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Exposure:the Other Side Of Jimmy Savile


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I remember

not wanting to watch him any more because I felt uncomfortable.


Perfectly natural reaction to the creepy old fucker. I used to hide behind the sofa when Jim'll Fix It was on then emerge to watch the Daleks.

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Albert, you can't seriously be suggesting that victims of abuse should shut up just because the perpetrator has died?

Don't be so obtuse. I am simply suggesting that people should come forward with allegations before the person(s) dies, and that you are wrong to assume guilt as there has been no case heard.


Hearsay is the mentality of the lynch mob. I didn't even like the bloke as an 'entertainer' myself, but people are innocent until proven guilty in my book.


That is all I have to say on the matter.

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Albert, you can't seriously be suggesting that victims of abuse should shut up just because the perpetrator has died?

Don't be so obtuse. I am simply suggesting that people should come forward with allegations before the person(s) dies, and that you are wrong to assume guilt as there has been no case heard.


Hearsay is the mentality of the lynch mob. I didn't even like the bloke as an 'entertainer' myself, but people are innocent until proven guilty in my book.


That is all I have to say on the matter.


Wasn't that ex Blue Peter bloke John something done over by mob justice after some woman off the television released a book hinting at off the screen wrong doing, and people did some amateur Columbo work and suddenly he was all over the news and being destroyed by the media. Turns out he was innocent of any wrong doing. But they do say shit sticks....

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From Wikipedia:


In October 2002, Ulrika Jonsson wrote in her autobiography that a television presenter had raped her at the beginning of her career when she was his junior. Amid media speculation, Matthew Wright disclosed - supposedly by accident - on his television show The Wright Stuff, that Leslie was the alleged person. Jonsson refused to tell the public or the police whether the correct person had been named. Shortly afterwards, several other women made accusations relating to indecent assault by Leslie, who was arrested and charged with assaulting a woman twice between 25 and 28 May 1997. He was never charged with offences against Jonsson.

The police dropped the charge against Leslie on 31 July 2003. On the court steps after his clearing, Leslie said that he had "been to hell and back" and that he had "maintained [his] innocence throughout".

In January 2006 Leslie was interviewed for the BBC series My Childhood in which he analysed his childhood memories with psychiatrist Linda Treliving. In the programme Leslie admitted that he "had never learnt how to treat women with respect" and "never learnt how to chat up women", admitting that he abused drugs, but claiming he did so as a result of childhood trauma. Shortly afterwards in an interview with The Independent he repeated this version of events, admitting "my behaviour was at times inappropriate".[3][4]

On 23 June 2008 British media reported that Leslie had again been arrested in relation to an alleged rape that happened in November 1995.[5] Again, no charges were brought.[6]

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[quote name=Aquarius' timestamp='134910050

8' post='739319]

I am sure these rumours came out when he was alive?



And what happened when those rumours came out?





I don't remember because I was a kid but I have quite strong memories of having illusions

shattered and not wanting to watch him any more because I felt uncomfortable. I guess nothing happened? It was reported and brushed under the carpet?


Or found to be utter baseless allergations. I take it there was no official accusations made against JS?


Maybe. As I said I can't remember. But I do remember from somewhere hearing it was ironic him doing Jim'll Fix It, when in fact he didn't like children. I do wonder now though as an adult whether he is just an easy target. Single man, living alone, eccentric, loved his mother. But why come out with it now?

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According to the rerport on R4 news earlier - Allegations were made and investigated when he was alive. The CPS decided that there was not enough evidence to prosecute with a reasonable chance of getting a conviction

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I remember

not wanting to watch him any more because I felt uncomfortable.


Perfectly natural reaction to the creepy old fucker. I used to hide behind the sofa when Jim'll Fix It was on then emerge to watch the Daleks.

Declan you bastard,what a dreadful thing to say.....it took me 5 minutes to stop laughing....Rofl,with tears and snot runninglaugh.png

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Albert, you can't seriously be suggesting that victims of abuse should shut up just because the perpetrator has died?


Exactly, you never hear Jews going: "Stop whinging on about Hitler, oy ve he's been dead seventy odd years. Give it a rest already."

The difference was there were several billion witnesses on that one and it went to court.
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I think, while we're trotting out Godwin's law, that an appropriate analogy would be that people didn't keep schtum about all the 'naughty things' Hitler got up to while he was alive and then make sensationalist TV programmes about it when he snuffed it.

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[quote name=Aquarius' timestamp='134910050

8' post='739319]

I am sure these rumours came out when he was alive?



And what happened when those rumours came out?





I don't remember because I was a kid but I have quite strong memories of having illusions

shattered and not wanting to watch him any more because I felt uncomfortable. I guess nothing happened? It was reported and brushed under the carpet?


Or found to be utter baseless allergations. I take it there was no official accusations made against JS?


Maybe. As I said I can't remember. But I do remember from somewhere hearing it was ironic him doing Jim'll Fix It, when in fact he didn't like children. I do wonder now though as an adult whether he is just an easy target. Single man, living alone, eccentric, loved his mother. But why come out with it now?


I recall Saville himself saying he was rather, deliberately standoffish with children so they would stop pestering him with fix its.


Of course he was an eccentric and there might have been allegations around for years, but he is such an easy target now he is dead.


I am more intrigued with these former BBC insider types who now claim it was common knowledge about his interest with young girls, they saw him fiddling with girls etc. They should be arrested and lets see how fast they backtrack!

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