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The Nobel Peace Prize Goes To...


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Nigel Farage thinks it a farce:

Ukip leader Nigel Farage said the EU, far from bringing peace and harmony to Europe, is actually resulting in "violence and division" in euro nations like Spain and Greece.

Farage, whose party campaigns for the UK to leave the EU, said: "You only have to open your eyes to see the increasing violence and division within the EU which is caused by the euro project.

"Spain is on the verge of a bailout, with senior military figures warning that the army may have to intervene in Catalonia.

"In Greece people are starving and abandoning their children through desperate poverty and never a week goes by that we don't see riots and protests in capital cities against the troika and the economic prison they have imposed.

"The next stage is to abandon the nation state: the awarding of this prize to the EU brings it into disrepute.

"The last attempt in Europe to impose a new flag, currency and nationality on separate states was called Yugoslavia. The EU is repeating the same tragic mistake.

"Rather than bring peace and harmony, the EU will cause insurgency and violence."

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Nigel Farage thinks it a farce:

Ukip leader Nigel Farage said the EU, far from bringing peace and harmony to Europe, is actually resulting in "violence and division" in euro nations like Spain and Greece.

Farage, whose party campaigns for the UK to leave the EU, said: "You only have to open your eyes to see the increasing violence and division within the EU which is caused by the euro project.

"Spain is on the verge of a bailout, with senior military figures warning that the army may have to intervene in Catalonia.

"In Greece people are starving and abandoning their children through desperate poverty and never a week goes by that we don't see riots and protests in capital cities against the troika and the economic prison they have imposed.

"The next stage is to abandon the nation state: the awarding of this prize to the EU brings it into disrepute.

"The last attempt in Europe to impose a new flag, currency and nationality on separate states was called Yugoslavia. The EU is repeating the same tragic mistake.

"Rather than bring peace and harmony, the EU will cause insurgency and violence."


Can't argue with any of that.

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If that warmongerer Obomber can win it then why not an incompetent, empire-building, bureaucratic excuse for a political pipedream.


Which part of ending the Iraq war makes Obama a warmongerer exactly?


I'll assume that the above comment is sarcasm as I don't think anyone can be that stupid.

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If that warmongerer Obomber can win it then why not an incompetent, empire-building, bureaucratic excuse for a political pipedream.


Which part of ending the Iraq war makes Obama a warmongerer exactly?


I'll assume that the above comment is sarcasm as I don't think anyone can be that stupid.


No, please tell me why Obama is a warmongerer rather than resorting to "I cba to explain myself you're obviously dumb" as you do every time someone disagrees.

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If that warmongerer Obomber can win it then why not an incompetent, empire-building, bureaucratic excuse for a political pipedream.


Which part of ending the Iraq war makes Obama a warmongerer exactly?


I'll assume that the above comment is sarcasm as I don't think anyone can be that stupid.


No, please tell me why Obama is a warmongerer rather than resorting to "I cba to explain myself you're obviously dumb" as you do every time someone disagrees.


Quoting myself - I assume you don't have any explanation that isn't stupid, since you've been replying in other threads since I posted this :)

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Obama didn't end the Iraq War. He just decreased the number of troops there. And Obama supporting throwing a lot more troops into Afghanistan and moving into Pakistan if things got worse. His regime is just as bad as Bush. In some respects, he is more a warmonger than Bush.


On August 19, 2010, the last United States combat brigade exited Iraq. The Iraq war is over.

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Obama didn't end the Iraq War. He just decreased the number of troops there. And Obama supporting throwing a lot more troops into Afghanistan and moving into Pakistan if things got worse. His regime is just as bad as Bush. In some respects, he is more a warmonger than Bush.

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If that warmongerer Obomber can win it then why not an incompetent, empire-building, bureaucratic excuse for a political pipedream.


Which part of ending the Iraq war makes Obama a warmongerer exactly?


I'll assume that the above comment is sarcasm as I don't think anyone can be that stupid.


No, please tell me why Obama is a warmongerer rather than resorting to "I cba to explain myself you're obviously dumb" as you do every time someone disagrees.


For starters there never was a war, it was an invasion.

Secondly, the Iraq occupation hasn't ceased. They ended 'combat operations' whatever the hell that was supposed to mean but the troops are still there but in smaller numbers. They have just replaced them and outsourced to private Pentagon contractors like Xe (formerly Blackwater) and others. The troops have now been deployed to Afghanistan and other theatres of combat.

Thirdly the US-led invasion of Libya has been closely followed by the proxy wars they are fighting in Syria to get to the real prize of Iran....

....and finally the prisoner of war camp Guantanemo is still open, contrary to his pre-election promise to close it.

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