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Exposure:the Other Side Of Jimmy Savile


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People would want the "fame" of having been sexually molested???


People has become famous for less (or worse).

One or two people making isolated claims have, I agree.


In this case the sheer numbers of people coming forward would certainly suggest that a climate of fear and intimidation has been lifted, rather than a few 'fakers' clubbing together in some sort of vengeful act. Besides, you'd surely want to be vengeful while the person was alive...

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this does seem to highlight the shift in esteem in which our "celebrities" are now held....30 years ago no-one would come forward with serious allegations of sexual misconduct against a high profile person....these days "victims" have no hesitation in dragging any minor piece of titillation through the media.

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This is no longer about Jimmy SaVILE


He's DEAD and that's a fact. It's about all those who were protecting him.


who is the patron of the NSPCC.??


I was also interested to read that it "bought" Childline and that now any donations made to that "Charity" now get passed over to the NSPCC.


hope all goes well for children in need but with a pervert at the helm acting as gatekepper like ranson ill keep my hands in my pockets

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this does seem to highlight the shift in esteem in which our "celebrities" are now held....30 years ago no-one would come forward with serious allegations of sexual misconduct against a high profile person....these days "victims" have no hesitation in dragging any minor piece of titillation through the media.


I image there is more money to be made these days, people have made a career out of "kiss and tell" stories.

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this does seem to highlight the shift in esteem in which our "celebrities" are now held....30 years ago no-one would come forward with serious allegations of sexual misconduct against a high profile person....these days "victims" have no hesitation in dragging any minor piece of titillation through the media.


I image there is more money to be made these days, people have made a career out of "kiss and tell" stories.



Very few of the alleged 'Victims' or witnesses have actually gone public and those that have do not really seem like your typical fame chasers – and really, famous for being abused who wants that!? With the current number of victims being looked into by the police potentially being up to 40, it seems more like the fact that a few have gone public has given others the courage to come forward.

The Public's reaction and perception of sexual abuse has also changed significantly in the past 10-20 years, but even now we have judges saying a 13 year old rape victim was 'asking for it'. With some of the incidents dating back over 50 years, would any of the victims or witnesses have been given the time of day at the time? At best they would have been shushed at worst ostracised.

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Two passengers on the P&O fleet flagship told an officer Savile had behaved inappropriately with their 14-year-old daughter.

After listening to the distraught couple, the captain summoned the DJ and grilled him.

The skipper, who has asked not to be named, said: “The more I quizzed him, the more convinced I became that he was lying.

"He was a shifty sort of chap whose eyes darted all over the place.

“The parents, who were not travelling first class, were very decent, ordinary people who were scandalised by Savile’s unwanted attention to their daughter.

"I told him he disgusted me and I wanted him off my ship when we reached Gibraltar.”

He told an officer to make sure he remained in his cabin until we reached the Rock.

“He was to take all his meals in his cabin and was not allowed to leave it under any circumstances short of shipwreck.”

Savile always travelled first class and for free on cruises around the world.

He would boast to fellow passengers that he was so famous the QE2 couldn’t sail without him.

He refused to dress for dinner and wore his multi-coloured polyester shellsuits.

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The police should have been waiting for him at Gibraltar. This is turning into a sorry tale of dozens of people, some with a great deal of responsibility, failing to report a crime. I thought not reporting a crime was an offence itself generally? And if all true, justice missed out punishing and stopping him from repeat offending.


I maintain though I am still uncomfortable with anyone not being able to defend themselves.

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Some things can be impossible to prove, or disprove. Some of these people, the mentally damaged, the elderly, the physically disabled, the groomed teens or the children, could have found themselves in a position of being totally unable to protect themselves, or prove actions that could be put in front of a court.


Lack of proof does not indicate moral innocence.

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