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Decriminalise Drug Use, Say Experts After Six-Year Study


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Can you just imagine the consequences of decriminalising drugs?...


...we'd have many MHKs and government employees wasting hundreds of £millions sat spaced-out doing nothing, they'd do away with DASH straight away, the roads would become full of potholes and remain largely unrepaired and if they did something it would take a year to fix a mile of road, Douglas would look a right state because of bad planning, no one would be arsed shopping in Strand Street anymore, they'd sell off land for a song and then pay top dollar to get it back and then build a £12M car park no one wants, OFT and other reports would be started but never finished, the Freedom of Information bill would never get passed, the Minister of F.U.n might not get TT contracts signed properly, politicians expenses would never get properly scruitinised, civil servants could sign up for large mega-loans and not read the terms and conditions properly, they'd elect MHKs who had done nothing in their original manifestos to be MLCs on a wedge of cash for the rest of their natural lives, senior government types under the influence might make fools of themselves puking up on buses, and they'd pay even the bus cleaners £52K a year etc....



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That GW pharmaceutical company I was linking to a couple of pages ago has just applied for a patent for a cannabis derivative as an anti cancer drug. A man in America or maybe Canada has been treating terminal people with oil for years and many have been cured. It's a bit sly that he has been curing people for years and now some big corporation has come along and patented something that the human race has been using for years, stupid law.

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  • 3 months later...

Here. A very sensible report, I don't 'do any of all of that' any more, grew out of it. I suppose I was quite lucky, I'm fairly sensible (to a point) however, I do have children and thus I worry about all these new drugs, with E's and LSD and shrooms, you know where you're at, the things have been tested, all these new chemicals - who knows what is in them? Come on the Isle of Man, man up - make drugs legal and lead the world in a mini revolution ...lol.

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Can you just imagine the consequences of decriminalising drugs?...


...we'd have many MHKs and government employees wasting hundreds of £millions sat spaced-out doing nothing, they'd do away with DASH straight away, the roads would become full of potholes and remain largely unrepaired and if they did something it would take a year to fix a mile of road, Douglas would look a right state because of bad planning, no one would be arsed shopping in Strand Street anymore, they'd sell off land for a song and then pay top dollar to get it back and then build a £12M car park no one wants, OFT and other reports would be started but never finished, the Freedom of Information bill would never get passed, the Minister of F.U.n might not get TT contracts signed properly, politicians expenses would never get properly scruitinised, civil servants could sign up for large mega-loans and not read the terms and conditions properly, they'd elect MHKs who had done nothing in their original manifestos to be MLCs on a wedge of cash for the rest of their natural lives, senior government types under the influence might make fools of themselves puking up on buses, and they'd pay even the bus cleaners £52K a year etc....



C'mon Albert, things could never get that bad!

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with E's and LSD and shrooms, you know where you're at, the things have been tested, all these new chemicals - who knows what is in them?

That is the problem, they haven't been tested, who knows what is in an ecstacy tablet bought off a dealer, or anything else for that matter?


I'm sure the poor kids who died in Scotland thought they were buying MDMA, obviously they were not.


Legalising is probably the only way of controlling drugs properly, quite how that would work is another matter.

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the powers that be will never tell the truth,the alcohol/tobacco lobbies will always fight tooth and nail to defend the deadly products they flog and demonise a plant that has been used for thousands of years,aka Queen Victoria,only America could dream up and execute such stupid fallacies,and the even more stooped brits meekly followed,yuk.



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with E's and LSD and shrooms, you know where you're at, the things have been tested, all these new chemicals - who knows what is in them?

That is the problem, they haven't been tested, who knows what is in an ecstacy tablet bought off a dealer, or anything else for that matter?


I'm sure the poor kids who died in Scotland thought they were buying MDMA, obviously they were not.


Legalising is probably the only way of controlling drugs properly, quite how that would work is another matter.


Back in the day, when they were proper E's (pre Snowball days when the pesky Ket arrived on the scene) you were pretty safe to take them and know they were MDMA which has had years of testing, all this junk coming out of China is a bit random, gawd I sound like my mother hahaha.

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with E's and LSD and shrooms, you know where you're at, the things have been tested, all these new chemicals - who knows what is in them?

That is the problem, they haven't been tested, who knows what is in an ecstacy tablet bought off a dealer, or anything else for that matter?


I'm sure the poor kids who died in Scotland thought they were buying MDMA, obviously they were not.


Legalising is probably the only way of controlling drugs properly, quite how that would work is another matter.

Back in the day, when they were proper E's (pre Snowball days when the pesky Ket arrived on the scene) you were pretty safe to take them and know they were MDMA which has had years of testing, all this junk coming out of China is a bit random, gawd I sound like my mother hahaha.

Haha, indeed you do...!


Not that it's a bad ting.


Yes, back in the day the 'situation' was a tad more predictable. As with LSD, when the purists were cooking it up it was hard to go wrong. Same with MDMA. Then gangsters took over....

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Uruguay gets it:




Uruguay votes to create world's first national legal marijuana market

Legislators in the ruling coalition said putting the government at the centre of a legal marijuana industry is worth trying because the global war on drugs had been a costly and bloody failure, and displacing illegal dealers through licensed marijuana sales could save money and lives.

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Despite some users obviously thinking I'm a dopehead (someone actually reported my above post. :) ) I'm actually against drugs, or at least not really for them. Smoke away if it makes you happy but it's not for me. I've even given up cigarettes and hardly ever drink any alcohol.


But: any individual with half a brain cell should be able to realise that this "War on drugs" is a massive failure. It cost billions and has achieved nothing. While it's perfectly acceptable to get shitfaced in a pub and crawl home, get caught with a tiny amount of dope and you end up with a criminal record that could impact your life, career, etc, for a long time. Makes zero sense, especially as the risks of alcohol abuse are far higher than those of dope.


So, well done Uruguay for showing some brains and doing the right thing.


I maintain my point that the IOM would have a massive opportunity here to earn more money than even the most moronic MHK could ever spend. Sadly, not even in twenty years will they consider it, of that I am almost certain. While it's completely acceptable for the minister in charge of the police to get shitfaced and throw up on a bus, it's unthinkable to allow the legal use of a substance with far fewer risks. Makes no sense at all but that's the way it is.

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I maintain my point that the IOM would have a massive opportunity here to earn more money than even the most moronic MHK could ever spend. Sadly, not even in twenty years will they consider it, of that I am almost certain. While it's completely acceptable for the minister in charge of the police to get shitfaced and throw up on a bus, it's unthinkable to allow the legal use of a substance with far fewer risks. Makes no sense at all but that's the way it is.

I'm with you, or at very least I think drug control should be more focused on the really damaging highly additive stuff rather than trivial Cannabis. I don't see the opportunity for Cannabis legalisation here that you do though. It's really difficult to legalise it in isolation to the rest of the world. Where this has happened elsewhere, you end up with a market for cheap cannabis next door to an illegal market for expensive cannabis. That attracts criminals, who produce it where it's legal and continue to cause a problem selling where it's illegal so they can earn more. This is the issue they have in the USA now, and Holland is trying to control use more these days too.
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I maintain my point that the IOM would have a massive opportunity here to earn more money than even the most moronic MHK could ever spend. Sadly, not even in twenty years will they consider it, of that I am almost certain. While it's completely acceptable for the minister in charge of the police to get shitfaced and throw up on a bus, it's unthinkable to allow the legal use of a substance with far fewer risks. Makes no sense at all but that's the way it is.

I'm with you, or at very least I think drug control should be more focused on the really damaging highly additive stuff rather than trivial Cannabis. I don't see the opportunity for Cannabis legalisation here that you do though. It's really difficult to legalise it in isolation to the rest of the world. Where this has happened elsewhere, you end up with a market for cheap cannabis next door to an illegal market for expensive cannabis. That attracts criminals, who produce it where it's legal and continue to cause a problem selling where it's illegal so they can earn more. This is the issue they have in the USA now, and Holland is trying to control use more these days too.


I think the IOM would be an easy place to control. Few ways to ship the stuff to the UK, unlike Holland where you can just drive across the border without checks thanks to the Schengen agreement.

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