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Decriminalise Drug Use, Say Experts After Six-Year Study


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Decriminalise drug use, say experts after six-year study




A six-year study of Britain's drug laws by leading scientists, police officers, academics and experts has concluded it is time to introduce decriminalisation.


The report by the UK Drug Policy Commission (UKDPC), an independent advisory body, says possession of small amounts of controlled drugs should no longer be a criminal offence and concludes the move will not lead to a significant increase in use.



Have they finally seen the light over there?

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This place? With it's toy town politicians, deciding the colour of bins, buying big tractors and having their name on a plaque is about the height of it. Who would we fill the prison with? What would the police do? - nah, it'll never happen here.

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I have my doubts - but I'll support it if, in return, it becomes a crime to watch TV soaps, 'reality' and 'talent' shows, to encourage boy bands, or listen to Justin Beiber records (the last one invoking capital punishment). Oh, yes - and make Madonna responsible for the national debt of any country she buys a child from.

You're on!

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They don't do enough for alcoholics now, what chance do drug addicts of the future have? Although I'm massively in favour of there being no drug laws, the people would have to be more responsible for their own actions, I mean, look at all the bloody alcoholics we have here, half of them do not even know that they are alcoholics, they just like a bottle of wine or two a night....try stopping that little pass time suckers. Smoking has taught me a valuable lesson about addiction - the hands on kind of lesson, I'm fully addicted to nicotine and it sucks, hey but on the plus side, I'd never take heroin on successive days, weeks or even months and I would steer clear of crack and met amphetamine for ever.


I feel I should add that my heroin experiences were legit - they gave me morphine after an operation and I had pethadine (sp?) for labour pains, if only I hadn't been in hospital it could have been fun. :) A couple of million addicts cannot all be wrong.

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I'm in favour so long as they put resources into treating people who develop problems with drugs.


They won't.


The money would be pissed away on multi million pound white elephant schemes like the ones "coming home to roost now" (Peter Karran)


Probably the strongest argument against legalising & taxing the drug trade


Stick to the booze.........and the pink elephants................

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Decriminalise drug use, say experts after six-year study




A six-year study of Britain's drug laws by leading scientists, police officers, academics and experts has concluded it is time to introduce decriminalisation.


The report by the UK Drug Policy Commission (UKDPC), an independent advisory body, says possession of small amounts of controlled drugs should no longer be a criminal offence and concludes the move will not lead to a significant increase in use.



Have they finally seen the light over there?

A small possession?

If this isn't Government run and IMO, unlikely to be, then the suppliers would need to be dealers and therefore highlights a problem immediately as It would still be an offence to supply drugs.

If they relax the restriction on supplying drugs via other sources, then UK gangs would likely take control of the trade.

I can't see it working on that premise, but I'm sure other members could come up with something more feasible.

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