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Exposure:the Other Side Of Jimmy Savile


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It is unlikely to rehabilitate him and can only be considered as retributive.

I don't see a problem.


'One who is merciful to those who are heartless will end up being heartless to those who are merciful.'

If it is purely retributive, then it is too lenient.

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What was it that was on Jimmy Saville's birthday note and gift from Prince Charles, something along the lines of '"Nobody will ever know what you have done for this country Jimmy. This is to go some way in thanking you for that." http://www.theguardian.com/media/2012/oct/29/jimmy-savile-behaviour-prince-charles

Are you saying that the note from Charles was not just an innocent greeting? That's how your comment reads in the context of the thread. I think it's a hell of a stretch. It could mean anything. Before all this blew up Savile was celebrated and knighted for his charity work was he not?
Knighthood's mean nothing. Cuddly old Rolf and Stuart Hall were also knighted.
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Rolff Harris gets 5 years 9 months. I don't know how to feel about that really. A paltry sentence on the one hand, but a life sentence on the other.

Expected life expectancy for an 84 year old is about 5.5 years, according to a table from the institute of actuaries, so he really has been given a life sentence. Perhaps this sort of thing should be taken into account more often.

The sentence has been referred to the AG for leniency! I mean, what are they planning to do, incarcerate the corpse? All for punishment, but in this case is a custodial sentence the most appropriate? It is unlikely to rehabilitate him and can only be considered as retributive.


> It is unlikely to rehabilitate him...


Gladys, a custodial sentence is not just there to rehabilitate the offender, it's there to discourage others from considering similar behaviour; and most of all, to protect the weakest members of our society.


It also gives peace of mind (for 50% of 5y9m) to those he has attacked.


Unfortunately I don't think we've seen the last of Rolf Harris yet, if only there were still a legally binding noose for his neck...



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What was it that was on Jimmy Saville's birthday note and gift from Prince Charles, something along the lines of '"Nobody will ever know what you have done for this country Jimmy. This is to go some way in thanking you for that." http://www.theguardian.com/media/2012/oct/29/jimmy-savile-behaviour-prince-charles

Are you saying that the note from Charles was not just an innocent greeting? That's how your comment reads in the context of the thread. I think it's a hell of a stretch. It could mean anything. Before all this blew up Savile was celebrated and knighted for his charity work was he not?
Knighthood's mean nothing. Cuddly old Rolf and Stuart Hall were also knighted.

I'm not saying knighthoods mean anything. Plenty of total no-marks been knighted. I was just saying that it is stretching credulity to say the wording of Charles' greeting to Savile is anything other than innocent.

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Vanessa feltz is such a loud mouth attention seeker if she had been assaulted by rolf harris 20 years ago we would have heard about it before now. If uts been in live tv sure there is footage somewhere


You can bet there are 'researchers' and interns being made to hunt high & low for it right now

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