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Abu Hanza


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I agree with Albert, too much extradition, particularly at the request of the yanks.

I agree but would add that I wonder how some people have ended up being granted political asylum in the UK. The concept is humanitarian but when one offers asylum to extremists who do not respect the rights of others is that what political asylum was supposed to be about?


P.S. there is an issue as to whether, if one is accused of committing crimes elsewhere, one should be subject to UK law or the law of the land where the offence was allegedly committed - Assange is an example

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I agree with Albert, too much extradition, particularly at the request of the yanks.

I agree but would add that I wonder how some people have ended up being granted political asylum in the UK. The concept is humanitarian but when one offers asylum to extremists who do not respect the rights of others is that what political asylum was supposed to be about?


P.S. there is an issue as to whether, if one is accused of committing crimes elsewhere, one should be subject to UK law or the law of the land where the offence was allegedly committed - Assange is an example


The Yanks would probaby have bombed Wansdsworth if they thought they could have got away with it.


I like Obama. But why they gave him the Nobel peace prize I will never understand

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I agree with Albert, too much extradition, particularly at the request of the yanks.

I agree but would add that I wonder how some people have ended up being granted political asylum in the UK. The concept is humanitarian but when one offers asylum to extremists who do not respect the rights of others is that what political asylum was supposed to be about?


P.S. there is an issue as to whether, if one is accused of committing crimes elsewhere, one should be subject to UK law or the law of the land where the offence was allegedly committed - Assange is an example


May I add that many people claiming asylum because of their political beliefs would be considered extremists in the country they are fleeing from. For Example, Nelson Mandela was an extremist in South Africa, its just that he could not flee and seek asylum in another country before his arrest in the 1960s. I would also state that at the time when I lived in the island, many Manx people agreed he was a terrorist and a troublemaker.


As to Abu Hamza, I am shocked how he managed to get through USA immigration. How did he managed to get fingerprinted and provide a retina scan devil.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

if he was a US citizen, then the death peanlty can apply. As is not a US citizen then it is life in prison without parole.


if you commit a crime in another country you should be accountable to they're laws etc. As long as you are able to get a fair trial.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with Albert, too much extradition, particularly at the request of the yanks.

I agree but would add that I wonder how some people have ended up being granted political asylum in the UK. The concept is humanitarian but when one offers asylum to extremists who do not respect the rights of others is that what political asylum was supposed to be about?


P.S. there is an issue as to whether, if one is accused of committing crimes elsewhere, one should be subject to UK law or the law of the land where the offence was allegedly committed - Assange is an example



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Is this thought wrong?

If person(s) who originate from another country constantly knocks their new host country, particularly if they use religion to excite others to kill those who do not follow the same faith and are then scared of returning 'home', then can't they be excluded to somewhere like France where the Court of Human Rights can discuss their case in a country that is apparently impartial?

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