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Decriminalise Drug Use, Say Experts After Six-Year Study


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Well so far nothing negative has really been posted which is impressive in itself, perhaps a first? I believe Marijuana is fine in moderation. Its far better than tobacco itself and would cause far less problems than alcohol alone, combined with all 3 it makes an interesting experience but turns the average body into a time bomb! Obesity would also go up ten fold due to everyone having the munchies.

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I'm on an enforced break from smoking and find I eat more now. I think when you first start you get the munchies but after some regular use its actually an appetite suppressant.

I've been a regular smoker for more than 20 years and had a couple of extended breaks and found the same.


seems like scientists think so to...



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Indeed, the fucking munchies. The only people I've heard use such a silly term are those who'd hallucinate on a sniff of patchouli oil.


Well In my case I have found smoking makes me become lazy and as such i'll go to the shops and buy crisps and other prepacked snacks because i can't be arsed making proper food. I think its known as the munchies for the choice of quick snacks rather than because of an increased appetite but I rarely smoke due to it costing the earth over here!

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Well In my case I have found smoking makes me become lazy and as such i'll go to the shops and buy crisps and other prepacked snacks because i can't be arsed making proper food.


Pffft....... Call that lazy? I'd rather phone in for a delivery from Dominos. If I can be bothered reaching for the phone.

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for those that didnt read the link I posted


"Although cannabis is better known for inducing hunger in those who smoke it, known as the munchies. when the scientists examined two compounds, called THCV and cannabidiol, they were found to have an appetite suppressing effect.

This effect only lasts for a short time, however. When the scientists looked closer, they found the compounds also had an impact on the level of fat in the body and its response to insulin, a hormone that controls the sugar levels in the blood.

Tests in mice showed the compounds boosted the animals metabolism, leading to lower levels of fat in their livers and reduced cholesterol in their blood stream."



cannabis really is a wonder drugs :)

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I don't like the new man in charge much, he's a wannabee celebrity "The countdown clock" - oh what a dull catchphrase and did he make it up all by his ownio?


Back to the drugs....COPIED from the Telegraph link above........it is quite long but worth the read.


"I think it's criminal that a private corporation is being given a monopoly on Cannabis as medicine, whilst individual users of Cannabis, like myself, are being criminalized on the lie that it's very dangerous, or non-effective in 'herbal' form.

Google: 'gw pharma bayer cannabis skunk'

It's a good thing that GW Pharma are trying to isolate certain Cannabinoids for certain treatments, the 'Scientific' way to do it for a consumer products that target specific illnesses.

But that doesn't mean individuals aren't getting benefits from it as they have done for at least 5,000 years that we know of, and that they should be punished for doing so.


GW Pharma have been given patents for Cannabinoids in the treatment of:

Schizophrenia, Epilepsy (general/partial), Alzheimers disease, Bone disorders, Obesity associated with type II (non-insulin dependent) diabetes) ***Drug, alcohol or nicotine abuse or dependency.*** < (wow!), An appetite suppressant for cosmetic weight loss, Pain, inflammation and/or disease modification in arthritis, Direct treatment of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) tumours, Nausea, vomiting, emesis, motion sickness.

Check their research page for future 'patents'...

I've been convicted of growing my own Cannabis, I have regular swollen joint problems and a history of migraines since puberty. I'm currently 'paying back the community' for my 'crime' of choosing the most effective medication in the world.

I've had 3 grand mal migraine attacks in the last month, I subdued all 3 using Cannabis, it works, EVERY TIME, within 10 minutes for me.

Am I really a criminal for stopping immense pain?

Clinical and Physiological Notes on the Action of Cannabis Indica, H. A. Hare, M.D. * (1887) *

"Cannabis Indica has been before the profession for many years as a remedy to be used in combating almost all forms of pain, yet, owing to the variations found to exist as to its activity, it has not received the confidence which I think it now deserves.

At present certain improvements made in the method of obtaining the extract from the crude drug have very materially increased its reliability, so that by selecting an article made by a responsible firm we may be fairly sure of receiving a preparation in which we can place confidence.

Within a few years this drug has become particularly prominent in connection with its use in MIGRAINE, particularly when used in conjunction with gelsemium, although of the two remedies the hemp is by far the most active agent in subduing the pain and preventing other attacks.

Heretofore the profession has used the remedy in such cases purely from an empirical stand-point, but I shall in a moment explain more fully its true physiological action.

Aside from this, however, I have certainly seen very severe and intractable cases of MIGRAINE successfully treated by this remedy, not only in regard to the attack itself, but by acting as a prophylactic[preventative]. The best use of the remedy under such circumstances is as follows, in case the drug obtained be fairly active. If the attacks are frequent then the remedy should be used constantly in small doses, in such a way that the patient is not conscious of any influence of the drug, and about one-eighth of a grain of the solid extract may be taken night and morning, or, if this produces any tendency to sleep, the whole amount may be taken at night.

At the beginning and during the attack it should be freely administered, until either the pain is diminished or very marked symptoms of its physiological action assert themselves; and that this line of treatment is not one calculated to produce serious results is proved by my own experiments, and by the fact that so far no case of fatal poisoning from its ingestion has been recorded as occurring in the human being."

Forward to 2003:

"Clinical Endocannabinoid Defciency (CECD): Can this Concept Explain Therapeutic Benefts of Cannabis in

MIGRAINE, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other Treatment-Resistant Conditions?


MIGRAINE, fbromyalgia, IBS and related conditions display common clinical, biochemical and pathophysiological patterns that suggest an underlying clinical endocannabinoid defciency that may be suitably treated with cannabinoid medicines."

... say no more."

Quite bad really.

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Have you all finished that? Then I shall continue......the letter he has written contains quite a lot of fairly interesting stuff, read on.....



Any one who knows the criminal nature of the people behind Sativex is appalled by the blatant hypocrisy of the UK government over Sativex the Billion £ wonder medicine made from a drug of 'NO MEDICAL VALUE' cannabis.

The governmental attempts at shoe horning this medicine into an incorrect schedule of the misuse of drugs act is a disgrace. Medicines have to be listed according to the botanical name of its ingredients, yet the government are trying to list Sativex under other names this is why this drug despite being available for a couple of years still has no listing in the drugs schedules.

when you consider that sick people using raw cannabis as a medicine, up and down this country are imprisoned to protect the patents on this medicine made from a drug of 'NO MEDICAL VALUE !' the scale of the governments lies and deception become disturbingly clear.

Below is a link to a letter addressed to Baroness Browning, detailing the truth over Sati ex and my two FOI request the government have refused to answer. Many other request from many others have also been turned down to keep the lie alive and the press seem to be ignoring the facts behind this 'scam' on the public health and wealth. Will this comment be removed well lets see!.


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