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Exposure:the Other Side Of Jimmy Savile


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Someone should ask Harriet Harman what she thinks of Jimmy Saville. Sick, sick woman.




You have to study this article from the Telegraph not just read it. There are some things the paper is simply not allowed to say and even I am afraid to say.


But those with at least half a functioning brain can join the dots and it really is as bad as it looks, I am sorry to report.


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Someone should ask Harriet Harman what she thinks of Jimmy Saville. Sick, sick woman.




You have to study this article from the Telegraph not just read it. There are some things the paper is simply not allowed to say and even I am afraid to say.


But those with at least half a functioning brain can join the dots and it really is as bad as it looks, I am sorry to report.


The Labour Party has long had a history of paedophilia and child abuse amongst it's members. I used to assume it was just a yearning of people in power who wished to abuse it, but with the wealth of information that has come out over the years it's now fair to assume that it is institutionalised within that party and actually advocated as policy, as sicko's Harman and Hewitt clearly point out. They are all closet commies and as one aspect of the Communist Manifesto is to destoy the family unit then what better than to go after the vulnerable children.

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Am I the only one who finds this odd?


"Savile would also visit Duncroft Approved School for emotionally disturbed girls in Surrey and had a caravan on school grounds."


I'm trying to find any not odd looking/sounding reasons to stick a caravan on the grounds of a girls school - kinda struggling to find any... I mean, try doing that these days - even with the most inncocent and best of intentions, I think you'd be chased into the sunset.


All the top brass knew that if they blew the lid their cushty executive jobs would disappear along with the funding that creeps like Saville brought in. Some people will sell their soul to the devil of money rather than do the decent thing.

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This is about a former resident of Bryn Estyn recounting happy memories of his childhood and his first dealings with a Tory party grandee who happened to rape him, allegedly of course.


I would not want anybody to feel we were being unfair to the Labour party on this thread.


Name and shame.


Unfortunately paedos of whatever colour seem ultimately to play for "team paedo"

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I sincerely hope that Lxxx and CrossRoss manage to 'get a room' in the near future.


Why is that sunshine? Do you have any particular thoughts on paedophilia you would like to share with us that are contrary to the rest of the decent people in our society?

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I sincerely hope that Lxxx and CrossRoss manage to 'get a room' in the near future.


i have been banging on about this paedo stuff for years and pretty much been told to "shut up and fuck off you loon"


So when the evidence is massive and growing every single day, I am unable to resist saying my piece.


Lxxx shows understanding, intelligence and compassion so as such basic qualities are in such short supply especially on Manxforums I do appreciate a genuine thinker.


The fucked up cretins on here reveal themselves by what they write and would suggest they were taken in by

Kony 2012

"we are bombing Libya to protect civilians"

Jimmy Savile is innocent and all the people coming forward are just in it for the money


People this stupid should not be allowed out without a full time carer to take adult responsibility.

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gatekeepers on a peado thread really stand out lmao


Originally Posted by profnix viewpost.gif

Sorry if this is perceived as presumptuous on the part of a relative newbie, but have been reading for a while, and am researcher by trade. Bryn Estyn seems to be the point of weakness at the moment. The lid has been partially opened, and might warrant determined further prying. Waterhouse is a lever in the Welsh Assembly. Here is the stuff I've gathered so far, but so much to plough through...


Is Peter Ackerly, the detective superintendent accused by The Independent of orchestrating a cover-up at Bryn Estyn and other children's homes in Wales the same as the 'retired' Peter Ackerly who was accused of corruption once he'd moved to Whitby?


Compare: http://www.topix.com/forum/world/uni...V8BPDVK4BKJPHG

and: http://www.real-whitby.co.uk/mr-prob...tatble-maxwell


See also: http://www.richardwebster.net/waterhouse.html


Academic books go into detail about Waterhouse as well as other cases of abuse of children in care, and available at google books. Worth contacting these authors?





Gordon Anglesea? Police super (?) said to be frequent visitor to Bryn Estyn. The Independent reported him as complicit, he sued for libel and won. The Independent seemed hot on the trail in the mid 1990s...where are they now?

"Three victims at the Bryn Estyn home committed suicide after leaving - including Mark Humphreys, who gave evidence to the media, including the Independent on Sunday, in a libel trial following sex allegations made against Gordon Anglesea, a former police superintendent. Mr Anglesea won damages against the newspapers and a television station involved."



Why was the Clwyd report pulped? Said to be one copy spared....who has it?






Jillings/Clwyd report. Need to cross-match against Waterhouse enquiry.



Waterhouse Report section on paedophile rings here: http://tna.europarchive.org/20040216...care/20154.htm


William Hague under pressure to release findings



Jillings/Clwyd report:

. [the report] was given very limited circulation. It was seen by the senior officials involved and by the Leader of the Council, who consulted other leading members of the Council nominated by their respective groups. According to Loveridge,8 “The initial reaction of the Council was one of amazement (at) the number of inaccuracies contained therein and the style and content of the Report”. It appears that an effort was made to establish a list of the alleged factual inaccuracies with a view to concurrent publication with the Report and on 7 March 1996 instructions were sent to Leading and Junior Counsel to advise on the question of publication. Supplementary instructions were sent to them shortly afterwards in the light of representations by the North Wales Police and by the Council’s insurers and by 20 March 1996 Loveridge had received a Preliminary Joint Opinion, a Joint Opinion and a Supplementary Joint Opinion from counsel.


"limited circulation"?? I have read somewhere it (or parts of it?) we're pulped...


Excellent and critical report on the North Wales child abuse scandal and ensuing inquiry here: http://www.communitycare.co.uk/Artic...f-failures.htmGood questions and research, good to have a professional researcher on board, TYVM!

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good post and comprehensive tameelf, let us hope people read some of the links and then we may get to the 100th monkey.


I myself have tried to report crimes to the police and subsequently been threatened by them and until it happens to you you do not quite believe that this really does go on.


Hence I know, rather than I suspect.

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Still is. We just need the old left brain thinkers to die off to narrow the numbers.


Fuckwits and zombies, whoops i mean health conscious citizens this way for your vaccinations


It's actually not a bad idea for all the drones to go and get their vaccination shots, the world could do with a lot less of them.

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What a splendid fellow that govt doctor person is. I am confident he will deal with the vaccination issue with as much competence as he dealt with the fluoride issue.


So the zombies will get their shot and the unlucky ones will die.


It will save us the bother of re-educating those guys and who knows if we get to know who Jimmy Savile's necrophiliac friends are we could charge them to shag the corpses.devil.gif or we a bit slow and was that was the plan all along?


Tax necrophilia - is that a vote winner? or or a dead duck ?

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