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Exposure:the Other Side Of Jimmy Savile


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It's beginning to smack of gravy trains and compensation. I'm not saying that these celebrities should have got away with this but surely they should have been reported and prosecuted at the time?

If we are saying that it was accepted then, and getting a prosecution would have been impossible surely that means that they behaved according to the norms at that time? Guilty or not, I'm uncomfortable with the prosecution of people on the evidence of forty odd years ago?


What about the countless individuals abused by ordinary men and women at this time? Will all of those cases be reopened as well? It is turning into a circus now, titillation seems to be the order of the day as far as I can see!

Hypothetically speaking.....


If somebody abused my family and I reported it to the police and the police in typical fashion threatened me and told me to shut up then I would keep complaining and sniping for the rest of my life and then after I died I would come back and haunt the bastards and be annoying to the police.


Nobody is paying me to annoy the police, I am doing it for free, they can trace my IP address and are more than welcome to take me to court but they wont because I just happen to be telling the truth and have enough evidence to be annoying.


Just saying justice has a long long long time frame.

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They're just softening us up, they'll be asking to lower the age of consent soon to avoid all this furore in the future. It's what the likes of Patricia Hewitt, Harriet Harman and the rest of the Islington set have been angling for for years.

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They're just softening us up, they'll be asking to lower the age of consent soon to avoid all this furore in the future. It's what the likes of Patricia Hewitt, Harriet Harman and the rest of the Islington set have been angling for for years.


A prominent barrister specialising in reproductive rights has called for the age of consent to be lowered to 13.


Barbara Hewson told online magazine 'Spiked' that thw move was necessary in the wake of the Savile scandal to end the ''persecution of old men''.


She also said complainants should no longer recieve anonymity.


The NSPCC called her views ''outdated and ILL-INFORMED" and said to hear them ''from a highly experienced barrister simply beggars belief''.


BBC News.


The ''Persecution of Old Men'', what a joke.....

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They're just softening us up, they'll be asking to lower the age of consent soon to avoid all this furore in the future. It's what the likes of Patricia Hewitt, Harriet Harman and the rest of the Islington set have been angling for for years.


A prominent barrister specialising in reproductive rights has called for the age of consent to be lowered to 13.


Barbara Hewson told online magazine 'Spiked' that thw move was necessary in the wake of the Savile scandal to end the ''persecution of old men''.


She also said complainants should no longer recieve anonymity.


The NSPCC called her views ''outdated and ILL-INFORMED" and said to hear them ''from a highly experienced barrister simply beggars belief''.


BBC News.


The ''Persecution of Old Men'', what a joke.....


Bang on cue. They've been pushing for this for years under the radar, helps break down society and the family unit. A bit of research will see that a small, select group of MP's have been pushing this for years. Obviously they have members of the legal profession in the same club too.

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A bit of research will see that a small, select group of MP's have been pushing this for years.

They are sometimes referred to as the Tory party


Au contraire. Paedo-pushers like Harriet Harman and Margaret Hodge bat for Labour.

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Tony Blair's true colours were Tory, same for Cyril Smith


The old labour of Tony Benn and Harold Wilson were clean and relatively honest.


If you are looking for top paedos and paedo protectors look at the Tory Cabinet past and present and their handlers, not just PIE.


Maggie Thatcher and Ted Heath guilty as guilty can be.............


If you think just because they wear a red tie makes them labour...........think about Peter Mandelson.........he would have been seen as an extremist thug in the nazi party, Vlad the Impaler was more of a socialist than that guy.

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Tony Blair's true colours were Tory, same for Cyril Smith


The old labour of Tony Benn and Harold Wilson were clean and relatively honest.


If you are looking for top paedos and paedo protectors look at the Tory Cabinet past and present and their handlers, not just PIE.


Maggie Thatcher and Ted Heath guilty as guilty can be.............


If you think just because they wear a red tie makes them labour...........think about Peter Mandelson.........he would have been seen as an extremist thug in the nazi party, Vlad the Impaler was more of a socialist than that guy.

You're over-complicating it. A politician is a politician, regardless of whether they wear a blue or red rosette. One big club.
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Tony Blair's true colours were Tory, same for Cyril Smith


The old labour of Tony Benn and Harold Wilson were clean and relatively honest.


If you are looking for top paedos and paedo protectors look at the Tory Cabinet past and present and their handlers, not just PIE.


Maggie Thatcher and Ted Heath guilty as guilty can be.............


If you think just because they wear a red tie makes them labour...........think about Peter Mandelson.........he would have been seen as an extremist thug in the nazi party, Vlad the Impaler was more of a socialist than that guy.

You're over-complicating it. A politician is a politician, regardless of whether they wear a blue or red rosette. One big club.

Yes, point taken.

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Barbara Hewson is certifiably mental.


The worrying thing is the legal profession clearly don't think so. She's a top human rights lawyer, she's just got a different idea of a human right than most people.

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in the circles she moves this is prob" with her" common discusion with no negitive replys ................well shes certinly got her arse kicked by genral concescus..........lets face it churches schools carehomes labour mps tory mps bbc. tv celebs ........and no one fukcin knew ..........covered up by a masonic police gatekeepers hidden for 100years by a transparent goverment with gentlemans agreement DA notices........seems there all at.... it sounds like common purpose

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