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Exposure:the Other Side Of Jimmy Savile


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It is great to read that there are some people who comprehend the Jimmy Savile situation.

What could possibly be more important than exposing the institutionalised, organised, well protected and systematic child abuse of children "in care"?


The bankers use paedophile rings to do their dirty work.


Jimmy Savile left a very wealthy estate way in excess of that of a DJ's salary, how he made his real money is speculative but those who ask for proof in the face of overwhelming circumstantial evidence can now confidently be treated with suspicion.


Jimmy Savile was a wealthy entertainer in his own right, what do you know about his salary structure?

Are you now suggesting that public institutions employ paedophile rings?

I think the national imagination is running amok!

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this picture is a statue outside broadcasting house, the HQ of the BBC it is "supposed" to represent prospero and ariel from Shakespeare's Tempest but look with your eyes AND brain and you will notice a dirty old man with a naked little boy.


Savile has managed to clock up around 300 victims, how is that even imaginable without complicity from the authorities?


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many years ago david icke published accusations that ted heath and jimmy savile were paedophiles. He never got sued and people now accept he was correct about jimmy savile.


conspiracy virgins might do well to read the following website



try putting into google "forename surname paedophile" and see what score comes back


jimmy savile paedophile only scores 425,000 but there is another name that scores over 1,000,000


happy googling

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this picture is a statue outside broadcasting house, the HQ of the BBC it is "supposed" to represent prospero and ariel from Shakespeare's Tempest but look with your eyes AND brain and you will notice a dirty old man with a naked little boy.


Savile has managed to clock up around 300 victims, how is that even imaginable without complicity from the authorities?

I'm not going to try and interpret any conspiracy meaning in a sculpture relating to a Shakespeare play, strange that it may be.

I don't think that there needs to be any complicity where Jimmy Savile is concerned, he put himself in a position where nobody was expected to suspect any wrongdoing. The fact that some may have suspected him but didn't raise the alarm is the uncomfortable thing here. But don't forget that many people suspect the motives of those who work with children in any case, does this really mean that they are all paedophiles? After all, they have like Savile, put themselves in a similar position.

300 victims over 40 years or more is around 15 kids fondled per year, just over one per month. Sounds more like opportunism rather than any massive conspiracy?

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just spend 10 minutes reading this site, we are not talking about a few fondles.


we are talking about rape, killings and suicides galore of children who should have been protected by the system but instead were abused and let down by it.


Wake up

You seem to be refering to paedophile rings in general and some allegations which have not been levelled at Jimmy Savile at this point? I am not saying that any of his crimes are acceptable in any way but it has been accepted that he was more of a groper and fondler than a rapist or murderer.

What I am trying to say is that with the level and frequency of Saviles crimes, it was unlikely that anyone really had much idea about what he was getting up to when he closed the door, only perhaps concern or suspicion.


You seem intent on proving that every paedophile belongs to some super conspiracy which is funded and protected by the establishment, and unable to believe that they can't act alone and unaided?

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Interesting allegations on the blog link but hardly a document which can be treated as factual in the absence of any evidence or convictions.

You may find there to be some truth in it, you may not, perhaps there will be some revalations over the next few weeks, but at this stage, these are just the rantings of someone with an axe to grind.

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his estate is believed to be worth £4.3m, he is rumoured to have had 8 properties on the go. Never mind the twaddle about him living in a caravan.


Ask any local DJ how many properties he has perhaps. Normal people barely eke out a living in the media let alone accumulate vast wealth.


If you can get away with abusing 300 children then that is industrial scale abuse, you need access to kids and to be untouchable.


Just supposing you were into kiddie fiddling and you wanted to make lots of money, hypothetically you might start to rent out the kids to the mega wealthy.


Imagine how much money you would make and how much you would leave in your estate after 40 years of noncing.

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Come on CrosRoss, the guy was a national icon and successful TV presenter and personality for over 40 years. He was highly paid as a presenter on Top of the Pops, Radio One, Radio Luxembourg and one of the countries highest paid entertainers.

He wasn't going from town to town playing clubs every weekend earning a pittance. How do you think he managed to generate such a following that he could raise millions of pounds for charity? Not by appearing at places such as the Outback on a Saturday night, that's for sure.

I am very disappointed to have found that he has been abusing under age teenagers all this time as I quite liked his whackiness when I was a kid. But it seems he managed to find 15 kids a year through his star status and charity work to mess about with, not excusable but not out of the question for a man acting alone in his position.

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i have made my point and backed it up with evidence, whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you.


However i have done what I can, we shall await lots of big name scandals.


In the North Wales children's homes where 650 kids were abused there a lot of big names whose identities were kept secret.......why?


they should not be protected and nor should their friends.

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i have made my point and backed it up with evidence, whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you.


However i have done what I can, we shall await lots of big name scandals.


In the North Wales children's homes where 650 kids were abused there a lot of big names whose identities were kept secret.......why?


they should not be protected and nor should their friends.

They shouldn't be protected, you are right. Their friends may not have a case to answer if they didn't know anything, which is highly possible.

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I think it's pretty clear that Saville was more the tip of the iceberg rather than the iceberg itself. The fact the BBC is dragging it's heels speaks volumes, it's damage limitation mode and some very powerful people will be sleeping a little less easily at the moment. Real journalists are starting to dig around while the corporate whores continue to toe the party line for fear of losing their jobs, although the alternative and the mainstream are now, slowly, starting to align. This will hopefully run and run but expect to see some sacrificial lambs thrown to the slaughter to save the high-ups being exposed. For the sake of humanity this needs to run to it's conclusion, whoever it brings down with it as paedophilia is like a cancer in our society and has been allowed to fester under the surface for far too long.


A good article below;



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I think it's pretty clear that Saville was more the tip of the iceberg rather than the iceberg itself. The fact the BBC is dragging it's heels speaks volumes, it's damage limitation mode and some very powerful people will be sleeping a little less easily at the moment. Real journalists are starting to dig around while the corporate whores continue to toe the party line for fear of losing their jobs, although the alternative and the mainstream are now, slowly, starting to align. This will hopefully run and run but expect to see some sacrificial lambs thrown to the slaughter to save the high-ups being exposed. For the sake of humanity this needs to run to it's conclusion, whoever it brings down with it as paedophilia is like a cancer in our society and has been allowed to fester under the surface for far too long.


A good article below;




it is a good article and you are quite correct, paedophilia is a cancer which does need to be cut out. It does look more and more as though these parasites are pervasive and after the operation our society may be very very different, but much better.

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