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Exposure:the Other Side Of Jimmy Savile


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in the circles she moves this is prob" with her" common discusion with no negitive replys ................well shes certinly got her arse kicked by genral concescus..........lets face it churches schools carehomes labour mps tory mps bbc. tv celebs ........and no one fukcin knew ..........covered up by a masonic police gatekeepers hidden for 100years by a transparent goverment with gentlemans agreement DA notices........seems there all at.... it sounds like common purpose


Anybody able to do an English translation of this?

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in the circles she moves this is prob" with her" common discusion with no negitive replys ................well shes certinly got her arse kicked by genral concescus..........lets face it churches schools carehomes labour mps tory mps bbc. tv celebs ........and no one fukcin knew ..........covered up by a masonic police gatekeepers hidden for 100years by a transparent goverment with gentlemans agreement DA notices........seems there all at.... it sounds like common purpose


Anybody able to do an English translation of this?

tameelf writes in a style of a slightly dyslexic military status report


Translated thus


Barbara Hewson is discussing it with her legal eagle colleagues over cucumber sandwiches with the crust cut orf and she is stating her case that any Tory cabinet minister should be free to fornicate with any 13 year old and her colleagues nod in agreement rather than the more common reaction of "what the fuck? Hewson You are proper mental!!"


The British establishment all knew and successfully covered it up keeping it out of the press and media.


Tamelf also suspects that the cult fake charity known as common purpose and largely suspected by intelligence analyst types of covertly running the UK government is suspected of co-ordinating the effort to conceal paedophile rings and discredit and attack anybody of revealing their activities.


end translation





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I wouldn't worry - there's never been a tame elf post that was worth the bother.

Mind you, to be fair, he may not be getting a decent connection while he's cowering in his tinfoil shelter where 'they' can't get him.

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in the circles she moves this is prob" with her" common discusion with no negitive replys ................well shes certinly got her arse kicked by genral concescus..........lets face it churches schools carehomes labour mps tory mps bbc. tv celebs ........and no one fukcin knew ..........covered up by a masonic police gatekeepers hidden for 100years by a transparent goverment with gentlemans agreement DA notices........seems there all at.... it sounds like common purpose


Anybody able to do an English translation of this?

tameelf writes in a style of a slightly dyslexic military status report


Translated thus


Barbara Hewson is discussing it with her legal eagle colleagues over cucumber sandwiches with the crust cut orf and she is stating her case that any Tory cabinet minister should be free to fornicate with any 13 year old and her colleagues nod in agreement rather than the more common reaction of "what the fuck? Hewson You are proper mental!!"


The British establishment all knew and successfully covered it up keeping it out of the press and media.


Tamelf also suspects that the cult fake charity known as common purpose and largely suspected by intelligence analyst types of covertly running the UK government is suspected of co-ordinating the effort to conceal paedophile rings and discredit and attack anybody of revealing their activities.


end translation






Oh right, just mindless shite then? Thanks for the translation anyway.

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So I take it from that you agree with Hewson then Norseman, Hmmmmm

That's a nasty form of extremely twisted logic. Just because someone doesn't agree with the usual conspiracy shite of an idiot such as tameelf doesn't mean that they don't have the utmost contempt for the ridiculous views of an out-of-touch-with-reality human rights lawyer.

I'm perfectly happy to declare that the idea of reducing the age of consent is abhorrent to me - but I still find the views of a complete and utter gobshite such as tameelf unworthy of any consideration whatsoever.

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It seems to me that you Norseman are the ones who are being mean with closed minds.


I comprehended tameelf and thought his points were valid. You and Norseman are being dismissive and abusive like you have some knowledge of the divine which tameelf does not.


tameelf has made a perfectly valid contribution so I reject your and Norseman's dismissal of his view

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No - I've no idea who he/she is - although I seem to have 'picked on' someone you admire. But the fact is that I've been mocking most of tameelf's ridiculous posts for a number of years now, and will probably continue to do so. I may not be naïve enough to believe that our society isn't severely fractured - but I have much the same contempt those conspiracy crackpots who want us to live under the same fear that they do, as I have for the ridiculous politicians whose lack of ability (and attempts to hide it) feed the paranoia of such as tameelf.

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A sensible reply to Barbara Hewson's proposal: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/jimmy-savile/10046962/Legal-age-of-consent-row-innocent-teenagers-at-risk-of-iniquitous-predators.html


Last year there was much debate about the Protection of Freedoms Act which marked a scaling back of the scheme designed to introduce safeguards to protect children and vulnerable adults in the wake of the Soham murders.

Concern was raised in relation to one particular issue, namely the watering down of provisions that required all those working with children to be subject to criminal record checks.

Under the new provision, there is no longer a requirement to undertake checks on those that are supervised (while they work with children).

I certainly believe under this legislation there is a real risk that inappropriate individuals will continue to gain access to children, under the cloak of supervision.

With this protection paedophiles will be able to make initial contact within a protected environment, but then exploit the relationships in a different setting.

This risk of such individuals taking advantage of innocent children for their iniquitous ends will become even greater should Barbara Hewson’s suggestion that the age of consent be lowered, to age 13.


This suggestion must rate as one of the most foolish proposals on the issue of child welfare that has been laid before the public.

If the proposal is adopted by Government, such a change would be a green light for paedophiles, sending the completely wrong message.

Barbara Hewson is a well respected barrister but on this occasion she is off key and out of touch with the public desire to restrict the potential for paedophiles to access the nation’s children.

She is unlikely to find much support for her campaign to protect older men and her suggestion that abuse of children can be described as “low level misdemeanours” is plainly wrong.

Those acting on behalf of abused children know full well the long-term effects of abuse.

That knowledge easily persuades me that this proposal must be snuffed out as quickly as possible, to protect the most vulnerable in society.

Their rights come well before “dirty old men”.

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It seems to me that you Norseman are the ones who are being mean with closed minds.


I comprehended tameelf and thought his points were valid. You and Norseman are being dismissive and abusive like you have some knowledge of the divine which tameelf does not.


tameelf has made a perfectly valid contribution so I reject your and Norseman's dismissal of his view




Neither you nor tameelf has put forward any reason for the age of consent to remain at 16, or why you believe Barbara Hewson to be wrong. Presumably, you just think that because it currently is 16 then that must be right. Are you both incapable of any original thoughts?


And before you jump to more conclusions, I'm not saying that it should be lower. Why not higher? Plenty of countries have higher ages of consent, so are you two paedos for wanting ours to only be 16?

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Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh Norseman


really spat the dummy out, there now didn't we


Was the pic of Daffydd a little too close to the bone, or are you some sort of frustrated psycho copper wannabe?


You do not appear to understand tameelf's points, they have been explained and justified.


Now it is your fault for being too thick to get it.

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Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh Norseman


really spat the dummy out, there now didn't we


Was the pic of Daffydd a little too close to the bone, or are you some sort of frustrated psycho copper wannabe?


You do not appear to understand tameelf's points, they have been explained and justified.


Now it is your fault for being too thick to get it.


You have neither explained nor demonstrated anything exept a complete lack of ability to think for yourself.

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