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Exposure:the Other Side Of Jimmy Savile


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Who knows what strange Manx connections may exist?


Let's just hope the Jersey 'incident' is re-opened. I'm trying (and failing) to remember who told me that it could be a big bag of worms for some living on the IOM. I'm sure (and indeed hope) that there are some on the rock who, if still alive, are now very worried.


It's hardly likely that we are the one exception in the british isles. We have plenty of 'men in raincoat' reports in the local press. It seems unlikiely that the well-heeled of the island are all squeaky clean.


I am sure that there are some of the not so well-heeled capable of similar acts... Social standing does not come into it.

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Who knows what strange Manx connections may exist?


Let's just hope the Jersey 'incident' is re-opened. I'm trying (and failing) to remember who told me that it could be a big bag of worms for some living on the IOM. I'm sure (and indeed hope) that there are some on the rock who, if still alive, are now very worried.


It's hardly likely that we are the one exception in the british isles. We have plenty of 'men in raincoat' reports in the local press. It seems unlikiely that the well-heeled of the island are all squeaky clean.


I am sure that there are some of the not so well-heeled capable of similar acts... Social standing does not come into it.

Most of the people I've seen connected with offences against young people have been ordinary working people. I don't think a persons social standing has anything to do with this illness?

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Who knows what strange Manx connections may exist?


Let's just hope the Jersey 'incident' is re-opened. I'm trying (and failing) to remember who told me that it could be a big bag of worms for some living on the IOM. I'm sure (and indeed hope) that there are some on the rock who, if still alive, are now very worried.


It's hardly likely that we are the one exception in the british isles. We have plenty of 'men in raincoat' reports in the local press. It seems unlikiely that the well-heeled of the island are all squeaky clean.


I am sure that there are some of the not so well-heeled capable of similar acts... Social standing does not come into it.

Most of the people I've seen connected with offences against young people have been ordinary working people. I don't think a persons social standing has anything to do with this illness?


The reference to raincoats was about the plebs. The point is that the well-heeled are also at it but they have the possibility to cover their tracks - sometimes. Things are unravelling, it seems.


Illness? Do these people feel ill? Do they say they need treatment? I don't think so. They form groups so that they can carry out their vile acts with support from likeminded. There may be paedos on the forums for all I know. If they feel ill then they should seek out treatment. What they shouldn't do is abuse innocent children. There is no excuse for that. None.

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Who knows what strange Manx connections may exist?


Let's just hope the Jersey 'incident' is re-opened. I'm trying (and failing) to remember who told me that it could be a big bag of worms for some living on the IOM. I'm sure (and indeed hope) that there are some on the rock who, if still alive, are now very worried.


It's hardly likely that we are the one exception in the british isles. We have plenty of 'men in raincoat' reports in the local press. It seems unlikiely that the well-heeled of the island are all squeaky clean.


I am sure that there are some of the not so well-heeled capable of similar acts... Social standing does not come into it.

Most of the people I've seen connected with offences against young people have been ordinary working people. I don't think a persons social standing has anything to do with this illness?


The reference to raincoats was about the plebs. The point is that the well-heeled are also at it but they have the possibility to cover their tracks - sometimes. Things are unravelling, it seems.


Illness? Do these people feel ill? Do they say they need treatment? I don't think so. They form groups so that they can carry out their vile acts with support from likeminded. There may be paedos on the forums for all I know. If they feel ill then they should seek out treatment. What they shouldn't do is abuse innocent children. There is no excuse for that. None.


I know that you will dismiss as part of the cover-up but there is a medical report which indicates that paedophilia is actually a mental disorder that is a result of "mis-wiring" in the brain. Essentially the hypothesis is that where "normal" people react with care/kindness/concern for a child (identified as being slightly out of proportion due to a larger head on a smaller body) paedophiles react sexually. If this hypothesis is correct then yes they do require some form of treatment.

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Wake up and watch out


This might be me being stupid - but how do you know that the people in this "organisation" or those running the "peoples courts" are entirely innocent and not paedophiles themselves? Is there some sort of screening process?


Judging by your previous posts you are hardly the kind of person who seems interested in the answer, so why ask?


Why not ask the BBC how many paedophiles they still have working for them? And which ones have access to kids?

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Wake up and watch out


This might be me being stupid - but how do you know that the people in this "organisation" or those running the "peoples courts" are entirely innocent and not paedophiles themselves? Is there some sort of screening process?


Judging by your previous posts you are hardly the kind of person who seems interested in the answer, so why ask?


Why not ask the BBC how many paedophiles they still have working for them? And which ones have access to kids?


I ask because I want to know how this group can be so sure of their membership. If they have such excellent screening mechanisms in place then maybe the we can adapt them to the rest of society to stop paedophilia. After all that is what we all want. Is is not?

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"But the force said that the "vast majority" of the 450 possible victims were alleging sexual abuse by former BBC TV presenter and DJ Savile, who died last year aged 84.


The number of potential victims in the investigation into Savile has risen since last month, when police said they had identified about 300 people who say they were abused by the late entertainer and others."


BBC - Savile and DLT were they connected? not sure but it is not looking good

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Who knows what strange Manx connections may exist?


Let's just hope the Jersey 'incident' is re-opened. I'm trying (and failing) to remember who told me that it could be a big bag of worms for some living on the IOM. I'm sure (and indeed hope) that there are some on the rock who, if still alive, are now very worried.


It's hardly likely that we are the one exception in the british isles. We have plenty of 'men in raincoat' reports in the local press. It seems unlikiely that the well-heeled of the island are all squeaky clean.


I am sure that there are some of the not so well-heeled capable of similar acts... Social standing does not come into it.

Most of the people I've seen connected with offences against young people have been ordinary working people. I don't think a persons social standing has anything to do with this illness?


The reference to raincoats was about the plebs. The point is that the well-heeled are also at it but they have the possibility to cover their tracks - sometimes. Things are unravelling, it seems.


Illness? Do these people feel ill? Do they say they need treatment? I don't think so. They form groups so that they can carry out their vile acts with support from likeminded. There may be paedos on the forums for all I know. If they feel ill then they should seek out treatment. What they shouldn't do is abuse innocent children. There is no excuse for that. None.


I know that you will dismiss as part of the cover-up but there is a medical report which indicates that paedophilia is actually a mental disorder that is a result of "mis-wiring" in the brain. Essentially the hypothesis is that where "normal" people react with care/kindness/concern for a child (identified as being slightly out of proportion due to a larger head on a smaller body) paedophiles react sexually. If this hypothesis is correct then yes they do require some form of treatment.


So that would apply to all strata of society then. The well-heeled would hardly be exempt from the illness.


I am actually quite a liberal thinker - I'm happy for others to do what they want as long as they don't hinder my freedom or hurt others. Paedophilia comes into the latter bracket. It is totally unacceptable that young boys are reported as needing hospital treatment for a ruptured anus - or worse - because paedos cannot resist their urges. It's not a form of OCD or something. It's vile, hurtful, degrading behaviour from which the abused never recover. They carry these things with them for a lifetime.


Just because we have no experience of it doesn't mean we can ignore it. These children need a voice. Paedos must be outed and prevented from carrying out further harm.

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It's the scattergun approach that ensures the conspiracy theorists are never going to be taken seriously (well, its one reason, anyway). The accusation that 'the BBC' were paedophiles is so ridiculous that its laughable.

Simple fact - the names that are coming out of this have Two things in common - not One. Most of them worked for the BBC and all of them were involved in pop music.

Have you never seen the way young females throw themsleves at their music idols - or at anyone they think might help to get them close to them? We saw a sample of it when Zac Effron was filming at the Gaiety - loads of teenage girls lining up for hour after hour just to catch a glimpse of him. How easy would it have been for some pervert connected with the film to take advantage of their naivety?

Whatever the conspiracy nuts might like to claim, Saville was able to get away with a great deal because he was simply a top dog in the pop music industry and, once he did, he probably believed himself not bound by laws and conventions. Yes, there must have been a group of people at the BBC who knew what he was like but, to try to tarnish the whole organisation is ridiculous - and the preserve of complete nutters.

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Courageous man....getting closer to the centre of the web. Could be ripe for a heart attack.




looking more probable now


Once the matter is properly investigated and the evidence presented then we can draw a proper conclusion as presently we do not have the full facts.


Oh, and as an aside CrossRoss is the Daily Star not part of the same group that you accuse of being involved in the cover up? Last time I checked they were classified as being in the mainstream media...

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blah di blah blah blah di blah........kill the debate.......say something negative..........blah de blah.........dont mention paedo networks..............dont mention how ingrained institutionalised paedophilia works.............blah di blah blah.................hijack the thread to talk nonsense.............mention david icke lizard people............blah di blah.........racism...............Osama bin Goldstein and Fungus the bogeyman did the twin towers..blah di blah.....we all know that because we saw it on TV....blah di blah ........WTC7 was demolished by an avalanche of bullshit...........blah di blah.........keep threatening people that Lord McAlpine will sue them...............blah di blah.........cunt............dickhead.........blah di blah...........lizard people...........Area 51.........High Wycombe..............blah di blah............freemason Jesuit noncey zionist Satanic illuminati bankster cunt.............blah di blah.........dickhead..........blah di blah...............have you got evidence of that?..........blah blah............do you know that for a fact?...blah di blah............give me some evidence then i can ignore it.....nonce.....blah di blah........wanker.......blah di blah..........I dont care who Hollie Grieg is...............blah di blah ...........Hollie who?............blah blah ............Welcome to Soviet Britian muaaahahah............blah blah di blah...............we like to drug the fuck out of help dissidents.................people who report child abuse are kidnapped and drugged then sectioned listened to carefully and considerately by the authorities...............blah di blah................cunt.......blah di blah............Hollie Grieg is just a story............blah di blah.............Downs syndrome people cannot can cannot can lie .........blah blah...............shill crap...........blah blah............more shill crap.........blah blah



Bollocks translator software with sinister undertones module and this is what came out, it is only a Beta version.

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