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Decriminalise Drug Use, Say Experts After Six-Year Study


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If you'd have said that 20 years ago, I would have agreed. Not now though, it's taking the world by storm old bean. The Isle of Man needs to take the bull by the horns, the early bird catches the worm (this is my manifesto for the next HoK election..) we are all in this together , no toilet tax....Look at the money Colorado are making, even Cancer Research UK have admitted cannabis bits do fight cancer bits - it's a revolution :) Bring it on :) The Isle of Man, centre of curing cancer with cannabis, raking in the profits from smoking tourists (ones that eat and sleep and cause no trouble), tax income from the sale of weed, jobs for all on cannabis farms - heck in no time at all the Isle of Man will be the greatest place on earth, give them Bhutanese a run for their money on their happiness GDP measuring.


Maybe not in my life time but its coming :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you "Decriminalise Drug Use" you take the profit out of it. Who would that affect most?


Wasted! £1.6bn of aid to Afghanistan: Report finds opium production trebled in a decade http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2575221/Wasted-1-6bn-aid-Afghanistan-Report-finds-opium-production-trebled-decade.html



US-NATO Protects Afghan Opium Production While Cheap, Potent Heroin Hits The US - YouTube


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I was under the impression that the Isle of Man Police and the AG's chambers already take a lenient view towards the industrial growing of drugs:


I stumbled upon ‘a jungle of cannabis’


‘Here we have a criminal growing an illegal Class C drug on a large scale, who after he is arrested and processed, is cautioned and that is the end of the matter. How can the public be confident when such decisions are made?



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I was under the impression that the Isle of Man Police and the AG's chambers already take a lenient view towards the industrial growing of drugs:


I stumbled upon ‘a jungle of cannabis’



‘Here we have a criminal growing an illegal Class C drug on a large scale, who after he is arrested and processed, is cautioned and that is the end of the matter. How can the public be confident when such decisions are made?



like everything on "the rock" it just depends on who you know!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

David Nutt, former Chair of the UK's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, dismissed after his 'adverse' comments on current drug-classifications will hold a talk on substances at the Manx Museum on the 28th April, from 7.30pm.





Bump! This discussion is tonight.


''Alcohol more harmful than Heroin...'' So says the man. I'd agree.

His talk will prove enlightening, I'm sure.

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