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Exposure:the Other Side Of Jimmy Savile


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@Lxxx - just wait. There was a cover up, now those in power who did this are in the firing line.


How will they ever come to justice when as the Express link above shows, these sordid activities were aided and abetted by Special Branch and the intelligence services to gain blackmailable information. I'm sure we'll have a few sacrifical lambs thrown to the slaughter, a civil servant or two, maybe another entertainer, but no-one who could talk. What was it that was on Jimmy Saville's birthday note and gift from Prince Charles, something along the lines of '"Nobody will ever know what you have done for this country Jimmy. This is to go some way in thanking you for that." http://www.theguardian.com/media/2012/oct/29/jimmy-savile-behaviour-prince-charles

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Friends of mine who worked for the BBC are already giving evidence for the next wave of prosecutions, I think they are after those who knew and covered it up.


And there's worse than that to come, far worse.



The BBC have got away with much in regard to this so far - think of all the pervs they've foisted on the nation over the years & that much of the abuse seems to have occurred on BBC premises or around their outside broadcast events

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Showbiz in general has sex at its core.

There is the 'normal' - "give me a blow job and the part is yours".

Then there is the same sex - "give me a blow job ....."

Etc. etc. right on up to what is being uncovered lately.

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Rolff Harris gets 5 years 9 months. I don't know how to feel about that really. A paltry sentence on the one hand, but a life sentence on the other.


It's all very sad.


On the one hand he was a funny, kind, sensitive man, and a well loved entertainer. On the other a repulsive pig of a man who inappropriately touched young girls. It reminds us that celebrated figures aren't the caricatures that we like to reduce them to - one-dimensional conceptions that are easily understood - but complicated real people.


On one hand it seems like his sentence is too short, but on the other it could not have been much more devastating for Rolf Harris. The length of the his stay in prison is almost immaterial. How he must now be suffering, knowing that the clock is running down on his life, and that he will shortly be dying not in the satisfaction of knowing that the impression he has left on the world has been a wholesome one, but in a shame and misery only he can really understand.


He has gone to being depicted as one caricature to another. From the avuncular eccentric entertainer to the most reviled character of the modern day, almost folkloric in its conception - the pedophile. We see him being linked with the goblin-like Saville, his works are being blotted out, and likewise his very memory.


I wonder what his victims make of it all.

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Rolff Harris gets 5 years 9 months. I don't know how to feel about that really. A paltry sentence on the one hand, but a life sentence on the other.

Expected life expectancy for an 84 year old is about 5.5 years, according to a table from the institute of actuaries, so he really has been given a life sentence. Perhaps this sort of thing should be taken into account more often.

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Rolff Harris gets 5 years 9 months. I don't know how to feel about that really. A paltry sentence on the one hand, but a life sentence on the other.


It's all very sad.


On the one hand he was a funny, kind, sensitive man, and a well loved entertainer. On the other a repulsive pig of a man who inappropriately touched young girls. It reminds us that celebrated figures aren't the caricatures that we like to reduce them to - one-dimensional conceptions that are easily understood - but complicated real people.


On one hand it seems like his sentence is too short, but on the other it could not have been much more devastating for Rolf Harris. The length of the his stay in prison is almost immaterial. How he must now be suffering, knowing that the clock is running down on his life, and that he will shortly be dying not in the satisfaction of knowing that the impression he has left on the world has been a wholesome one, but in a shame and misery only he can really understand.


He has gone to being depicted as one caricature to another. From the avuncular eccentric entertainer to the most reviled character of the modern day, almost folkloric in its conception - the pedophile. We see him being linked with the goblin-like Saville, his works are being blotted out, and likewise his very memory.


I wonder what his victims make of it all.


>but in a shame and misery only he can really understand.


Really, does he feel shame...shame like his victims feel in that some want to end their lives? And of misery, is this because he no longer has access to children to abuse?


And do you really think he stopped his vile practice decades since, or has he since affected others that don't wish to relive the experience?


It can't be much fun for his family either. He's made a mess of lots of lives, that one of them was his own is of absolutely no concern to me.


And if he does see out his sentence, how will society prevent him re-offending?



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