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Exposure:the Other Side Of Jimmy Savile


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If there was then a culture at the BBC that allowed this to happen, and it can be shown that there were indeed witnesses that allowed it to continue, then that should be enquired into so that it does not happen again. The BBC should not protect itself and personalities from wrongdoing. The BBC have been shown to be very wrong on matters in the past.


However, I reiterate, allegations are one thing, but innocence before being proven guilty is a very important underlying factor of the judicial system. Everyone has the right to defend themselves.


There is something very worrying to me about the ability to simply make accusations against a dead person, regardless of who they were, and the time to make accusations is before they die.


And Declan, 'half-baked notion', 'false memory syndrome'? Surely you have formed your opinions on this simply from the press coverage of this and a documentary? Are you advocating Trial by TV, or trial by a mob? IMO you are missing some extremely important fundamental factors about what our justice system represents, and, more importantly, where your arguments about being able to judge dead people in such a way could lead.

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Albert: http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/blog/2012/oct/09/jimmy-savile-tabloids-bbc-allegations


Savile was a star, rich, famous and – we can now see – brutally cunning. Those who should have acted chose the comfy options. Kids who dared complain about "Uncle Jimmy" were punished. His charity work helped build him a 24/7 alibi.


An island teacher got away with abuse for quite a time before those affected realised they weren't alone. Exactly how it came to light I'm not sure - I know it was in the papers but that was 30-odd years ago.

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Declan, I'm not suggesting that anyone is lying for one minute but the BBC or charities can not stop a police investigation other than by being obstructive, which is against the law. The question is whether or not the police investigated the allegation fully at the time. If they did then the matter has to rest there in view of the extremely long time which has elapsed and the fact that the man is dead and unable to be questioned further.

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Declan, I'm not suggesting that anyone is lying for one minute but the BBC or charities can not stop a police investigation other than by being obstructive, which is against the law. The question is whether or not the police investigated the allegation fully at the time. If they did then the matter has to rest there in view of the extremely long time which has elapsed and the fact that the man is dead and unable to be questioned further.

That's the first I've heard of any 'police investigation at the time.' I understood there wasn't one because it was all covered up Now, the police are apparently following 120 leads.

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lets not forget hollie greig


I searched through 20 pages on Google and it seems to be that no mainstream source has bothered with it - just conspiracy blogs etc, with many contributions from the Blessed David Icke. If this was a genuine case of abuse (I'm not making judgements) they certainly chose a very unreliable bunch to investigate/support the claims.

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