everyday online in fourums .the mainstreams slow to catch up .bigger fish are yet to fry.

tptb want you to stay with the bbc and savile.

children in need bring max clifford in to limit damage .simon cowell paid 50k bail for johnethon kings pedo charge also pays max 250k per year for the last 7 years


bob hopes hidden historys a eyeopener

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savile is just the hub in global pedo ring that involves care homes HDLG =top of the warren =elite childsex murders.kids transported all around the world on elite pleasure boats.big scandal in belgium atm.court case in canada re the queen and 10 missing kids .police covering up a known pedo over 5o years .this is masonic and satanic.new info everyday online in fourums .the mainstreams slow to catch up .bigger fish are yet to fry.

tptb want you to stay with the bbc and savile.

children in need bring max clifford in to limit damage .simon cowell paid 50k bail for johnethon kings pedo charge also pays max 250k per year for the last 7 years


bob hopes hidden historys a eyeopener


Oh no, not the masons again? I haven't seen anyone younger than 50 walking into that Freemasons Hall, perhaps the goat has lost his appeal these days?

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savile is just the hub in global pedo ring that involves care homes HDLG =top of the warren =elite childsex murders.kids transported all around the world on elite pleasure boats.big scandal in belgium atm.court case in canada re the queen and 10 missing kids .police covering up a known pedo over 5o years .this is masonic and satanic.new info everyday online in fourums .the mainstreams slow to catch up .bigger fish are yet to fry.

tptb want you to stay with the bbc and savile.

children in need bring max clifford in to limit damage .simon cowell paid 50k bail for johnethon kings pedo charge also pays max 250k per year for the last 7 years


bob hopes hidden historys a eyeopener


Oh no, not the masons again? I haven't seen anyone younger than 50 walking into that Freemasons Hall, perhaps the goat has lost his appeal these days?


Well maybe you need to realise not all meetings happen at the temple.


And to be honest with you what masons i know are in the main really nice blokes, its just the ones who are out to swell the pension you need to worry about.


Shame they cannot see fiat money for what it is hey

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It is great to read that there are some people who comprehend the Jimmy Savile situation.

What could possibly be more important than exposing the institutionalised, organised, well protected and systematic child abuse of children "in care"?


The bankers use paedophile rings to do their dirty work.


Jimmy Savile left a very wealthy estate way in excess of that of a DJ's salary, how he made his real money is speculative but those who ask for proof in the face of overwhelming circumstantial evidence can now confidently be treated with suspicion.

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