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Exposure:the Other Side Of Jimmy Savile


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so in ten mins you scrolled thro 20 google pages and never read one

I actually skim read a couple - one for, one against - then tried to find something I'd be able to regard as a reliable source of information. There weren't any in 20 pages.

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I can see Sir Cliff being dragged into this the way things are going.

I still think that witness reliability in this is doubtful given the length of time that has elapsed, if BBC staff actually knew anything and covered it up that is slightly different to investigating rumours and finding nothing.

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I can see Sir Cliff being dragged into this the way things are going.

I still think that witness reliability in this is doubtful given the length of time that has elapsed, if BBC staff actually knew anything and covered it up that is slightly different to investigating rumours and finding nothing.


I reckon the Chuckle Brothers. Those guys have looked shiftier than a shifty thing with a degree from shifty university.

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I can see Sir Cliff being dragged into this the way things are going.

I still think that witness reliability in this is doubtful given the length of time that has elapsed, if BBC staff actually knew anything and covered it up that is slightly different to investigating rumours and finding nothing.


Why on earth do you see Cliff Richard being dragged in to anything?


On witness reliability it seems that there is apparently a lot of corroborating evidence from witnessess who have never previously met each other. A large proportion of the women apparently referred to an act he called the "Jimmy Special" completely unprompted so whether the witness statements are deemed reliable or not after this time they seem to suggest that he had the same modus operandi for many years and that independent references to the same acts and phrases corroborate a lot of what is now coming to light.

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Now Savile apparently was seen to molest a young brain damaged girl in hospital by an ex nurse who was unable to summon help due to having to lie flat on her back after an op. She assumedly didn't have a buzzer or a voice to warn him off either and also only came forward to report it now?! WTF?!

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Now Savile apparently was seen to molest a young brain damaged girl in hospital by an ex nurse who was unable to summon help due to having to lie flat on her back after an op. She assumedly didn't have a buzzer or a voice to warn him off either and also only came forward to report it now?! WTF?!


Funny though isn't it that its only now that people seem to believe that they will be believed? That revelation was on Sky last night and is particularly foul if true. But if he was responsible for raising something like £40m for Stoke Manderville you can see why a culture of covering up can happen and why people didn't think they would be believed if they said anything. If this ex-nurse had gone to the hospital authorities at the time and told them that one of its biggest fund raisers and a huge TV celebrity had been touching up severely brain damaged kids would she have been taken seriously? Even the nurses seemed to guess what he was up to but they were probably paid by the hospital trust he was raising millions for. It seems that Saville. like many abusers, was particularly skillful and clever in how he operated and in the image he cultivated. Its not really any different to how your local Uncle Bugger who is a pillar of the Church, or the Scouts, or kids football team etc operates. They get away with it because of the image they carefully cultivate as an upstanding member of society which makes people who latch on to what they are doing and report them seem much less credible.


I've seen it a few times over the years "What him? He's worked tirelessly and selflessly for the Church for 30 years" - yes but it doesn't mean that he isnt still a complete fucking paedo.




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I've always been suspicious of all those people acting tirelessly for some cause or other.

Yeah...not like all those sit on your arse types. Congratulations, I think your comment is the biggest ill-informed generalisation I have seen yet on MF.

Congratulations for missing the irony...

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I've always been suspicious of all those people acting tirelessly for some cause or other.

Yeah...not like all those sit on your arse types. Congratulations, I think your comment is the biggest ill-informed generalisation I have seen yet on MF.

Congratulations for missing the irony...

I caught up with all mine at the weekend.
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