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Exposure:the Other Side Of Jimmy Savile


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I bet this type of thing is still going on, what's the old saying "The more things change the more they stay the same" ?


Why was it savile was not brought to court when he was alive, that's the biggest clue to it all.

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Rolff Harris gets 5 years 9 months. I don't know how to feel about that really. A paltry sentence on the one hand, but a life sentence on the other.

Expected life expectancy for an 84 year old is about 5.5 years, according to a table from the institute of actuaries, so he really has been given a life sentence. Perhaps this sort of thing should be taken into account more often.

The sentence has been referred to the AG for leniency! I mean, what are they planning to do, incarcerate the corpse? All for punishment, but in this case is a custodial sentence the most appropriate? It is unlikely to rehabilitate him and can only be considered as retributive.

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I bet this type of thing is still going on, what's the old saying "The more things change the more they stay the same" ?

I think that's a safe bet. Ever since man first walked the Earth and will continue for as long as he does so.

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What was it that was on Jimmy Saville's birthday note and gift from Prince Charles, something along the lines of '"Nobody will ever know what you have done for this country Jimmy. This is to go some way in thanking you for that." http://www.theguardian.com/media/2012/oct/29/jimmy-savile-behaviour-prince-charles

Are you saying that the note from Charles was not just an innocent greeting? That's how your comment reads in the context of the thread. I think it's a hell of a stretch. It could mean anything. Before all this blew up Savile was celebrated and knighted for his charity work was he not?

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Paedophilia/Hebephilia is ''natural'' and ''normal'', in males, apparently.




I was going to add, ''You couldn't make it up'', but obviously that's not true.


The comments section and the responses make interesting reading too.

Irresponsible journalism. No wonder so many females have a low opinion of the male. For the record, it isn't true of all normal males. There is nothing sexually attractive about a young underdeveloped body that I can see, even if you put aside the obvious stigma.

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What was it that was on Jimmy Saville's birthday note and gift from Prince Charles, something along the lines of '"Nobody will ever know what you have done for this country Jimmy. This is to go some way in thanking you for that." http://www.theguardian.com/media/2012/oct/29/jimmy-savile-behaviour-prince-charles

Are you saying that the note from Charles was not just an innocent greeting? That's how your comment reads in the context of the thread. I think it's a hell of a stretch. It could mean anything. Before all this blew up Savile was celebrated and knighted for his charity work was he not?

@woolley Its standard conspiracy MO, to be fair.

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And to add to the conspiracy, Leon Brittan, the man who passed on Geoffrey Dickens' dossier containing the names of alleged Westminister Paedophiles, to the Home Offfice, is to be questioned over an allegation of the rape of a 19-year-old in 1967.


All very suspect....



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@woolley Its standard conspiracy MO, to be fair.


With all due respect, it's now fairly obvious to anyone with a brain that there has been a real conspiracy of silence, complicity and rampant pedophilia at the highest levels of power. Throwing around the word "conspiracy" to try to ridicule or discredit has been done to death by the establishment media and more and more people just aren't falling for it anymore.


'Apparently, "conspiracy stuff" is now shorthand for unspeakable truth.' -- Gore Vidal

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@woolley Its standard conspiracy MO, to be fair.


With all due respect, it's now fairly obvious to anyone with a brain that there has been a real conspiracy of silence, complicity and rampant pedophilia at the highest levels of power. Throwing around the word "conspiracy" to try to ridicule or discredit has been done to death by the establishment media and more and more people just aren't falling for it anymore.


'Apparently, "conspiracy stuff" is now shorthand for unspeakable truth.' -- Gore Vidal



Gore Vidal- paedophile extraordinaire.


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Gore Vidal- paedophile extraordinaire.


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This has been discussed before and you couldn't prove it. However, even supposing it was true, it wouldn't detract from the point he was making in the quote I posted. If someone else had said it, I'd have quoted them instead, but I just happen to have Gore Vidal's quote memorised lol.

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It's getting to mass hysteria proportions now though, with people inclined to believe any old nonsense that is posted online.


A lot of that crazy stuff is being deliberately put out there to discredit real conspiracies. Plus there are of course schizophrenics out there who don't help things. You have to use your judgement and logic and reason. Plus we're lied to that often that people are skeptical even when they're told the truth. The ambiguity just serves to make people more gullible.

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