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Exposure:the Other Side Of Jimmy Savile


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A sensible reply to Barbara Hewson's proposal: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/jimmy-savile/10046962/Legal-age-of-consent-row-innocent-teenagers-at-risk-of-iniquitous-predators.html





Last year there was much debate about the Protection of Freedoms Act which marked a scaling back of the scheme designed to introduce safeguards to protect children and vulnerable adults in the wake of the Soham murders.


Concern was raised in relation to one particular issue, namely the watering down of provisions that required all those working with children to be subject to criminal record checks.


Under the new provision, there is no longer a requirement to undertake checks on those that are supervised (while they work with children).


I certainly believe under this legislation there is a real risk that inappropriate individuals will continue to gain access to children, under the cloak of supervision.


With this protection paedophiles will be able to make initial contact within a protected environment, but then exploit the relationships in a different setting.




This risk of such individuals taking advantage of innocent children for their iniquitous ends will become even greater should Barbara Hewsons suggestion that the age of consent be lowered, to age 13.


This suggestion must rate as one of the most foolish proposals on the issue of child welfare that has been laid before the public.

If the proposal is adopted by Government, such a change would be a green light for paedophiles, sending the completely wrong message.

Barbara Hewson is a well respected barrister but on this occasion she is off key and out of touch with the public desire to restrict the potential for paedophiles to access the nations children.

She is unlikely to find much support for her campaign to protect older men and her suggestion that abuse of children can be described as low level misdemeanours is plainly wrong.

Those acting on behalf of abused children know full well the long-term effects of abuse.

That knowledge easily persuades me that this proposal must be snuffed out as quickly as possible, to protect the most vulnerable in society.

Their rights come well before dirty old men.

She is out of touch with the genersl public's views but unfortunately bang on message with certain politician's desires. That is the worrying aspect.
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I guess the key word in the proposals is 'consent'. Without consent you have abuse whatever the age of the people involved.

Then you have to ask the question, is someone of this age capable of making decisions regarding the use of their body by an older person for their mutual gratification, and will this lead to lifelong regret and pain?

My feeling is that there are very few people under 16 who are equipped to make decisions like this, it should only serve to decriminalise marginal cases where one person is say 16 and the other 15, where they are both consenting. That is difficult to legislate for and perhaps the judiciary should be given more leeway to decide in cases such as this.

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When a group of 13 yr olds have the maturity and the wherewithal to join together and petition parliament for the right to legally have sexual relations, then I'll think that we should seriously start the debate to lower the age of consent.

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Just to make it very clear - I do not, in way, shape or form support any lowering of the age of consent, and this is about the fact that some other European nations have lower ages and are often pointed to by those who do.


In Europe, the countries with the lowest ages of consent are Spain (13) and Portugal (14).

In both of those countries, however, this is not a hard-and-fast rule and with good reason.


In Portugal courts are given significant leeway if they decide a young person's inexperience has been taken advantage of even if they're technically above the age of consent.


Similarly, in Spain, a parental complaint can also lead to investigation when under-16s are involved.


In the Netherlands, often considered a haven for sexual permissiveness, the age of consent is 16 - just like Britain's.

Relationships that happen before that age are often overlooked if both partners are over 12 and the age gap is four years or fewer.


There is no case to be made whatsoever for a reduction in the age of consent although an attitude of the kind that exists in the Netherlands, along with the Portuguese one, might be worthy of consideration.

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Just to make it very clear - I do not, in way, shape or form support any lowering of the age of consent, and this is about the fact that some other European nations have lower ages and are often pointed to by those who do.


In Europe, the countries with the lowest ages of consent are Spain (13) and Portugal (14).

In both of those countries, however, this is not a hard-and-fast rule and with good reason.


In Portugal courts are given significant leeway if they decide a young person's inexperience has been taken advantage of even if they're technically above the age of consent.


Similarly, in Spain, a parental complaint can also lead to investigation when under-16s are involved.


In the Netherlands, often considered a haven for sexual permissiveness, the age of consent is 16 - just like Britain's.

Relationships that happen before that age are often overlooked if both partners are over 12 and the age gap is four years or fewer.


There is no case to be made whatsoever for a reduction in the age of consent although an attitude of the kind that exists in the Netherlands, along with the Portuguese one, might be worthy of consideration.

The 'age of consent' argument is a total red herring. What should be addressed, but isn't and is actually being advocated, is the systematic abuse of children in society. Forget the age, whether it be 13,15,16 whatever. When you have predatory adults exploiting YOUNG children and it being covered up by the establishment (and even organised by such) that's what needs addressing. We as a society have let it become a huge, widespread, organised, underground industry. What kind of society have we degenerated to?

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Jimmy Savile abused four children aged five Jimmy Savile sexually assaulted four children when they were aged just five — three more than police had previously claimed, it can be revealed.


He abused the children between 1962 and 1976 in West Yorkshire, where he had a home in Leeds.

The disclosure takes his offending to a new level, it has now been claimed, but it also raises questions over the conduct of West Yorkshire Police.

The force only admitted Savile had four five-year-old victims after repeated questions from this newspaper.

In a 59-page report on its dealings with the serial paedophile published last week it suggested there was one victim of that age.

A spokesman for the force said the report might have been “slightly misleading”, while one MP said it appeared the force’s account of events was “unravelling”.

West Yorkshire Police was already facing serious criticism over its report, written by one of its own officers, but described by one critic as “a whitewash”.

It will now come under fresh scrutiny over how it dealt with the investigation into Savile.

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Jimmy Savile abused four children aged five Jimmy Savile sexually assaulted four children when they were aged just five — three more than police had previously claimed, it can be revealed.


He abused the children between 1962 and 1976 in West Yorkshire, where he had a home in Leeds.

The disclosure takes his offending to a new level, it has now been claimed, but it also raises questions over the conduct of West Yorkshire Police.

The force only admitted Savile had four five-year-old victims after repeated questions from this newspaper.

In a 59-page report on its dealings with the serial paedophile published last week it suggested there was one victim of that age.

A spokesman for the force said the report might have been “slightly misleading”, while one MP said it appeared the force’s account of events was “unravelling”.

West Yorkshire Police was already facing serious criticism over its report, written by one of its own officers, but described by one critic as “a whitewash”.

It will now come under fresh scrutiny over how it dealt with the investigation into Savile.

Please leave the West Yorkshire police alone. In the 70s they were too busy making a balls up in catching the Yorkshire Ripper.

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Jimmy Savile abused four children aged five Jimmy Savile sexually assaulted four children when they were aged just five — three more than police had previously claimed, it can be revealed.


He abused the children between 1962 and 1976 in West Yorkshire, where he had a home in Leeds.

The disclosure takes his offending to a new level, it has now been claimed, but it also raises questions over the conduct of West Yorkshire Police.

The force only admitted Savile had four five-year-old victims after repeated questions from this newspaper.

In a 59-page report on its dealings with the serial paedophile published last week it suggested there was one victim of that age.

A spokesman for the force said the report might have been “slightly misleading”, while one MP said it appeared the force’s account of events was “unravelling”.

West Yorkshire Police was already facing serious criticism over its report, written by one of its own officers, but described by one critic as “a whitewash”.

It will now come under fresh scrutiny over how it dealt with the investigation into Savile.

Please leave the West Yorkshire police alone. In the 70s they were too busy making a balls up in catching the Yorkshire Ripper.


Didn't Saville become or was quite matey with Sutcliffe

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Jimmy Savile abused four children aged five Jimmy Savile sexually assaulted four children when they were aged just five — three more than police had previously claimed, it can be revealed.


He abused the children between 1962 and 1976 in West Yorkshire, where he had a home in Leeds.

The disclosure takes his offending to a new level, it has now been claimed, but it also raises questions over the conduct of West Yorkshire Police.

The force only admitted Savile had four five-year-old victims after repeated questions from this newspaper.

In a 59-page report on its dealings with the serial paedophile published last week it suggested there was one victim of that age.

A spokesman for the force said the report might have been “slightly misleading”, while one MP said it appeared the force’s account of events was “unravelling”.

West Yorkshire Police was already facing serious criticism over its report, written by one of its own officers, but described by one critic as “a whitewash”.

It will now come under fresh scrutiny over how it dealt with the investigation into Savile.

Please leave the West Yorkshire police alone. In the 70s they were too busy making a balls up in catching the Yorkshire Ripper.


Didn't Saville become or was quite matey with Sutcliffe


I believe they lived near each other in Leeds and were known to frequent each others company. Quite innocently obviously. Although they had kept up that friendship while he was inside as well, with Saville having his own room at Broadmoor bizarrely. All very strange.



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Yes even the West Yorkshire Police have found it hard to ignore the number of spooky coincidences.


I think the one where one of the Ripper's victims was found right outside Savile's flat in Leeds might have tipped the balance for the dopiest pedestrian Plod to smell a patsy.

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