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Abu Hanza


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Don't think they have been accused of any crime. I don't think we should be in favour of punishing people due to the behaviour of their relations.


I'm glad Hanza can't draw it out any longer - wonder how long his trial will take.


What is the penalty for what he's been charged with?

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I am not defending the guy, but I do support Imran Khan and his march against the drones.


Seems the USA is executing thousands of people on foreign soil without trial.


I know people on the Island with very strong anti Muslim views. But I have not seen any news of Muslim drones bombing the Rovers.

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I agree that we are extraditing far too many British citizens although I don't think he is a genuine citizen. I'm surprised he isn't playing the disabled card?


Didnt he try to play the health tactic, but the judge suggested that they appear to have adequate health care facilities in the USA!


On his British Citizenship, thats an absurd joke. Under which political watch was he given citizenship? People like him give genuine refugees a bad name. Citizenship 'gifted' by the state should be capable of being withdrawn in the case of treasonous acts, a bit like Fred Goodwin having his knighthood withdrawn.


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Knobs like that don't get to stick two fingers up at the government for all these years without coming to some form of 'arrangement' with the establishment.


I am assuming the humour in that was incidental?


I agree with Albert, too much extradition, particularly at the request of the yanks.

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